Punishing Your Parents Again?

Sometime later, Harry recovered from his fainting episode. He grabbed a hat and made his sons help him get some packages from the garage and put them into the car. Clay climbed in after handing his father what appeared to have been a wheel wrapped in brown. Michael had a pipe. "Get in." Harry shouted at his sons as he put the car parts in his trunk.

Dirty Dealings, like buying stolen car parts never stay secret for long, especially when the King's Secret Service gets involved. From across the street in a black car, two agents were snapping pictures of Harry and his car parts.

"9:17. Suspect exits domicile." One of the two says while using his recording device. "I've for 9:18." The second one corrects. The first looks at his watch and turns his recorder back on. "9:17 is correct."

After a while, the three boys arrived at Wormwood Motors. It was a small place with a lot of cars, the majority were at a cheap price but not as cheap as Harry had when he bought them. 

"Michael, one day this will all be yours," Harry said proudly to his oldest son. 'Why am I not surprised?' Clay thought to himself. "This?" Michael asked as he looked at the junk-filled garage with terrible cars all over the place. Harry smiled proudly as he pointed to the nearest car that they were going to work on today. "See this junker? I paid a hundred dollars for her. She's got a hundred and twenty thousand miles on her, the transmission's shot, bumpers have fallen off. What do I do with her?" Harry asked as he used his finger to write a few more zeroes next to the hundred on the dusty windshield. "I sell her."

Now, Harry grabbed a can of "Super Super Glue" and started to paint it into the connecting part of the bumper with his sons on both sides of him. "We really should weld these bumpers on, but that takes time, equipment, and money." When he finished, he put the brush back into the "Super Super Glue."

"So, we use 'Super Super Glue' instead." Harry made his sons attached it to the very old car that could probably fall apart if someone touched it. Clay was very concerned. He had read several books about cars and how to fix them and glue was not safe enough for cars. "Go ahead, put it on there."

"Won't it fall off?" Michael asked surprising Clay since he was about to asked that same question. "Definitely." Harry said while kicking the bumper into place. "Dad, isn't that dangerous?" Clay asked. 'Glue should only be used for kids art projects and wood if needed never a car. At least, that what I read about in my books.'

"Not to be, okay." Harry told him then he smiled and clapped his hands together. "Now for the transmission." Harry grabbed a paint can filled with sawdust and started to put it into the engine. "The sawdust quiet the gears and lets the engine run sweet as a nut... for a couple of miles." Harry said then he laughed like he made a joke. "Dad, that's cheating!" Clay told him. 'This is dangerous for anyone. What if the king bought a car? You could get arrested.'

"Of course, it's cheating! Nobody got rich being honest." After he finished, he went back to his workbench, grabbed a special drill, and got under the car. "Now for the mileage counter. Twenty years ago, we could turn the numbers by hand." Harry said then he took off his hat and handed it to Michael. "Here, take my hat." Michael put the hat on the bench near the car where the super glue was. "But the King's Secret Service likes to test the ingenuity of Knighton's businessmen." He crawled under the car with a few tools and once he finished with the wiring, he crawled out and opened the driver door. He then showed Michael the drill he had in his hand. "Two-directional drill. Run it backward, the numbers go down. Watch the speedometer." Harry said as he turned on the drill and the numbers started to go down. He smiled proudly as he saw the excitement in his oldest son's eyes.

"Awesome." Michael said intrigued. "See?" Harry asked Michael. "Yeah." 

"Dad, you're a crook!" Clay told him clearly upset with his father. Harry stopped using the drill and looked at Clay. "What?"

"This is illegal!" Clay said while stomping his foot on the ground. His light blue eyes were filled with anger and sadness. Harry frowned and gave Michael the drill. "Here, keep drilling." Harry told Michael and he walked over to Clay angrily. "Do you make money? Do you have a job?"

"No, but don't the people of Knighton need good cars? Can't you sell good cars, dad?" Clay pleaded. "Listen, you little wiseacre, I'm smart, you're dumb. I'm big, you're little. I'm right, you're wrong, and there's nothing you can do about it." Harry said while using his finger to point these ideas out to the young boy. Harry returned to his work after yelling at Clay. 

Clay stood there in complete silence then he looked at the super glue and his fathers hat and he knew what to do as he made a smirk. 'That could work.'

