Episode 3, **Unusual Papa Smurf**

Unusual Papa Smurf

Clumsy was in the forest skipping and was going back to the village to give Papa smurf the smurf-berries he asked for. Until he wasn't looking at fell over a root of a tree,

"Uh, whoopsie! I guess I gotta go pick some more!"

Clumsy picked up his basket and started looking for smurf-berry bushes to get some more smurf berries. He looked around the old oak tree, the 10 maple trees, and still didn't find nothing. Clumsy noticed in one of the maple tree's there was a smurfy squirrel couple in the tree cuddling with each other.

Oh gosh, I wish I was like that couple in the tree, only if I could get married.. and fall in love, with someone, Clumsy thought.

He did a huge sigh, and found a smurf-berry bush behind a pine tree. He picked slowly as he thought that he could be like those squirrels up in the tree.


After Clumsy was done picking the smurf-berries he needed to give to Papa smurf, and quickly headed back to the smurf village.


"Ooh, Papa smurf, whats in this smurfy book?" asked Smurfette curiously looking at the book written "True Love" for the cover.

"Yeh, Whut is in this book anyways? agreed Greedy, and while he is munching on his muffins.

Papa smurf stared down at the ground, "Uh well, hehehe uhh you never know if you need it any day haha..eh..?"

Smurfette and Greedy stared at each other in a blank confused face and looked back at Papa smurf, "Oh..o..kay?"  they both answered confused at the same time.

All suddenly to break the AKWARD silence, Clumsy came and tripped on the step to the door, holding his basket full of smurf-berries.

"OOF! Uhm I'm okay!" shouted Clumsy.

The smurf berry basket slid across the floor and bumped into Papa smurfs feet.  Papa smurf picked up the smurf-berry basket and looked to see if they were in good condition.

"Thank you Clumsy for getting me the smurf-berries."

"Your welcome Papa smurf! He-He."

Papa smurf didn't notice that Smurfette, Greedy and Clumsy were looking inside the book of  "True Love" but he did when he heard them giggling.

"SMURFS! PUT THAT BOOK DOWN!" shouted Papa smurf and he snatched the book away from them.

Greedy walked out and replied, "Okay papa smurf, I'm just gonna get a snack.."

"Me too!" said Smurfette and Clumsy at the same time, then they both walked out of papa smurfs lab.

Clumsy wondered why Papa smurf needed smurf berries anyways, so did Greedy and Smurfette!

"Alright so, 10 smurf berries..." Papa smurf said while reading the book, and putting it in the pot. Papa smurf continued on the recipe.


Clumsy's eyes laid on to Smurfette, day dreaming and not paying attention to Smurfette and Greedy's conversation.

"Clumsy..how about you, did you wonder what is wrong with Papa smurf?" asked Smurfette.

He still was staring at her, and tripped over a rock sticking out of the ground. "OOF! Oh I'm sorry Smurfette, um.. um oh GOLLY! Yeah I did.. didn't you Greedy?"

Greedy doing a *What the smurf* face looking at Clumsy, and replied "Yeah I did..."

Smurfette giggled and Greedy sighed and they headed toward another way.

"Golly.. shes such a smurfy smurf." mumbled Clumsy. 

 Brainy, who was spying on Clumsy, behind the mushroom house of Smurfette and giggled. "Oh Clumsy is in love with Smurfette! Haha I'm going to tell Papa Smurf!"

Clumsy saw Brainy and he noticed he was behind Smurfettes house looking at Clumsy. Clumsy went up to Brainy and said, "Oh HIYA Brainy!" and tried to go and hug him but he fell to the ground with Brainy.

"CLUMSY!" growled Brainy.

"Uh sorry Brainy, I'm sorry!" apologized Clumsy.

Clumsy stood up and helped Brainy up. "Well Clumsy, thanks a lot buddy. So Clumsy.. I heard that you like Smurfette?"

Clumsy nodded but noticed that Brainy known about that. "How did you know I did? GOLLY! ARE YOU A MIND READER!?"

Brainy shook his head and smirked, "Well Clumsy.. It's called looking and examining, Papa smurf told me about it.. CAUSE PAPA SMURF SAYS THAT YOU SHOULD ALWAYS look and listen to other smurfs further more..."

"Gee Brainy.. you sure know a lot!" interrupted Clumsy.

"Thank you Clumsy. Well I am going to smurf off to my house. Smurf you later!" said Brainy and walked away to his house.. "Now to tell Papa Smurf hehehe" mumbled Brainy to himself.

Clumsy walked towards Papa smurf's lab and looked out his window, and he saw Papa smurf looking inside the True Love book.

"Hopefully this will work!" Papa smurf said excitedly. Papa smurf grabbed the leaf that was on the table and dropped it in the pot. Soon then a pink dust went through the air and headed toward Smurfettes house.

