06 | six

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home sweet home

HER LIFE FLIPPED ups and downs since met Jungkook, scratch that, come to think of it maybe since she met Lisa.

Lisa is the one who introduced Bambam to her and four years later, Bambam introduced the coffee shop where Lisa's work for and the peak of her twisted faith just began when she realized his existence.

Chaeyoung can't think straight the fact everyone agreed with Jungkook's stupidity plan.

When she said everyone it means everyone; from her sister—who extremely shocked but overwhelmed the fact BTS will visit their house to Lisa and Bambam with fired up spirit to shut their entire schedule and come along with the plan.

BTS members are the worst because that night when Jungkook's brain comes out with the idea, he calls his members and they all looking forward to it.

They even made stupid scenario to fool their managers and let them get a vacation.

It didn't work, obviously.

Bang PD called them the next day and asked an explanation, thanks to all their hard work for years and with little bit of trickery here and there, Bang PD let them go with protection and all, except for place to stay.

Even Chaeyoung's parents gladly to evacuate them all at their house.

Jungkook exchanged her ticket and they sit on business class as rest of them following suit. So here they are, ten of them arriving at Melbourne safe and sound.

Meh, who are they kidding?

It's everywhere, the media and fandom blown up second the boys show their nose at the airport back in Seoul.

Not to mention they circle and protect around Chaeyoung and Lisa so no one can go near them, made the fans curious about the girls. Bambam appearance isn't help at all. Theirs fans going nuts because unpredictable twisted.

Fortunately fans can't recognize the girls because of their disguise.

Then BTS announced that they'll have a short vacation till Christmas and surprisingly fans respect their decision but, it doesn't mean they will walk toward front door and revealing themselves in Tullamarine Airport.

Not in Big Hit watch, with Bang PD service, they all through the back door and two SUV wait for them.

"Alright, listen up." Namjoon starts, getting everyone attention, "Chaeyoung, Lisa, Bambam, Taehyung and Jungkook will be at front car and the rest of us will follow you on the back, okay?"

Chaeyoung nods, getting use to their present after 13 hours flight with non-stop crackhead topics and forgot there also other passengers among them.

With that, everyone get inside the car and Chaeyoung tells the driver where she lives. The driver eyes grow wide when he heard where the house is and she signals him to shut up and not tell any soul about it.

She should have suggest the boys stay at the hotel instead at her house. She's not ready.

It took twenty minutes or so to arrive at her house and all jaw drops to the garden as soon as they see the house, only Lisa and Bambam who didn't affect. They've been here before and BTS reaction is their reaction two years ago so they know the feel.

The house is freaking 1800 square meters with the holding includes, pool, guest house and designed garden.

"Park Chaeyoung," calls Yoongi, still struck on his awe, "why bother to stay at Seoul when you have this manor?"

A long sighs escaped from Chaeyoung's mouth and shrug, "it's boring living on the same place for the entire of you life, so why not escape while you can, right?"

Before the rest of them booming her with tons of question, the front door open and reveals the most misses person in Chaeyoung's heart.

The young women rush to her, crush both of them into a hug.

"Rosie! You back!" Alice cheers still hugging her.

Chaeyoung let out a crispy laugh, "I am! I've missed you, unnie."

Their little reunion dies down a second later as Alice eyes land on two familiar figures behind Chaeyoung. Alice loosens her hug of Chaeyoung and facing Lisa and Bambam, give them a nice warm hug to each other.

"My favorite Thai couple-" Alice put her palm in front of their face, before they can protest, "I know, you aren't couple. But really, I miss you guys!"

"We miss you too, Unnie!" Lisa cried out loud, still not loosen her clingy to Alice.

"And you never visit Seoul again, noona." Bambam adds, receiving a laugh by Alice.

"Can't blame the workaholic, aren't we?" They all laugh at it, then Alice eyes swift to the back where all BTS members stand timidly.

They all can be shy, Chaeyoung surprised.

