She's Leaving Home (Part 1)

(Clara's POV)

Few weeks have passed and I still couldn't get over what happened between me and John. I sometimes see him outside our house talking to Paul, asking him if I was home. I told Paul that I wouldn't want to see John ever again so he would just tell John that I wasn't home.

I was heading downstairs towards the kitchen when I heard Paul and Uncle Jim talking. So I eavesdropped for a bit, which was wrong but I was curious because I heard my name.

"Paul, I'm sorry but.. I can't continue this anymore. Clara is such a nice girl and she's like a daughter to me but the expenses Paul... I already have you and Mike. Clara is going to college next week and... I can't afford it anymore Paul. Universities here in England are expensive and I can't save that much."

"I-i understand dad, but... I don't know what to tell 'er." I heard Paul walk away from the conversation and so I hurried upstairs to our room so that he wouldn't know I was eavesdropping.

I felt so sorry for Uncle Jim. I didn't know he was having any money problems. Thankfully, I had been accepted to a university that gave me a scholarship, I got the letter earlier this month and I was still contemplating wether I would go or not but hearing this, I guess my choice is settled. I can't tell Paul or Uncle Jim about this because the university is located in the US, New Jersey to be exact. Uncle Jim might think that he should pay for my trip going there and Paul... I could never say goodbye to Paul. It will just break my heart. The letter said that I should register there before the month was over. I should leave earlier I guess.. Fortunately for me I had savings from my summer job and the allowance that uncle Jim gave me. It was enough to pay for the trip and to settle in New Jersey.

I'm leaving as soon as possible. I have to see everyone first before I leave, including John. I have to see all of them one last time, without them knowing I will leave.

( John's POV )

*knock* *knock* *knock*

"Mimi! Someone's at the door!"

"I know that, John!" Mimi shouted

"John! It's for you! It's Clara!"

Clara! Clara's here... Is she going to forgive me?

I ran down the stairs as fast as I could.

"Umm, H-Hello, John." Clara looked beautiful.

I hugged her, I missed her so much. I needed to feel her.

"I missed you, Clara."

"I missed you too, John."

"Do you want to go to the park and talk?" I asked.

"I'd rather go to Strawberry Fields."

"Umm, alright. Come 'ed."

I grabbed my coat and we were off..
It was an awkward walk to Strawberry Fields. Neither of us talked and I kept a distance.

We finally arrived after a few minutes later. We sat down the bench and then I could feel her looking at me.


"Look, Clara. I'm stupid, I know what I did was wrong! I would've never done it if I was sober! I- I can't lose you. I wouldn't know what I would do without you... Clara, I love you."

"John... I love you too so much that it hurts me to tell you that... I'm breaking up with you."

"Clara, please don't do this. I know I've hurt you and I would never do it again. Give me a second chance. Please."

"John, I would. I would give you a second chance.. But- but... I can't."

"Why in the hell not, Clara?!?" I started getting frustrated.

"John, calm down and look at me."

I calmed down and she grabbed my face gently, our lips almost touching.

"John... I saw your gift."

She pulled out the necklace, the shirt she was wearing was hiding it.

"John, I treasure this moment and I will never ever forget this. I will always wear this necklace so it would always remind me of our memories. John, I just need to be alone for awhile. "

"I love you so much Clara."

"And I love you too, Buddy Holly."

She pulled out my glasses out of my pockets and she put it on me.

"I always loved this side of you, John."

"What side?" I asked.

"The soft and sweet John, I could only see this side of you when we're alone together. If there are other people around you'll just act tough, and you'll be back to being teddy-boy John..."

She started to get closer and then she suddenly planted her lips on mine. We started to kiss like there was no tomorrow. She kissed me like this was the last time. I think it will be the last time.. and I needed guts to move on.

She pulled away from the kiss and hugged me.

"I'll miss you, John."

"I'll miss you too, Clara."

"But... We'll still be friends, right? I mean we'll still see each other normally?" I asked.

"We'll see."

And with that she kissed my lips one last time and stared at my eyes.

"Goodbye, John."

She walked away. I know that she didn't want to be followed.

Could I ever move on from Clara?

