Clumsy Smurfs Smurfy Adventures *INFO*

Story Details.

Hey guys this is Writer smurf.

I'm just going to tell you a little bit about what happens in these so called "Episodes"/ "Stories"


These stories DO NOT have sexual scenes. *Sorry but smurf stories do not have sexual scenes or any adult stuff in it* So don't worry about that.

These stories DO NOT have violence, which includes, swearing, cursing, or any of those stuff.

These stories DO NOT include characters from another cartoon show. No.. seriously.. would you want bugs bunny in this? Or maybe porky pig? Seriously no is not a FUNERAL v_v


These stories MAY HAVE action in it, but no blood don't worry.

These stories MAY HAVE kissing scenes but really rare so don't worry.

These stories MAY HAVE arguments, fights between each other smurf but hey, the smurfs are suppose to be a happy family! So I wont put that in as much ♥♥♥


These stories ALWAYS HAVE the right punctuation and right attitude of each smurf that is in the cartoon. Just going to say this, Papa smurf has some strange fazes through out these stories.. not sure what is his problem but yeah not all of them though.

These stories ALWAYS HAVE the smurfs! There will be NO story with out them.


Also I would like to explain this but. Clumsy is mostly one of the main characters, which I mean is that Clumsy will always mostly in all the stories/episodes.

New smurfettes and smurfs come into the village, but they won't be a main character, probably close to that but not a main character or CO-MAIN character.

Thank's for reading. Also hey, start reading the stories now.

I suggest you start with Episode 1.


The Smurfs © Peyo

Wishing Star - My OC
