Mission: K.E.I.

Mission: K.E.I. or Kei.Eliminates.Ichinose.

A quite simple name, but a long backstory behind it. Let's start from the beginning, shall we?

Two girls, one boy, in a somewhat sheltered school named ANHS. Here, is where our two main characters met. Kei, and Ichinose. They didn't really hate each other, and naturally got along. But then....a certain boy came into the picture.

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, Kei's best friend since middle school. During her somewhat unpleasant time there, Kiyotaka had lived it through with her. Regardless of if it was mindless teasing or legitmate bullying, he was there. Most of the time he didn't really fight, mostly just take away half of the hits from her. Despite his somewhat weak solution to the problem however, it made Kei admire him. 

A little bit too much.

Kiyotaka wasn't able to have a girlfriend in middle school due to many reasons, and one of them was Kei. She had a very high standard for the people he could be romantically interested in, and due to him not knowing a lot about relationships, he just went w Itith it.

Kei's methods to reject them from dating him were a bit.....extreme. For example, one girl had excessively flirted with Kiyotaka, which ended up with her getting curb stomped in the back of the school, along with getting garbage dumped on her. Kei had threatened her to the point of where her family got involved, so she stayed quiet and never talked to him again. All because Kei didn't find her "worthy" or just wanted him to herself.

Now, you may be asking, "Why didn't Kei beat up the bullies then?". The reason for that is a strange addiction she has. Whenever Kiyotaka is there with her, getting beat up or not, her day gets ten times better. So maybe it's masochism, just not about the bullies and more about experiencing it with her crush.

Anyways, let's move onto Ichinose's part of the story. She began dating Kiyotaka around the halfway mark in their year, after the Island Exams. They had been on and off, and for good reason.

Despite Ichinose's cheery attitude and good nature, she attempted to emotionally manipulate Kiyotaka on multiple occasions, and the only reason he comes back is because he's too desperate for love. If it wasn't for the fact that nobody could date him back in middle school, he would probably be better off. 

Ichinose gets nothing out of it except for her own pleasure.

At least from Kei's view. We don't actually know Ichinose's motives, we just know it's not the best. 

Now, we come to the mission. Why does Kei want to eliminate Ichinose? It's simple.

Kei sees herself as the only one fit for his love, and even puts herself above family members.

Combine that obsession with Ichinose, someone who has betrayed Kiyotaka multiple times yet is still somehow around, makes her obsession issues a lot worse.

Let's get to the word eliminate. Does she literally mean "eliminate" as to kill her? No, not at all. What she means by eliminate is:

Completely ruin her, resulting in Kiyotaka having to break up with her.

Kei has done research on her for months, and has found a lot of info on her. Whether it be from ex boyfriends, old teachers, or even her own stepmother, Kei has it.

And tonight, was the time to use it.

After she saw Kiyotaka crying for the 5th time this year, she decided it was enough. 

It was time to eliminate Ichinose.

end case file.

that was the follow up chapter to "Wrong", so if you want me to make that a book, go ahead and tell me!

tell me if you liked it too, i appreciate all feedback!

that's about it, see yall

-virgin senpai
