✧ 𝟎𝟒𝟎: Tʀᴜsᴛ ✧

➬ ✧ 𝟎𝟒𝟎: Tʀᴜsᴛ

MAISIE woke up next to LANDO.

He was in England since about two days and he spend the night at Maisie's place tonight.

It was now about 1 pm so yeah late but as an excuse they both went to sleep really late..

"lando, wake up it's literally 1 pm" She quietly said and after insisting for a few more minutes he finally woke up

They both immediately went to shower because they decided to eat outside. Maisie went to shower first and once finished and dressed up it was Lando's turn.

But, as he was showering his phone rang. Maisie just decided to see who was calling him and then tell him but when she saw the name, all of a sudden a lot of questions popped into her head, and above all she was surprised, but not really in a good way..

"Maisie what-"

"why Grace is calling you?"

"i don't know?"

"she just called you like that? no reason..? you never talked to her?"

"yes i talked to her but it's not often at all and-"

"you talked to her?"


"but wh- why?"

"because she send me a dm one day and i replied"

"oh no"


"it's going to happen again? you are going to end up with her?" Maisie talked, it couldn't happen again, not this time, not with lando

"What? no!" Lando exclaimed "you don't trust me?"

"of course i trust you!"

"you heard what you just said? you clearly don't trust me"

"i trust you more than anyone and you know it. But i don't trust her."

"then why were you even looking at my phone?"

"because i wanted to see who was calling you to tell you! that's all! but i guess i was not supposed to see that" Maisie spoke "lando i told you about her. I don't understand"

"i don't understand either. why are you so mad? i did nothing wrong, i just talked to a girl in a friendly way?"

"i don't care if you have girl friends, you can have whoever you want as friends but why her? out of everyone, why my ex-best friend? you said i had nothing to worry about" The girl declared not understanding what was going on, why?

"and you still have nothing to worry about! i don't like her, i'm with you, not with her"

"someone told me that already and it actually didn't end well"

"but i'm not like him and i will not cheat on you, but if you trusted me you would've know that" He asserted "and now i should go because this is- wrong. Bye" He sighed and left, letting the girl alone in her bedroom

When she heard the noise of the entrance door being closed a few tears started escaping her eyes,

why was she so dramatic..

what just happened was real?

"ria can you come at my place today?" Maisie asked to her friend, she needed her right now

"yeah of course. When?"


"okay i'm coming!" Ria exclaimed and immediately ended the call

And Maisie waited for her. Quickly after her friend arrived, Maisie opened the door and let her in.

"oh maisie" Ria simply commented before and hugging the girl "lando told me you two kinda had a fight"

"he just told you what happened? nothing more?"

"nothing more" Ria lied, he did said something else but it wasn't necessary and honestly ria was on Maisie's side even though she heard the boy's version of the story

"he thinks i don't trust him" Maisie began to explain "he don't understand that i trust him but not grace. She stole my boyfriend once, i know that she can do it again and this time i refuse. Lando knows and he still talked her but the worst is that he didn't even tell me. I don't understand why, i'm probably exaggerating because talking to her doesn't mean he's going to cheat or end up with her, but imagine? but i don't want to imagine that"

"okay, you're not exaggerating." Maria started "you like him so you're scared it's normal. I gotta say that i agree with you, he should've said it to you, and i don't understand why he was talking to her but that doesn't mean he's going to do something" She continued to reassure her friend "He really likes you Maisie and you know it, i don't think he did that with a intent to hurt you or to do something after with her. But you two need to talk"

"yeah but i don't want to talk to him like right now? i want to talk to him but not right now, later or i don't know when"

"it's okay! You are upset, you have all the right to not wanting to talk to him right now"

"i love you, thank you" Maisie sincerely smiled to her friend

"i love you too Maisie, and no problem. I'm here for you, always" Maria smiled back at her friend and hugged her again as a reassurance,

After this conversation the two girls decided to spend the day together. The first step was going shopping, Ria wanted to do some shopping because she had things to buy for this week and Maisie wasn't going to complain about it so immediately with Ria's car they went to the closest shopping center.

There they dragged each other in too many stores...

The two girls were now in a store where Maria was dragged by Maisie.

And Maisie was trying on a dress while her friend waited for her in a chair,

"you look so good!" Maria exclaimed as she saw he friend coming out of the fitting room, the dress on her

"thank you"

"so you're buying it?"

"um no, i don't think so"

"why? it looks good on you"

"but i don't feel like it looks good on me honestly.  i don't really like it. on me" Maisie quickly explained trying to not install an awkward atmosphere

"wait what? it looks so good on you! But no one is forcing you to buy it so do whatever you want. Even though i think that you look really good in this dress" Maria gave her honest opinion, but she did not insisted more than that

And after this last trying clothes session the two girls went to Dunkin Donuts since they were hungry. Once they finished doing that they spend the rest of the day at Maisie's place until Maria unfortunately had to go..

"you call me if you need!"

"yeah don't worry. and again thank you for today"

"don't thank me" Ria hugged her friend "and i'll see you tomorrow?"

"yeah okay bye!"


And Maisie was now officially alone.

The girl immediately changed into her pyjamas, brushed her teeth and headed to her bed to sleep. It was late, she was tired and she wanted to forget this day.

She sounded dramatic. It sounded like she was exaggerating.


Since her fight with Lando this morning many questions were running through her head, mainly "what if?".

Two words that scared her right now.

'What if he cheats on me with Grace?
What if he end up with Grace?
What if it happens again?
What if i finish heartbroken?'

She was paranoid, she didn't wanted to be. But it wasn't on purpose.

Maisie loved Lando. She couldn't loose him.
Not him. Everyone but him

Immediately when she saw his phone this morning it was like a flashback.

This moment already happened and it didn't ended well.

She knew Lando, she trusted him, she knew he couldn't cheat he was not like that, he was not that type of person but a small part of her couldn't not worry..


Maisie decided to then go to sleep because thinking about all of this won't help her...

Selma's note 😻


SOO, new chapter!!
hope y'all liked it,

anyway, i have nothing else to say,

byee everyone!
see y'all in the next chapter!!

- Selma