Alice immediately turns her gaze to Chaeyoung while mouthing dramatic what and the youngest just roll her eyes.

The oldest eyes back again to seven young men at the back.

"Welcome boys," she says in grace, Chaeyoung at the back raise her eyebrow. "I'm Alice Park, Rosie oldest sister one and only one."

"Rosie?" it's come out from Taehyung.

Alice furrows and point Chaeyoung at the back, then its hit her, "ahh, right. You probably recognize her as Chaeyoung. Her name is Roseanne Park though."

The boys make a sound of long 'oh' as their eyes fix to Chaeyoung. Well, not Jungkook. Because his eyes fixed to her all the time and when Chaeyoung look at him back, he give her a quick smile.

Somehow, it's make her heart flatter. Damn.

Alice claps her hand excitedly after the boys introduced themselves, even though Chaeyoung really want to scream her own sister is a fan, "what are we waiting for? Come, come inside, I made hot chocolate to make you guys warm."

Bambam and Lisa let out a loud 'yes' and Chaeyoung laughs at her besties. She knows well, Lisa and Bambam favorite thing about Alice is her signature hot chocolate, a recipe from Park Grandma.

Alice let the boys get the guest house so they can do whatever they want as Chaeyoung and Lisa stay at the manor along with Alice and her parents.

It's dinner time when Chaeyoung's parent back to manor along with full back of ornaments and groceries.

Chaeyoung immediately jump to her father and stay inside his embrace for moments, buried her face and sniff a little. Park Chaeyoung still a cry baby even though she's on her twenties.

After few moments telling them how much Chaeyoung missed the parents she decided to introduce BTS as her friends, then it's received a smirk on the mother face and amusement from the father.

"Rosie not only bring back a guy but seven good-looking young man."

Chaeyoung chocked on her food as she heard what her mother just said. Jungkook, who sit in front of her while their having a dinner together, gives his glass of water immediately.

"Mom!" She grunt but the rest of them laugh at her.

"We get it, they all come in one package." Chaeyoung's father adds still has trace of amusement.

Funny how her father really cool about her bringing back home eight young man to her home. As long as Chaeyoung could remember when the first time Alice's brought back her boyfriend, their father interrogate the man for the whole night.

Even Bambam got that threatens because he thought Bambam was Chaeyoung's boyfriend.

"Thank you for letting us stay at your place, Mr and Mrs Park." Jin says politely. Remember they haven't give them a gratitude, the boys says various thank you to the Park parents.

"What are you talking about? It is nice seeing the house full for Christmas, really." Chaeyoung's father, Mason Park, returns it. "And stop calling us Mr and Mrs Park, Claire and Mason will be fine."

Taehyung tap Chaeyoung's shoulder and the girl turn her look, he leans on and Chaeyoung tilts her head to his direct. She thought he wants to tell her something.

"Chaeyoung... Why did they tell us to be rude? aren't calling them with first name base is rude?" he whispers.

Chaeyoung twitch her lips upward as she heard it, "it's not actually... If they said okay then it is okay. Just like you said to me it's okay not use formality toward each other."

He leaning inward as he shape his mouth to perfect 'o' in respond. Chaeyoung giggles at the action. Taehyung is something else, she mentally says.

The dinner went well but Chaeyoung can feel Jungkook always staring at her even when Jin make a dad joke and only Mason and Claire who actually laugh at it genuinely, the rest of them get along.

The boys didn't go to their guest house after dinner, they stay at the living room as Lisa and Chaeyoung back with big bowl of popcorn.

"Yah, how to turn on this fireplace?" Hoseok asks as soon as his sights land on Chaeyoung. He's in charge to turn on the fireplace.

But this fireplace is nothing like a normal fireplace and Hoseok frustrates just because he can't lit a damn fire. Chaeyoung helps him out immediately and let the guy know how to do.

Both of them laugh so hard when Hoseok accidentally ruin the woods and the ashes fly, scattered everywhere and many of them stick to Hoseok's hairs and face too.

