
= Chapter 16 =

Casper’s POV

We’re sitting on the couch in my lounge when my dad walks in. He looks at Ryker and I, our hands linked, and smiles.

He’s dressed in jeans and a button up plaid shirt, a huge change from his usual “style”.

“Hi Ryker, do you mind if I talk to Casper alone for a bit?”

“Sure,” he grabs the teacups off the table and heads to the kitchen, clicking the kettle on.

“Casper… I need to apologise,” he sighs and sits next to me, “I haven’t been there for you since your mom… since she was taken to prison. I never stood up for you, even after she was gone, even after I knew what she’d done to you.”

A tear rolls down his cheek.

“That all ends from now,” he pauses looking me in the eye, “from now on I am going to be there for you and support you and love you. No matter what happens, you are all I had left and I abandoned you, for that I am so sorry. I will be here for you now no matter what. I also have some news.”

I look at him slightly confused.

“We’re moving out.”

My mouth opens in shock and he laughs.

“No, not to another country or anything, just to that house that was for sale down the road.”

“The huge one?!”

“Yes I guess,” he laughed, “I got a great new job the other day, one that I’ve always wanted and I thought some more space would be nice since you seem to be having so many friends over lately.”

“That’s amazing dad!” I laugh and hug him as Ryker walks back in with three cups of tea.

I smile at him and tell him the news.

He smiles back, “do you remember where my house is?”

“Um, sort of…”

He laughs this time, “You’re like three houses down from me now.”


Ryker’s POV

He jumps on me, making me fall flat over on the floor.

His dad laughs, “I’m going to leave you guys alone for a while I have a finalising meeting about this job so I’m going to stay the night somewhere near there, oh and those boys have been expelled, the school also gave you the next few days off. Ryker feel free to stay the night as long as you promise to behave.”

“I promise.”

“And your parents and I are going to go for coffee tomorrow to catch up and discuss everything that has happened a bit. Ryker please make sure Casper remembers his pills.”

Casper went to a psychiatrist after his dad picked us up and returned with a bottle of antidepressants like mine. It actually took a huge weight off of my shoulders, knowing that he is going to get better.

“Sure,” I say, his dad winks with a smile and leaves… What is that supposed to mean?

“So do you want the gang over or…?”

Casper smiles lightly blushing, “Or.”

“Hm,” I smile, “You know I think I captured you well in my project.”


“I think so… But just in case,” I reach over and pull his shirt off.

“It’s cold Ryky!” He exclaims.

“Let’s warm you up then,” I joke as I take my shirt off.

Eventually we’re just in boxers, but I don’t want to go further for now.

I wrap him close to me, pulling a blanket over us, his cell phone rings and I grab it off of the table answering it.

“Hello Casper’s phone this is Casper’s boyfriend speaking.”

“Yeah? Yeah… Okay,” I hang up.

“Did you… did you um… mean that?”

Casper whispers, blushing.

“Mean what?”

“The b… boy… boyfriend thing.”

“Yes,” I state, stroking his cheek as he smiles and his whole face lights up.

“Oh and your friends are all coming over…”

“Aw,” he pouts but then smiles again, “they’re your friends to you know?”

“Yeah I know.”

He smiles as the doorbell rings.

“That would be them,” I laugh.
