
Thought of this while watching Matilda. With my own little twist, I will be remaking the story of Matilda.

It's the middle of the night. A woman wearing a clock is running with a blue blanket in a bundle in her arms. 'I must protect Clay. The only way I can do that is to let him go.' She ran in a suburban area. She just ran up to a house that she already knew had a son. All she could hope for is that they take good care of him. She set him down in the porch and quickly wrote a note.

To the family that lives here,

Please take care of my son. I had to leave him because I feared for his safety. I can't say much but he is a special boy. His name is Clay. I will come back one day to pick him up.


His mother, Wanda

Once she finished her note she folded it, set it down near him, kissed him on the forehead one last time, and left with tears running down her face. The baby didn't move a muscle till the next morning when the family found him and took him in. They registered him with the foster home agency and brought him back home but cared little about him. They just used him to get money every month. But little did they know is that the boy they took in would soon save an entire school, find true love with a princess, and even find his true family. Yes, sir. Clay was destined for greatness. After all, there's a prophecy just about him and he would find it before anyone even knew that it was anything but a myth.

What do y'all think? I have a cast list. The Wormwoods will still be the same, the librarian will be the robot from the show, and FBI agents will stay the same, but here is my cast list.

Clay = Matilda

Merlok = Miss Honey

Monstrox = Miss Trunchbull

Axl = Bruce Bogtrotter (He will eat the chocolate cake but will be in the same class as Clay)

Macy = Lavender (Clay's love interest) (CLAYCY FOREVER!)

Aaron and Lance will be in his class as well as Jestro. If y'all think I should put Ava and Robin in the please comment. If there is anything you think I should do with the characters or cast list let me know. This will not be like Matilda but it will have some similarities. How? Well, follow along to find out.

P.S. I have school and other things to worry about so please don't ask me when updates are. You can say update please but don't ask when updates are. They will be random at best. Anyway, hope y'all like this story and check out my other story that I made as well. Bye y'all! (Chapters will be longer in the future. I promise!)