Chaeyoung hand him a blanket on the chair because she can't reach anything else to clean his face.

"Sorry Chaeyoung, I'll clean the ash after this." he gives her an apology look and stand up to look something he can use for clean the mess.

"It's okay," she waves her hand so quickly and prevent him to do anything else, "really, I'll clean up. You can sit with others and I finish the fire first."

There's a brief of silence before Hoseok squat down again, "then I'll help you. Thank you, Chaeyoung."

Hoseok smiles widely to her and Chaeyoung returns it. The things about Hoseok, he looks so carefree and innocent, whenever he smiles, the world looks peace and not cruelty—something like ray of sunshine? and Chaeyoung really likes it.

It's fun and lovely talking with Hoseok.

"Yah, how long both of you will flirt in front of our face?" Bambam interrupt, a hint of tease screaming out from his word.

Chaeyoung and Hoseok turns back and see most of them put smirk on face, Jimin wide smile and Jungkook unreadable face that Chaeyoung finds amusing.

If only she has her Polaroid now, she probably capture the moment.

They stand up and walk toward the others after finished with the fire and the room slowly become warm.

The blonde girl glance to dvd that Namjoon hold, purple cover with seven familiar figures. Chaeyoung frowns, knowing what movie is that.

"You guys will watch your own movie?" She crosses her arms in front of her chest, raise an eyebrow and mischievous look on her face, "boys really narcissist, aren't they?"

Lisa burst out laugh and hit Bambam who sit beside her, Bambam put an amusing smile and shake his head disbelief at his best friend.

Park Chaeyoung literally rub a salt to the number one world phenomenal boygroup effortless.

Yoongi cracks to laugh in the end, the rest follows up. Namjoon waving the dvd covers, "Lisa thought-"

"Yah! Don't bring my name!" Lisa throw a pillow to Namjoon and it's hit his head.

Before Namjoon could throw back the pillow, Lisa stands up and ready to give out an explanatio. Big reason; to avoid Namjoon.

"You don't know about BTS at all, right?" Lisa starts and Chaeyoung nod awkwardly, "so they decided to introduce themselves for you from their recent movie."

She open her mouth and close it again. Chaeyoung about to protest, there so many way to tell her about their life. They can just talk to her, tell a story or anything but she's worn out from the flight.

And honestly who suggested them to have a movie night after long flight?

She sighs and smile creeping up on each one of them face, she's gave up. "fine, let's watch it then."

The blonde girl take a blanket and without thinking, she sit beside Jimin who eyes grow wide, starring at her.

Chaeyoung feels the glare so she give him a look. Raise an eyebrow, she tilt her head little bit, "what?"

"Aren't you gonna sit with Jungkookie?" he asks.

Chaeyoung frowns and turn her head to back, where Jungkook sit and he already staring at her. Her breathe stucks, did he staring at her all the time?

Because she doesn't know how to react, she
gives him a quick smile just like what he did earlier and turn back to facing the tv where the movie about to start.

Jimin leans closer to her and whisper, so the others don't get annoy, "you'll give me a hard night Chaeyoung."


"Because of you, he probably kill me tonight." He turns back where Jungkook sit and immediately sit back.

Chaeyoung chuckles at his action and do unexpected thing, Jimin become stiff when Chaeyoung rest her head on his shoulder.

"Shit, I didn't commit this suicide Chaeyoung," he hisses and Chaeyoung can't help but smile.

"You owe me in afterlife. Note that."

"Sure and send my love to the devil, Chim."

Jimin chuckles at the emphasize. Little did Chaeyoung know, Chim is Jimin nickname.

They didn't say a word, comfortable to each other and drown in the movie as soon as it's began but Chaeyoung swear to God, she can feel a sharp gaze from behind that never disappeared until the film finished.


I'm not really satisfied with this maybe because Jungkook didn't get a line at all?
