โœง ๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ”: Brazil โœง

โžฌ โœง ๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ”: Brazil

MAISIE finally sat down in the plane.

She was going to Brazil, with Pietra and Max. But they were not next to her, they were just a little further away.

Soon the plane took off and now Maisie was ready to spend too many hours in this plane.

She got comfortable with the small blanket that was offered and put on her headset as she connected them to the screen to watch a movie.


MAISIE , PIETRA and MAX finally landed in Brazil. Immediatly they called an uber and quickly they arrived at the hotel where they registered and went up to their rooms. They got ready very quickly, after the long 11-hour flight - they needed a shower and then once finished they headed for the circuit, once again with an Uber.

Arrived there they got into the paddock and walked to the Mclaren garage. The sprint shootout was going to start in like a minute so they took their headset and finally they were ready.

Once the sprint shootout over Lando did some interviews etc and then finally walked back to the garage where he saw his girlfriend. Immediately the smile present on his face grew bigger as he began to walk faster.


"hey" The man did not waited another second to wrap his arms around the girl. The embrace lasted some long seconds, "how are you? how was your flight and when did you arrived?"

"wow okay calm down" Maisie chuckled but as she opened her mouth to talk again Max and Pietra came back

"hello mate" Max spoke as he smiled and Pietra also said a helloย 

Lando gave them both a quick hug before he began a quick conversation with them


"I've missed you so much," Lando declared and as soon as he'd closed the door, he took Maisie's arm and pulled her close to him when she made her way to the small couch.

"I missed you more" Maisie stated before she placed her hands on his cheeks to delicately crash her lips on his while he automatically put his hands on her waist

The kiss lasted some more seconds, then they pulled away but stared at each other for another second with smiles printed on their faces.

"And I'm so proud of you Lando. Tonight you're on pole! That is crazy and amazing!"

"thank you and yeah it's crazy but I'm excited"

"me too. And to answer to the questions you asked me earlier, the flight was okay but too long and I'm tired because I didn't slept a lot and I arrived at the track like a minute before the sprint shootout started so I was on time"

"i'm glad you didn't missed it"

"I couldn't miss it" The girl declared as she sat on the small couch, "and now i know you want to shower so go ahead, i'm waiting here anyway"

"okay, i'll be quick don't worry"

So Lando took his clothes and got into the shower. Whilst that Maisie lied down on the small couch but quickly without realising it she fell asleep

So once the man finished showering he got out and began to call the woman's name to see that she was sleeping. Seeing that a small smile took place on his lips.
He then took one of his jacket which was placed on a chair and he carefully put it on her. It was hot in Brazil but he knew that whenever Maisie slept she needed something to cover her, hot or not.

And after that he left the motorhome direction the garage again because he had things to do obviously.


MAISIE was still sleeping in Lando's driver room when she finally opened her eyes. As she sat down she noticed Lando sitting on a chair with his phone in his hand.


"oh hey, slept well?"

"Yeah but I didn't meant to sleep, sorr-"

"it's okay, you can sleep here as much as you want to"

"Thanks" Maisie said with a smile, before going into the sort of bathroom to splash some water on her face to freshen up.

Then she came back to where she was and sat back on the couch where Lando actually was now.

"I feel like I haven't seen you for such a long time"

"Me too, I'm not used to being away from you three entire weeks" Lando agreed "but now you're here" he added before slowly leaning in and planting a kiss on the girl's lips

"i missed that too" Maisie chuckled

"me too"

After that short talk the both of them talked for a bit before going back to the McLaren garage since Lando had thing to do before the sprint race started.

The sprint race went great for Lando, unfortunately he didn't won but he was second! Which is a great place.

"Lando!" Maisie exclaimed when she saw the sight of her boyfriend approaching her, "do i need to say again that i'm soo proud of you?" She whispered in his ear once his arms where wrapped around her

"i wouldn't say no" He said with a laugh escaping from his mouth

"then i'm telling you again, i'm soo proud of you"

"thank you isie"

"no problem norris"

"You're so annoying when you call me 'Norris'"

"Your fault you called me 'isie'" The woman shrugged as she pulled away from the hug to then let Lando talk to Max and Pietra



MAISIE , LANDO , MAX and PIETRA were walking around the city since they finished eating in the small restaurant about 30 minutes ago.

And now they arrived at a beach.
A special beach for Maisie and Lando, who shared a knowing glance as two smiles quivered on their lips before they headed out onto it.

This beach was the beach where the couple kissed for the first time. Where they realised they were both madly in love with each other.

(And ignored their feelings for each other for a long time after but that is just going be ignored)

"it's so pretty here" Pietra commented as she observed the landscape in front of her, "i love coming here"

"yeah it is" Maisie nodded, "i love this place"

"i wonder why" Lando commented with a visible smug on his lips, he was obviously referring to last year

"Oh God, i don't want to know what happened between you two here" Max talked with a disgusted face

"shut up Max" Maisie just rolled her eyes at his comments

"No thanks"

"You're so annoying, I still can't understand how Pietra is with you"

"And I can't understand how Lando is still with you" Max argued back causing Maisie to just show her middle finger as an answer

But anyway, after that they all four stayed here for some time. They talked until Pietra and Max decided to go back to the hotel while Maisie and Lando decided to stay for some more minutes,

"i love you"

"i love you too lando" Maisie smiled, "by the way, what do you want for your birthday this year?"


"yeah but that is going to be complicated since i'm not going to be with you"

"i know.. But apart from that i don't want anything"

"seriously? there's not something you really want?"

"i don't want you to buy me anything so no"

"but come on it's your birthday"

"still. Promise me you won't buy me anything"

"i'll try" Maise spoke with a small smile, clearly meaning that she was not going to listen to him

"i hate you"

"not what you said two second ago.."

"forget what i said seconds ago then"

"no thanks"

"you're annoying you know that?"

"i know, but you love me so i don't care" The woman showed a proud smile earning a laugh from her boyfriend

"unfortunately yeah"

"unfortunately? excuse me?"

"it was a joke maisie"

"not funny"

Lando tried to talk to her but she just turned her back to him, "come on, it was just a joke don't be mad" He gently moved her body by taking her arms so that she was facing him

But she didn't answer.

In all honesty she wanted to just laugh, she wasn't really mad, she knew he was joking but it was funny to pretend.

"hey you are laughing!"


"yeah you are, you're not really mad!"

"oh wow someone's calling me i gotta answer" Maisie suddenly spoke as she took her phone out of her purse and approached it to her ear,

Obviously it was just pretending and Lando remarked it, "you're so stupid" he chuckled causing the girl to also laugh as she put back her phone into her purse

But when they both raised their head again their eyes met.

The woman's look then fell on his lips and his eyes did the same so she brought up her hands to his cheeks and delicately placed her lips on his. They were now moving in unison as the man's fingers stroked her cheeks..

Like last year..

Selma's note ๐Ÿ˜ป


SOO, new chapter!!
i hope y'all liked it,

and, i have nothing else to say,

byee everyone!
see y'all in the next chapter!!

- Selma