(George's POV)

*knock* *knock* *knock*

"Paul, wait 'ere someone's at the door." We were in the middle of a jamming session when someone knocked on the door.

I opened it surprised to see Clara.

"Umm.. 'Ey Clara! Come in.."

"Thanks, Kid."

I hate it when she calls me that, but I find it also very cute.

"So, what brings you 'ere, my dear kitten?" I asked.

"Just wanted to hang out or maybe talk?"

"Well, Paul's 'ere! 'Ya can hang out here with us."

"That sounds great."

We went into the living-room where Paul was at.

"Oh 'ey there Clara. What are 'ya doing 'ere?" Paul asked.

"Well I just wanted to hangout, I have no plans for today so I thought I'd go visit my best kid." Clara winked at me.

"Stop callin' me kid, I'm already 15!" I laughed.

"Yeah, whatever, Georgie." She ruffled my hair.

"So guys! Guess what?"

"What?" Paul and I asked.

"Me and John? We're okay now." She smiled.

"So you two? Umm... Are back together?" Paul asked with a frown.

"No. We just settled things out. We're back to being just friends."

"That's wonderful then!" Paul grinned.

"'Ya seem so happy, Paul?" I asked.

"Sod off, George!" He then punched me playfully in the arm.

"You two are so cute... I'm gonna miss you both" Clara said, I could hear it in her voice that she was about to cry. but she didn't.

"Why? 'Ya goin' somewhere?" Paul teased.

"No! Silly! It's just that... nevermind." She asked.

"Don't think 'bout anything, that'll upset you, Clara." I told her.

"Oh well, anyway can you two sing for me?" She asked.

"What song?" Paul asked.

"Well.. remember that song you were composing last year? in spite of all the danger?" She told Paul.

"Oh, yeah I know that." I said.

"Sure, but only in one condition." Paul told her.

"'Ya 'ave to sing for us too." Paul said with a wink.

"It's a deal." She shook her hands and giggled.

We started to play...

( Clara's POV )

"Umm, I wrote this song for someone very special to me, and I hope you would all enjoy it." Paul said acting like there was a crowd in front of him.

They started to sing...

In spite of all the danger
In spite of all that may be
I'll do anything for you
Anything you want me to
If you'll be true to me

In spite of all the heartache
That you may cause me
I'll do anything for you
Anything you want me to
If you'll be true to me

I'll look after you
Like I've never done before
I'll keep all the others
From knocking at your door

In spite of all the danger
In spite of all that may be
I'll do anything for you
Anything you want me to
If you'll be true to me...

I clapped and gave them both a long hug. Tears were almost forming in my eyes but I fought them back.

"That was so great! such a lovely song!" I told them.

"Glad 'ya like it! but 'ey you 'ave to sing for us now." Paul said grinning.

I started to sing...

"Earth Angel,
Earth Angel,
Will you be mine?
My darling dear,
Love you all the time.
I'm just a fool,
A fool in love with you.

Earth Angel,
Earth Angel,
The one I adore,
Love you forever
And evermore.
I'm just a fool,
A fool in love with you.

I fell for you
And I knew
The vision of your love, loveliness.
I hope and I pray
That someday
I'll be the vision of your hap, happiness.

Oh, Earth Angel,
Earth Angel,
Please be mine?
My darling dear,
Love you all the time.
I'm just a fool,
A fool in love with you."

"That... that was so beautiful." George said.

"Clara, your voice that was... Amazing!" Paul then hugged me and kissed me on my cheek.

"Aww, I love you both so much." I hugged them again.

"And I love you too..." George said then suddenly kissed me on my cheek.

I look at Paul and saw that he was glaring at me and George.

"Woah, what was that for?" I asked

"I just wanted to make Paul jealous." He said.

George started to laugh and then I joined him. Paul looked confused but then started laughing too.

I'm going to remember this day and I will treasure it forever...

Author's note:

This was such a long chapter! I'm going to work on Part 2 but I have to eat dinner first. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Please do leave a comment and a vote would be appreciated. Ta, lovelies! Xx

(Mate, if you're reading this, I wrote something for you...)
