Breakfast Time

"Breakfast time! Everybody out!" Tori called. "Breakfast, you guys."

Andre, Robbie, and three of their little mice friends poked their heads out one of the windows the second they heard the word 'breakfast'. They sniffed the air of fresh cheese crumbs and their eyes lit up. In the yard the mice could see a large group of chickens happily flying out of their coops and over to Tori as she handed out the breakfast. the feathered creatures didn't waste any time before scratching and pecking at the ground as they tried grabbing their share before any other visitors...mainly the mice. It was this time of the morning that things tended to get a little short of hectic. And it was about to be revealed why.

"C'mon guys guys! Breakfy time! I'm starving!" Andre exclaimed as he was the first to turn around and head into the kitchen through their mouse holes. Three of the mice shortly followed, but Robbie poked his head out the window again.

"Breakfy?" he asked.

Seeing that Robbie wasn't with them so quickly, Andre quickly turned around to bring Robbie with them. "C'mon, Rob! Breakfy time."

"Breakfy?" Robbie repeated, confused. He scratched his head as Andre lightly pulled on his arm, signalling Robbie to follow him. Then Robbie chuckled with content. "Oooh, breakfy!"

The small group eagerly began making their way through the mouse hole down to the kitchen. The jumped from one ledge to another, swung down from nails in the walls, even slid down mini ramps. It was no time at all before they were at the hole that led to the kitchen. Making his way to the front again, Andre was the first one out. He was more than happy to head out and grab some food...but then he saw one little problem. Or rather, one big problem that had him stopping dead in his tracks. Andre's mouth dropped open, but he quickly snapped out of his thoughts when the rest of his comrades ran right into him, almost creating a row of mouse dominoes.

"It Lucifer!" Andre gasped, seeing Lucifer laying at his milk bowl facing the door.

"How we gonna get out?" one of the mice ask.

"We gotta bwainstorm. C'mon." Andre replied, rushing back into the hole.

The other mice followed, though Robbie, not realizing what was going on, almost walked right over to Andre just to try and get out the door. Luckily before he could get very far, Andre pulled him back into the mouse hole.

"Sh, sh. Carefy." Andre said quietly, warning the group to be careful as they pulled Robbie in. They couldn't risk Lucifer hearing them, especially this early. Then they'd never get breakfast. Andre took a moment to twitch his nose and think, so he could come up with a good idea. There had to be some way to lose Lucifer. Now there were plenty of holes in the walls...Lucifer was way too big to fit through any of them...and they all had to get breakfast somehow... That was it! Andre turned to his friends. "Listen guys. I gotta idea. Now somebody gotta sneak out..." he pointed out the hole and over to Lucifer, "get Lucifer's tention, run over to corner..." he pointed to a corner not too far from their hole where there was a broom and a hole in the wall the the right and left of it, "...and keep em dere. And we all run out. Got it?"

This was why Andre was the leader. He always had the best plans. It was just a shame that they had to revolve around food so much. The mice happily agreed.

"Yup yup. Yup." they all nodded.

"Now we choose da one to do it." Andre told them. "And a hup!" He jumped and spun around so his tail was facing the mice.

"Hup!" the other three agreed, jumping around so their tails faced Andre's.

It took a moment for Robbie to catch on, but he quickly did the same. "Eh...hup!"

"Ready...hup!" Andre said, taking a jump back.

"Hup!" the three mice said, jumping back as well so now their tails were intertwined with Andre's.

"Hup!" Robbie finished, doing the same.

Andre then closed his eyes, covering his eyes with one of his hands as an extra precaution, and held onto the edge of one of the tails. As soon as he gave the word, the other mice started jumping away. That meant who's ever tail Andre was holding would be the one to distract Lucifer.. and also the one who wouldn't be able to jump away. But as soon as they had jumped, Andre tugged on the tail. It wasn't what he was expecting; there was no 'eep' or response from any of his friends. He just felt his tail get pulled on. Something wasn't right here... He pulled the tail again but it was the same thing. Now why would it feel like his tail was the one being pulled? There was no way that he could have chosen himself. That was just asking for trouble. Andre slowly opened his eyes...only to see that he was holding his own tail. His face fell immediately. He jumped and turned to see Robbie eagerly shaking Andre's hand. New guy had to be glad it wasn't him. Andre turned to look at the other three. Two of them slowly removed their hats like they were saluting someone, and the third gulped and started waving bye to Andre. It just goes to show how much confidence they had in him. Andre tried his best to hold in a smile as he waved to his fellow mice, but his expression kept falling. He turned to the mouse hole. There was no sense in worrying when he didn't even start going after Lucifer yet. Putting on his toughest face, Andre proudly walked out into the kitchen. It was all or nothing now.