A car horn went off which caused Harry and Michael to stop working on the car. They saw Zinnia driving up in her car shouting happily for her husband. "Harry! I won! I hit double bingo!" Zinnia said while screeching.

With Harry, Michael, and Zinnia distracted, Clay used that to punish his father again. "Come on everybody, I'm taking you all to Café La Ritz!" Clay smiled at that. 'Finally, some restaurant food and not that nasty frozen food.' Clay thought to himself.

"Let me see the money!" Harry said as he and Michael got into the car. "Never mind." Zinnia said as she put the money in her purse. "Double bingo, eh? Ooooh." Harry said excited. "God, your hair looks awful. I hope they let you in." Zinnia told Harry. "They'll let me in." Harry said frowning. Clay ran up behind and gave Harry his hat. "Here's your hat, dad."

"Get in the car." He said as he took the hat from Clay's hand. "How much?" Harry asked. "It's for me to know and you to find out." Zinnia told him. Harry scoffed and the family drove off not noticing the glue brush sitting on top of the can, which was dripping glue instead of sitting in the can.

The family arrived at the restaurant and Clay was very surprised at how fancy it was. He was happy to be wearing something nice. "It's nice to go out sometimes." Zinnia said as the family was walking to the restaurant. "Yeah," Harry said agreeing with his wife. "You never take us out." Zinnia said displeased. "Course I do. I took you to the Flipper." Harry told his wife. "I don't remember any of the Flipper." 

"The fish joint, you found that comb in the Buller Baize," Harry said. "Oh yeah, I liked that joint." Zinnia said as she remembered the restaurant. They entered the restaurant and there was a fancy dinner going on and the king, queen, and princess was there. Clay saw the princess and blushed. 'Wow. That's the prettiest girl I've ever seen.' Clay waved at her, she saw him and waved back. The family was shown to a table far from the royal family and Clay was a bit disappointed. "Harry, take your hat off." Zinnia said noticing that Harry still had his hat on. "I can't." He said while trying to pull his hat off. "This is a nice place and the royal family is here. You can't wear a hat inside." Zinnia gave a fake smile to everyone in the restaurant. The royal family was watching but they had other duties to attend to so they left. The princess waved at Clay sadly and Clay did the same. 

"I can't take it off." Clay sadness was soon gone as he was trying to contain his laughter at the table. "Harry, nobody cares what your hair looks like." Zinnia said. She set down her purse and tried to take Harry's hat off but was also having difficulty. "I can't get it off," Harry told her again. "What's with this hat?" Zinnia said frustrated. "I can't get it off." He repeated this several times as Zinnia was pulling it over and over. "Just a minute, I'll get it." She then started pulling harder. "I'm going to get this hat off."

"Ack! OWOWOWOWOWOWOWOW!" Everyone in the restaurant started to look at Harry and Zinnia. 'I wish the princess was here. I bet her boredom would have gone away with this.' Clay thought to himself as he was smiling which was unnoticed by his family.

"I think your head's swollen up really big!" Zinnia said while pulling with all her strength which was making Harry scream in pain. Everyone was confused. Some were wondering how they were even allowed into this restaurant. One of the kids was recording what was happening. 

"You're pulling the skin!" Harry shouted at Zinnia. "Oooh! You're such a baby, stop that." "Fibers are fused to the head!" Harry complained. "Fibers are fused? What's that supposed to mean?" Zinnia asked. Michael was looking at his parents with a painful look but was happy that he wasn't part of it as his mother kept yanking on his father's head. "Give me that hat!" Zinnia demanded.  Clay was still watching his family with anticipation. He was very intrigued on what was going to happen as Zinnia kept pulling his father's hat.

Zinnia pulled off the rim of the hat off which caused her to backflip off a table behind her while Harry landed on some guests. As he tried to get up, he bumped into a waiter with some menus. The menus went flying into the air and as they were falling back down another waiter grabbed them skillfully. Then, Harry landed on a dessert cart.

Some of the desserts went flying into the air. One of the menus that the waiter had not been able to catch landed on a fork. It flew up into the air along with the desserts. A fruit tart with whipped cream landed in front of Clay and a creampie landed in front of Michael which exploded in front of him as soon as it landed. The fork landed safely in the fruit tart in front of Clay.

Clay proceeded to take a bite of the dessert in front of him. "Mmmm." Michael looked at Clay in disbelief as his little brother used his fork to get another bite of his delicious dessert.
