20 - Thanksgiving 1 💛💙

Blue's POV:

These past few weeks living with Yellow have been all Blue has ever wanted. They would always hang out, and do stuff together, even ..


But other than that, it was mostly wholesome! ^^

Thanksgiving came around and it was only a matter of time. Blue stared at himself in the mirror, as Yellow was downstairs prepping. He looked at his stomach and pinched it. He didn't like how squishy it was.. He sighed, before putting on his oversized Blue hoodie and going down the stairs.

He saw Yellow, cooking food for the Thanksgiving dinner. Blue snickered a little. "Need help, Hun?"

He asked. Yellow jumped at Blue's voice, not expecting him to be up. Yellow turned to him, with a smirk.

"Can you make your sweet potatoes?"

"Oh? You're a fan?" Blue smirked.

"Are you kidding! They're oha-mazing!" He exclaimed, almost knocking over the pot in the process. He grabbed it from the base by accident, burning his finger.

"FUCK!!—" Blue ran over to him.

"Oh honey, are you okay??" He asked, which Yellow gave a nod. "Just.. make your amazing potatoes, k?" He said.

Blue giggles. "Well, I do make a mean sweet potato~" He said, going to get the sweet potatoes as Yellow went to the bathroom to patch himself up. He cut them open, before placing them on a tray. He put butter on them and tossed them in the oven. He figured, he should get the marshmallows ready and went into the cabinet. He continued to search..

"Uhhh, babe?" Blue called out.

"Yeah?" Yellow shouted.

"Are we out of marshmallows?"

Yellow came out of the bathroom and looked around before sighing. "Fuck." He groaned. "Okay uhhhh.." He went into his wallet and pulled out some money before handing it to Blue.

"Go to the store and get some marshmallows. There's a corner store right around the corner. I'll watch the food." Blue was hesitant but nodded.

"I trust that you'll be okay?"

"Oh pshhh, I'll be finnnee!" He snickered.

"Okay. Don't do anything retarded.." He groaned, earning a small laugh from Blue as he stuffed the money in his pocket. He then puts on his shoes and starts walking to the store.

Once he got to the store, it was kinda cold, But mainly because of the amount of fridges for drinks and ice cream. He continued to walk around until he spotted the marshmallows. As he turned around, he bumped into someone, dropping them.

"Ah— fuck im sorry.." He said, getting down to pick them up.

"Oh, it's really nothing at all." The woman smiled. She had long blonde hair and looked like she could've been a princess. She gave him a warm smile.

Blue stared at her, feeling like he recognized her face.

She chuckled. "You feel like you know me, don't you?"

"Huh? O-oh, my bad. I didn't mean to stare!"

"Nono, it's okay." She said, and thought for a bit before speaking again. "Say.. do you happen to know a boy named Yellow?" She asked.

"U-uhm.. yeah. I'm his boyfriend." He said. Her eyes widened. "Yes.. yes. Now that I realize, I've seen him post about you before." She said, making him even more confused.

"I'm sorry you are...?" He asked to which she simply smiled. It took him a bit but after examining her face a little more, he gasped.

"O-oh my gosh! You're.. y-you're—" she put her finger to her lips.

"Who said I was? Besides, I'm planning a surprise... you're good at keeping secrets right?" She said as she simply walked away. Blue sighed. He went to check out, trying to forget about the whole ordeal.

About a little while later, he made it back, to which yellow had already taken out the potatoes.

Blue walked over and scooped out the remains, putting them in an aluminum tray, before mixing in the brown sugar and putting marshmallows on top. He then puts it back in the oven.

Once that's done, he starts to make some biscuits. After a bit, he accidentally  dropped the dough on the counter, causing flour to get all over his face. Yellow snickered at this.

"You've got a little something.." Yellow points to his cheek. Blue wiped his cheek with his sleeve, only getting off like 10% of the flour.

"Did I get it?" He asked to which Yellow simply laughed. He grabbed a cloth and soaked it with warm water before gently rubbing down Blue's face.

It.. it felt good. It was nice and warm and he didn't really want Yellow to stop but it had to come to an end. Once all the flour was off, Blue opened his eyes as Yellow took away the cloth. He let out a small laugh.

"Someone liked that way more than they should've~ " Yellow cooed. Blue simply groaned in embarrassment before continuing to cook. He then put the biscuits in the oven, before helping Yellow with the turkey. Once it was done, that too also went in the oven. Everything was done, they were just waiting on 3 things.

The two of them sat on the couch, exhausted. Blue shifted his position to lay on Yellow's lap, as Yellow simply played with Blue's hair. Tho, their cuddle time was interrupted by the door bell ringing. Yellow got up to open the door and saw Honey and Lemon.

"Heyyyyy lil cuz!!" Honey exclaimed hugging Yellow while jumping up and down.

"Heyy you guys. Just to let you know, we're still waiting on the food." Yellow said, as the two girls nodded before going to the kitchen to get some drinks. Yellow sat back down next to Blue, kissing his cheek. Blue gave a small giggle.

That's when a ding was heard, meaning the timer was up. Yellow got up, taking out his oven mits, before taking everything out the oven. It all smelled so good..

Yellow turned to Honey. "Was.. Uncle not able to make it?" He asked to which Honey shook her head no.

"He had another heart attack.." Yellow apologized before making everyone plates. As they all sat down, they started to eat and chat with each other, aswell as even joke around. That's when another knock was heard at the door. Yellow, who was suspicious went to the door and opened it.

Blue perked up at it was the same woman from the store.

Yellow stood there, staring at her.

".. Mom?"
