The Quarrymen

*2 months later*

July 5, 1956


I was walking down the crowded hallways of Liverpool Institute to go to my locker. I was going to leave my books there before I go home.

I finally reached my locker when I saw a guy blocking it. Leaning on it while talking to his group of friends.

"Umm, excuse me? Can I please go to my locker?"

"Go 'ed, why'd you 'ave to tell us?" The guy said, I couldn't see his face because his group of friends were covering him, they were a bit tall too.

"Because, smart-ass, you're leaning on it!" I yelled.

"Oh sorry, 'bout that." He turned around..

Oh hell...

The guy who was leaning on my locker was George Harrison! I started freaking out, inside of course, I remained calmed on the outside.

"Oi! Bird! I thought you was goin' to your locker?" He asked, waving his hand in front of my face.

"Right! now if you excuse me..." I grabbed my stuff from my bag and left it inside the locker.

His group of friends started to leave, but he stayed.

"Me name's George Harrison. Sorry 'bout earlier, I didn't know."

"My name's Clarabella Savannia, but you can just call me Clara. And it's alright, just try to be more polite next time, eh?"

He laughed, and I saw his cheeks turn red.

Woah, did he just blush?

Nah, maybe it was just out of embarrassment.

I saw Paul coming out in one of the classrooms and he was walking towards me.

"'Ey, My Clarabella! I've seen you already met George!" Paul said resting his arms on my shoulders. Bringing me close to him.

"My Clarabella?" I asked.

"Oh nothin' I just want to call yah that."

"Um, okay?"

"So.. how long have you been together?" George asked out of the blue.

Me and Paul begin to burst out laughing..

"George, we aren't together. We're just very very good friends." I told him.

"Oh, okay then! Sorry! Well, I must be off then, I wouldn't want to miss me dad's bus! Nice to meet you Clara, and see you Paul!" He told us then ran outside the school doors.

"Wow. George. Harrison." I whispered to myself, I must've said that out loud because Paul asked..

"Why? What's with him?"

"Nothing! You'll find out soon." I winked.

The next day..

July 6, 1956

-Paul's P.O.V-

"Dad! I'm going to St. Peter's woolton parish church! I'm meeting a friend there at the fair."

"Why don't you take Clara with you?" He asked

"But... I'm gonna meet birds there!"

"Now young man! That's not what I taught you all these years now did I? to pick up some girls with your musical charms?"

"No..." I groaned.

I went up to my room, well.. me and clara's room to be exact.

I found Clara there sitting on the bed looking down and playing with my guitar..

"Love me tender..

Love me sweet

Never let me go.

You have made my life complete

And I love you so..

Love me tender

Love me true

All my dreams fulfilled

For my darling, I love you

And I always will. "

"That was beautiful."

Clara darted her head up surprised to see me there..

"I didn't know you were here.. You startled me." She said.

"Sorry.. but that was beautiful Clara, your voice is amazing. And you really know how to play the guitar." I told her

"Thank you, Paul. You're very sweet."

She leaned in and kissed my cheeks.

"That's a thank you." She winked.

I was now sitting in front of her. Looking at her beautiful face, brown eyes, long eyelashes, thin puffy lips, how her hair turned lighter because of the sun shining through the window. God, I just want to grab her face and kiss her and tell her how much I like her.

"Paul! Earth to Paul! Helloooooo."

"Sorry! Well anyway, Clara, I'm going to St. Peter's woolton church right now, wanna tag along?"

"I want to Paul! But, I can't I have homework. Oh wait! I can catch up with you though! After I finish these." she pointed at some papers next to her which looked like homework.

"Well, that sounds great! I'll wait for you there! See you, My Clara!"

"See you, Paul! Have fun and stay safe!"

I went outside and grabbed my bike and made my way to the fair.


1 hour had passed

"DONE! Hahaha finally, I've finish my goddamn homework!" I would have never thought that I would still be doing homework in the 50's.

Oh Paul! I was suppose to catch up with him at the fair. I quickly got up, took a shower and got dressed. I wore my white low-back top, my black miniskirt, and a pair of white heels.

I got out of the house, waited for a bus and made my way to the fair.

