
= Chapter 9 =

Casper’s POV

Everyone leaves and soon enough it’s Tuesday. And Ryker approaches me in the hall.

“Hey Casper, we still on for this afternoon?”

“Um,” I blush and look around, they’re people everywhere. They can’t see this… Us in the same place talking to each other. He’ll go through hell then. I pull us into an empty classroom as everyone rushes to lunch.

“Hey,” I smile.

“Why’re we?”

“People,” I whisper ducking my head down and blushing, he lifts my face up, looking me deep in the eyes.


“You don’t want to be seen with me…”


“I uh… I can’t t tell y you.”


“Art class after school,” I say and rush quickly out of the classroom to go and hide in my usual spot.


I sit amongst the wires in what used to be the AV room; they still left everything here even though there’s not much use for all this stuff anymore. I twist one of the wires between my fingers. I hear a knocking on the door.


“Yeah,” I choke out as a single tear inches down my cheek.

“It’s me,” Chelsea inches the door open and then closes it behind her, joining me on the floor.

"You can’t keep doing this to yourself.”

“Doing what?” I sniff.

“Blocking everyone out, trying to deal with the weight of everything all by yourself.”

“I… I have to.”

“Why Casper? Why?”

“If I… If I don’t everyone else will feel what I am feeling. Everyone will have to carry the burden I do, they’ll feel the way I do all of the time,” Now the tears were rolling down.

“I can’t have anyone feel like they want to die every second of almost every day.”

"Caspy… I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay, I’ll be okay…”

She hugged me and held me close, grabbing her cell phone out and sending a text in between my sobs.

Ryker’s POV

My phone buzzes in my pocket.

It’s a text from Chelsea…

-AV Room next to Mrs Jone’s English classroom. NOW.

-On my way

I rush out of lunch to find her, only to see her holding Casper close while his body is overtaken by sobs.