Smurfette who was singing in her house and looking for a dress didn't notice the pink dust flying through the air. Once she sat on the chair to put on her heels, the pink dust went into her and suddenly she acted different. "Oh.. Papa smurf! Where are you my wonderful man?" ♥ Smurfette was like she was controlled, and she headed toward Papa smurfs lab.

Clumsy who was trying to run where the pink dust went, he bumped into Smurfette and blushed, "Oh, Golly! I'm sorry Smurfette!"

"Papa smurf.. Papa smurf.." moaned Smurfette.

Clumsy looked confused and stared at Smurfette in silence, "Oh hes in the lab."

"Thank you." she said and headed toward his lab like a zombie.

That was really strange, she seems different. Oh well I'm just going to go where the pink dust went. thought Clumsy.

In the lab, Papa smurf was looking out the door and quickly got Smurfette inside. "How are you feeling Smurfette?" asked Papa smurf starting to get closer to her.

"Oh Papa smurf! I missed you so much, you are wonderful! You are poetry! You are.."

"Enough enough Smurfette.. now to do what i wanted to do..." interrupted Papa smurf.

Clumsy who ran back to Papa smurfs lab saw Smurfette and Papa smurf there together.. looking like they were about to.. kiss!?!

"NO!" screamed Clumsy when he ran into Papa smurf's lab and fell over a spell book that was on the floor.

"Clumsy..? What are you doing here?" asked Papa smurf.

"Uh same thing to ask you, what are you doing here with SMURFETTE?"

Papa smurf's mouth turned into an evil smirk.

"Gee, Papa smurf what has happened to you for the past few days, you have been acting very strange."


"Gar..Gar..Gar.. GARGAMEL?!" shouted Clumsy and ran out of the lab.

Clumsy started running around the village like a maniac and shouted, "GARGAMEL IS IN THE VILLAGE!" All the smurfs were running around like crazy people and suddenly Clumsy noticed that he fell over a trap door.

"OOOF! Oh my a trap door, I wonder what is in here."

Clumsy curiously opened the trap door and walked down the stairs carefully. He was scared of the dark so he screamed and ran back to the top but the door was shut tight.

"Oh my...smurf."

There was mumbling shouts coming from down stairs, Clumsy got really shaky, so he just went down the stairs anyways.

"Hel..Hel..Hello?" Clumsy asked in a shaky voice.

There was dim light coming from the other door way, so Clumsy headed that way, and well maybe fell a few times while he was at it. He slightly turned the door knob to the right and there was a huge man that looked like... GARGAMEL..?


The huge giant shook his head, and was trying to point at his mouth since it was duck taped..? Clumsy understood that he wanted him to remove the duck tape off of his mouth, Clumsy climbed on the giants shoulder and tried his best to rip the tape off of his mouth.

"Uh Oh my." said Clumsy.

"Clumsy, listen its me Papa smurf. I am so glad to see you here. Well you see Gargamel did a little body switching thing when I was sleeping, I didn't know until I found this note. I am so glad you came here Clumsy!"

"Well cmon Papa smurf we got our village to save!" shouted Clumsy so relieved.

They both ran up the stairs but then noticed that the hatch was still locked.

"Oh SMURF!" shouted Clumsy.

"Ha ha, I will fix that Clumsy." and He got his fist and broke the hatch and they both ran out.A

The smurfs were still running around and some houses were even destroyed and the village was a mess.

"Oh my, I will fix this." said the giant as he went straight to his lab, and suddenly he saw his actually body kissing.. SMURFETTE?! But the giant picked up his body and looked right into his eyes for a way to break the spell,


They both changed bodies quickly and when Papa smurf grabbed one of his potions he threw it on the giant. (Which was Gargamel Of Course)

All the smurfs stopped running and went around Papa Smurfs Lab.

"Well my Little smurfs, It was a long story, and Smurfette is perfectly cured now."

Every smurf was happy and did what they usually would do in the village, but Clumsy.. went to go and see Smurfette.

"Oh Golly, I'm just so scared to tell her my feelings." mumbled Clumsy to him self.

Clumsy anyways went straight to Smurfettes house and knocked on her door, "Uh, Smurfette?"

"I'm in here, Clumsy!" said Smurfette in her sweet girly voice.

He quickly opened the door and saw Smurfette watering her flowers.

"Oh..um..Hiya Smurfette!"

"Hi Clumsy, oh why such a long face today?"

"Well Smurfette.. I..I just wanted to tell you how.. um..how um.."

Smurfette stopped watering her flowers and stared at Clumsy in silence. He didn't even want to dare to look at her, he was so embarrassed to do so.

"Okay.. well Smurfette..I...I..I..am in l-love with y-y-you..?"

"Aw Clumsy, that is soo sweet..I am really flattered."

"Uh, REALLY?!"

Smurfette nodded and gently kissed him on the cheek.


<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Well haha this story comes to and end

How long did this take me?

Like a long time. I'm not really active on this website but yeah at least I updated it.

Peace out and have an awesome day ☺