I finally got there, and I went to find Paul... I saw a truck in the center of a field where the fair was with a thick cupboard at the back strong enough to hold the instruments and the boys who were on it. A clever way to create a small stage. I could read the name of the band in one of the drums.. "Qua-Quar-Quarrymen" "THE QUARRYMEN?" I shouted, I wasn't suppose to shout but it suddenly came out of my mouth.

The boys who were sitting there turned around to see who called them.

I saw Paul there with.. wait.. THIS IS THE FAIR AT WOOLTON...THIS MEANS... THIS IS WHERE PAUL AND JOHN MET. IT'S JOHN LENNON. JOHN LENNON. JOHN. LENNON. JOHN WINSTON LENNON. My inspiration, is here, alive, and young. I think I'm gonna faint.

"Clara! Come 'ere!" Paul shouted and started waving at me.

I took a deep breath and walked towards them. One teddy boy helped me to get up the truck. And there I was, witnessing history.

Paul played 20 flight rock for John and I saw that John was very impressed.

"Clara, this is John.."

"John this is Clara.."

We shook hands and he signaled me to sit at the seat in front of him.

"So, are yah Paul's girl?" John asked

"Oh no, actually, we're just good friends" I told him.

"Well, lucky for me then." He told me then winked.

"What's that suppose to mean?" I asked

He was about to answer when Paul butted in.

"Okay, so you'll be coming at me house after school?" He asked John.

"Yeah, or sometimes you can come to me place when mimi ain't there."

"Okay then." Paul said.

"Am I missing something?" I asked. I knew what they were talking about but I needed to ask so John wouldn't be curious.

"Paul here will be teachin' me how to play the guitar."

"Oh okay, may I borrow your guitar for a bit?"

"Go 'ed."

I started playing...

"Everyday it's getting closer,

going faster than a rollercoaster

Love like yours will surely come my way

Everyday it' getting faster

Everyone said go ahead and ask her

Love like yours will surely come my way..


They all clapped and Paul hugged me.

I blushed, hopefully he wouldn't notice.

"That was amazin', how'dya learned to play like that?" John asked

"My mom."

"Okay then! Well I better be off, it's gettin' late. Mimi will kill me, I'm sure." John said.

We all said our goodbyes but before John left he held my hand and said..

"I'll see you on monday." He pinched my cheeks then left with his skiffle band.

Why was John acting weird? Wasn't he suppose to be rude or somethin' ?atleast... that's what I've read about him.. I guess not all you read or hear is true unless you've witnessed it.

Me and Paul got home and before we went to bed we had a little talk. We were lying down on our bed looking at the ceiling..

"I'm afraid to go to sleep." Paul said


"I had a nightmare, last night."

"About what Paul?"

"Well.. I was walking home from school when I saw me mum in front of our house.. She was just standing there. When I got near her she leaned beside me ear and whispered "I love you... but all things must come to an end. But remember, an end is always another start of a beginning." Then she fainted in my arms and blood was coming out of her mouth... She was saying something but I couldn't figure it out. Then you opened the door... Then me mum suddenly disappeared. And I woke up."

I forgot that his mom died from breastcancer. That must've been devastating.

I hear paul sniff and I turned around to see him crying.

"Aww Paul, shhh, don't cry.. C'mon now. Everything will be alright." I told him.

"I love her so much and I miss her."

"I bet she's a lovely woman.."

"She is.."

"Clara.. can I hug you? No funny business. I just need someone right now." Paul asked.

"Sure, Paul."

We were hugging right there. And I was running my fingers through his hair.. Just to calm him down since he was still crying.

"Can you sing me a song?" Paul asked.

"Umm sure.."

I started singing..

"Jimmy please say you'll wait for me

I'll grow up someday you'll see

Saving all my kisses just for you

Signed with love, forever true.

Joni was the girl who lived next door

I've known her, I guess 10 years or more

Joni wrote me a note one day

And this is what she had to say..

Jimmy please say you'll wait for me

I'll grow up someday you'll see

Saving all my kisses just for yoh

Signed with love, forever true.

Slowly I read her note once more

Then I went over to the house next door

Her teardrops fell like rain that day

When I told Joni what I had to say...

Joni, Joni please don't cry..

You'll forget me by and by

You're just 15 I am 22

And Joni I just can't wait for you.."

I looked at him then I saw that he was already sleeping. He was still hugging me so I kissed his forehead and said

"Goodnight, Paul."
