04 | four

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CHAEYOUNG FREEZE ON her feet as her mouth open slightly, wondering why on earth she's in front of a breathtaking house and knowing there will be six others grown up men inside waiting for a guy who stood next to her.

In the car Jungkook told her, his oldest hyung having a birthday dinner inside with few friends of theirs and Park Chaeyoung doesn't know what to do, heck she doesn't even know who they all are.

If she didn't bumped to Jungkook the other day, she probably doesn't have any idea who the hell Bangtan Sonyeondan is as well as the guy who celebrates his birthday today.

"This is a bad idea," she mutters under her breath, still freeze on her feet and the winter cold didn't help at all.

Jungkook step in and stand in front of her, "it's not. Bambam also invited if that's make you comfortable."

lt's add another reason for her not get inside the house. It will be full house of men and she probably will be the only girl. She gets chill just thinking about it.

"There will be girls too you know..." he adds it, as if he can read her mind. "Come on, they probably waiting for us now."

Jungkook about to take her hand but she takes a step back instantly while shakes her head slowly, little bit afraid of what's coming next if she get inside.

"I'm sorry, Jungkook-ssi but its really weird for a stranger to get inside someone house." she says and about to turn her heels till a grip of hand touch her waist, stop her to getaway.

Chaeyoung dares herself to look up at Jungkook that already staring down at her, eyes grow wide.

They just met few days ago, on wrong foot with bad impression of her being such a clumsy girl, and fuck he looks incredibly awful handsome as he staring at her like she's the only star in the sky.

His hot breath tickling down her face and realized they so damn close. Chaeyoung wonder how can this guy keep calm, they always like this — too close and interrupt each other personal space.

The young woman realized he didn't release his grip from her waist at all as his eyes become softer time to time.

"I'll beside you for the whole time, is that enough for you to come inside with me? Please Chaeyoung-ssi," he pleads at her, funny how they still using formality, "just please..."

It's like there is someone crushing her heart as she looking deep into his eyes but that eyes won't effect her decision to leave the scene.

"Jungkook-ssi," she starts, trying to be firm as she could be, "we just met few days ago, I really do appreciate your invitation but honestly, I don't interest at all."

Chaeyoung feels his hand grip tightening as he heard every single word uttered by her, he shake his head.

Jungkook about to say a word, probably another please from his mouth but then a deep voice interrupt their conversation. They turn immediately to the door and finds another handsome man, look worry but a mischievous smile almost creeped up on his face.

"Everyone already inside, Kookie." he says and his eyes swiftly look at me after, "and I presume you are Park Chaeyoung-ssi? I believe your best friend also inside with Bambam."

"Lisa inside?" she furrows her eyebrow as she emphasizes the word.

He nods, revealing a dashing boxy smile that she could probably faint if Jungkook's hand isn't still resting on her ting waist.

"Give us a minute, hyung." Jungkook says and the-apparently-older-than-Jungkook friend only nods and close the door again.

"You heard him, Lisa is here with Bambam. There's nothing to be afraid of."

Jungkook loosening his grip from her waist and somehow Chaeyoung tries to hold her disappointment look. He gives her a sweet dimple smile that she never see before and he give out his hand in front of her.

"Chaeyoung-ssi, I'll be right beside you the whole time. I promise." he says again and flashes his bunny smile, "so will you come inside?"

The young woman on the edge of running away or taking his hand and let everything flow inside the house and trust him.

She looks at his open palm in front of her and avert it to his eyes that never once stop staring at her in nicely way and back to his open palm.

Chaeyoung never being that dare girl to do stupid thing — in this case, going inside an idol dorm, not to mention a world star idol she clueless about.

But Jeon Jungkook present itself make her questioning her right mind.

Because next thing she knows she takes a deep breath and shaking exhale because of a cold weather. Put her palm on his palm and nod one time, firmly, "we should drop our formality, it's getting weird."

Jungkook chuckles and hold her hand, "of course, noona."

"Shut up."

Turns out Jungkook keep his word and stay beside her almost all the time, except when the boys bring out the cake for the birthday young man but soon he back to her side again.

