Kiyotaka's Backstory: REMASTERED (1)

So I was just looking at my old oneshots, reading old comments and cringing at my writing when I started to read New Things, which is technically Kiyotaka's backstory for Protagonist.

And holy shit is it garbage.

Unoriginal ideas everywhere, literally used the same Shizuku backstory everyone used, it was quite literally a nightmare. I'm tempted to delete it all, but I'll let you guys cringe with me.

Anyway, some new ideas will be presented here, and hopefully the story will be better than whatever the fuck "New Things" was.

Instead of reactions, I'm just going to write the story as-is, so I don't have to go through the process of making the same reactions over and over again.

I hope you enjoy!

A boy opened his eyes to a white room, doctors scrambling back and forth around him. He had just been born into this world, filled with curiosity. In fact, as soon as he was born, he was already inching to get out of his mother's arms.

A doctor walked up to the boy's mother and asked; "What will you name him?"

She looked at the father, and he looked at her.

The mother stared into her son's hazel brown eyes, and answered:

"Kiyotaka Ayanokouji."

With these few words, the boy would be given a name, one that would change other people's lives, for the better, or for the worse.

4 years later

Kiyotaka was playing in his room with a toy train after a long day at school. He had a lot of them, but preferred a blue one that made a loud noise whenever a button was pressed. He clap and giggle like a baby every single time.

"Choo, choo! Coming through!" Kiyotaka said, pushing the train along the tracks. The train zoomed across the tracks, hitting other trains to the side as it went on it's path of terror.

Kiyotaka looked at the clock and figured out it was 6:00 PM, meaning that he could watch cartoons now. His parents really wanted him to focus on education rather than cartoons, but let him watch it from 6:00 PM and after, so he doesn't get too bored.

He rushed into the living room, and grabbed the remote. Kiyotaka clicked through the channels, until he made his way onto the cartoon channel. They were showing Sailor Moon, a show that most of the boys would say was "for girls", but Kiyotaka enjoyed it a lot.

The boy watched attentively as high school girls transformed into heroes saving the world from multiple villains. 

Until he heard screaming.

He assumed it was from the TV, so he tried turning the volume down, but the screaming only got louder.

"Ugh, your unbelievable! This is our child you're talking about, not a lab rat!" Kiyotaka knew exactly who was screaming and why. It was his mother, and she had probably found out about the thing Kiyotaka's father did to him.

Basically, yesterday Kiyotaka's father brought a pointy thing home, and asked Kiyotaka to stay still. He then injected something into Kiyotaka, hoping for something to happen. And nothing happened. Luckily, there was nothing bad injected into him, but his father was still disappointed with the result.

He consulted his assistant at the office about the syringe, and Kiyotaka's mom had caught him in the act. Kiyotaka's dad had a history of doing experiments on Kiyotaka, none of them working. 

And now, here we are.

"I know! It was one experiment, that's all!" Kiyotaka's dad exclaimed. Kiyotaka shut off the TV, and listened closely.

"This has been going on for months and you know it, Kiyotacchi!" Kiyotaka's mom retorted. Kiyotaka tried walking to his room, but was interrupted by his parent's door being slammed open.

"Come on, Aiya!" 

"No! I'm done with you! I'm getting a divorce, and taking Kiyotaka!" Aiya said, a bag in hand. She stomped her way to Kiyotaka, striking fear in his heart. He wasn't in trouble, but his mom was very scary.

"Don't worry honey, I'll get you tomorrow." Aiya said, kissing Kiyotaka on the forehead. He watch as his mom and dad walked out of the door, arguing all the way. Kiyotaka ran over to the window, where he saw his dad yelling at his mom while she was in the car, ignoring him. Aiya drove away, completely leaving Kiyotaka and his dad.

Kiyotacchi walked into the house, defeated. He had just lost the love of his life, because of an experiment, no less. He plopped down on the couch, rethinking his decisions. This could've been avoided if his experiments would work....

Kiyotacchi stared at his son, his cold, purple eyes looking into his soul.

All he'd have to do, is prove to his wife that his experiments would work, regardless of the method. Then she'd forgive him, and everything would be fine, right?

"Kiyotaka. You're coming with me tomorrow." Kiyotacchi stated sternly.

"O-Oh, okay. But where are we going?" Kiyotaka asked.

"To my job."


Kiyotacchi had got Kiyotaka out of the house immediately, not giving Aiya a chance to pick their son up. He drove past the speed limit, disregarding everything around him.

His phone was ringing nonstop, since Aiya was trying to figure out where they were. Kiyotacchi had to shut off his phone because it was getting really distracting.

Eventually they had made it to the place, a white building in the middle of the forest. The two got out, and walked in. Multiple kids were walking around, talking to each other about various topics.

"Welcome to the White Room, Kiyotaka. Your new home."

"Woah......" Kiyotaka said, amazed at the size of the building. Kiyotacchi gripped his son's hand, making Kiyotaka wince in pain.

"I'll show you to your room." Kiyotacchi said, speed-walking down one of the hallways. They walked for what seemed like miles until they reached a white room, with a mat in it. Kiyotaka slowly walked in, scanning the room. There was nothing, however. Just a camera in the top corner and the mat from earlier.

"Stay right there, I'll assign you a caretaker." Kiyotacchi said, closing the door. The sounds were muffled, but Kiyotaka could hear one thing;

"Hey, Nori! You're going to be the caretaker for my child!" Kiyotacchi yelled. Tapping of shoes could be heard, with a voice following that noise;

"Oh, okay." There was a bit of excitement in that voice, almost like they wanted to be near a kid.

The door opened to reveal a tall lady, at least to Kiyotaka's standards. She had brown hair, and emerald eyes that gave off a comfortable, trusting aura.

"Hello, little one. I'm Seno Nori. But you can jut call me Seno. What's your name?"

"U-Um, it's Kiyotaka Ayanokouji. I guess you can call me Kiyotaka." Kiyotaka said, a bit nervous.

This is where the story takes a very, very, dark turn.


Okay, how'd you guys like that? I think the remaster should be better than the last, so let's hope for the best.

I'd also like to suggest something, to the community at least.

I want to do a COTE Oneshot Contest.

Now I know, some of you are going to skip right past this but I'd like you to hear me out here.

Ever since the reaction fanfic meta, theres been a shortage of books, or at least ones that stay up for a long time. Most people are just giving up at 2 or 3 chapters and calling it a day. However, there are smaller creators who don't get as much credit, but have really good books! So, what I think we should do is give more recognition to these creators.

I know I don't have the most clout in the world, but I'd like to shout people out and give them some sort of recognition, even if it's small.

So, if you'd like to participate, put in down in the comments, and depending on the feedback, I'll make the contest.

That's all, and have a horrible day. See ya! :D

-gross virgin senpai