And Chaeyoung understand little by little about BTS;

One, the one who celebrates the birthday is Jin, Kim Seokjin, the oldest member of Bangtan. Two, they literally just bunch of dork on their twenties. Three, they all nice on their own ways, Chaeyoung likes talk with Namjoon because they met already, even though it was such a rush meeting but enough for them to skip the introduction.

Jungkook introduces Chaeyoung as the clumsy girl he met at a coffee shop to all his fellow idols friends, mostly boys but there are girls which Jungkook said some of them are the girlfriends.

Bambam being loud and doesn't want to lose to Jungkook as he claimed Lisa and Chaeyoung as his best friend for three years (well, with Chaeyoung three years but with Lisa? almost his entire life) and threaten any guy who want hitting on both of them because he knows, the girls so damn attractive just by their look.

"You probably head over heels when get to know them," Bambam says proudly after all the ramble of their friendships.

Chaeyoung and Lisa can only look down, having an internal battle for not killing the guy as feeling heat on their cheeks.

They all sitting on the living room, drinking. Mostly soju and beers for some of them, including Chaeyoung and Jungkook. Talking about their new shining toys, Lisa and Chaeyoung.

"Chaeyoung, where are you working at?" A guy who Chaeyoung believe his name Jimin asks.

"A restaurant as a live music singer, it was a part-time job before but now it's become a full time job for me." She answers.

Many ears become curious and pay attention to Chaeyoung and Lisa, "part-time?"

Chaeyoung nods awkwardly, "uhm... yeah, I was a college student who needs money for living and Lisa also work at coffee shop."

"The one Jungkook met you and Lisa and Bambam right?" Jimin butts in, Chaeyoung nods to it. Biting her lower lips nervously.

She's not nervouse because how good looking Jimin and his southern accent come out, well alright, maybe a little.

But the fact they still bring up the accident over and over again.

"How about you, Lisa?" it's Donghyuk who asks, he come from the label who declined Lisa to be their trainee.

Chaeyoung knows about it, she still remember how hard Lisa cried that night. It was like yesterday when actually it was already three years ago.

Worried how Lisa react the question, Chaeyoung looking at Lisa as the Thailand girl smiles to Donghyuk, "both of us foreigners, I was here to be an idol, but it didn't go well."

Lisa finishes it with small awkward laugh while holding her breath.

"It's okay, you can always try again Lisa, go to my label when they open an audience again. I'll let you know." A sweet young woman, Chaeyoung believes she younger than her, sit right in front of Lisa and put a hand on Lisa's lap, comforting her.

Chaeyoung smiling eye to eye when she see how red her ears just because she's surrounded by the idols she always talk about.

What a dream come true.

They stay talk about everything, mostly they curious about Lisa but apart of it, they talk about an idol thing which is she doesn't know anything about it and only Lisa who can keeping up.

So she decided to quietly get out from the living room and go to kitchen to take some glass of water. She stay at the kitchen which is so beautiful just for a kitchen and it's really remind her of home, not the interior but the vibe, atmosphere around the house.

"What are you doing here?" a voice that getting familiar to her ears, leaning on the door frame while crossing his arms in front of his chest.

She gives him a simple smile as her hand still resting on the counter, "nothing actually."

Jungkook walks to in front of her but get separate by the counter, "aren't you tired?"

"I'm fine," she answers and look down to her glass. There is a brief pause then she sighs, "actually I am..."

Jungkook raises his eyebrow then chuckles, "let's go then, let me drive you home."

"You can drive?" Chaeyoung asks nonsense. Jungkook nod, "but Lisa told me an idol never drive, they have driver."

"True we've driver but it doesn't mean we can't drive," he chuckles and jerk his head to back, signaling her to follow him, "come on Chae, it's getting late."

Jungkook get out from the room first, leaving Chaeyoung who stun on her feet.

She looks down and play with her cup as a form of smile playing on her lips, It's weird to hear someone she barely know called her 'Chae' but when Jeon Jungkook called her that, with so right syllable out from his vocal

Chaeyoung can't hide the fact how good to hear it.