Andre started by leaning up against the wall and slowly tiptoeing closer. Even he knew to be careful at a time like this. Andre saw that Lucifer was still enjoying his bowl of milk, but the cat was about to get a very bad wake-up call. Andre quickly ducked behind one of the barrels to be on the safe side, then poked his head out to make sure he wasn't seen. So far so good. Waiting in anticipation, his mice friends poked their heads out of the hole and watched to see what the next move would be.

Andre continued to tiptoe, becoming even more quiet and cautious now that he was out in the open. The closer he got to Lucifer, the faster he moved. He could still feel the eyes of his friends on him, waiting eagerly to see when they could get their food. Oh, and if Andre would be alright of course. Ducking behind Lucifer once he was there, Andre waited a moment before going a little closer to see what exactly the cat was doing. raising his head, Andre took note of how Lucifer was enjoying his own breakfast. Lucifer had only stuck one of his claws in the milk, then raised it to his mouth, and let the drop of milk hanging from his claw drip onto his tongue. Andre couldn't help but almost roll his eyes. What a drama queen. Now if it were a girl cat...well, needless to say that might make him a little more drawn to her. Oh, and if she was pink. Not exactly something Andre was proud to admit, which is why he never did. Including right now, because that was the last thing on his mind.

Now standing next to Lucifer's front leg, and luckily not noticed by Lucifer, Andre briefly glanced over to his friends. He waved his hand to get their attention. They responded with wide eyes, wondering what he was planning. Andre first pointed to Lucifer's leg, then at his foot. Andre's next move was jumping back a little, raising his foot almost as though he wre going to kick Lucifer in the leg. But he wasn't doing anything yet; he first needed the approval of the guys. While Robbie didn't quite understand Andre's gestures, the other three nodded eagerly. Well of course they were eager, they were eager to get some food already. Finally understanding what was happening a moment later, Robbie let out a little laugh. The other three quickly shushed him by covering his mouth. With everything completely quiet now, that was Andre's chance. He raised his foot and jumped back a little more, only before running back to Lucifer's leg and kicking it hard.

The cat gasped in horror as he lost his balance somehow and fell face first into the milk bowl. He sat up, his entire face wet with the white substance. Lucifer tried his best to shake the milk off. What the heck happened? Who interrupted his breakfast? What time was it? Was it the Kutcher's cat Ashton from down the street? But as soon as Lucifer opened his eyes to see what was going on, he jumped back and meowed loudly, only to have more milk squirted at him. That was, you guessed it, courtesy of Andre. The mouse had been running on the small puddle of milk on the kitchen floor like it was a treadmill, easily getting more milk on Lucifer. Andre chuckled before starting to make a run for it. Lucifer raised his paw to catch the mouse, but he had only slashed at the air. Lucifer blinked, wondering what had happened. He looked around like Andre pulled a Houdini, only to moments later see Andre running around the kitchen. Meowing once more, Lucifer started chasing after him. They ran around the table, under the table, and around the table legs, before Andre finally led Lucifer to the corner that he had planned would keep Lucifer busy. Andre smirked lightly and jumped into the hole closer to the corner, and Lucifer pounced at it before actively slashing at it, doing everything he could to catch the trouble making mouse. Out from the hole in the wall, on the other side of the broom nearby, Andre poked his head out. He looked over to where his friends were and waved his hat, signalling them that the coast was clear. Seeing Andre's signal, the group then made their way out of the kitchen. Andre held up a victory sign, knowing he did good this morning, and Robbie waved happily to his friend as he followed the three out.

The mice traveled through the back, making sure to hide behind anything possible such as the wheelbarrow, as to not be seen by the chickens. Those feathered guys could get real defensive over their breakfast. It didn't take them very long, as before they knew it they could see Victoria continuing to feed the chickens. She was humming to herself as she did so, even looking over to the family horse Jimmie, who had been there since before the step family was even in the picture. A very messy mane and a grayish body, but more than happy to accept some of the breakfast from Victoria that so rightfully belonged to the chickens. Not like any of the chickens could do anything about it, they stood no chance against a horse. But now the mice had their chance. The chickens might be able to stop them from eating, and Jimmie may only have been temporarily out of his stable, but there was no way that Victoria could refuse the mice some food. The four of them began jumping around, calling her name to try and get her attention. Hearing the tiny voices, Victoria turned away briefly from her steed and looked down at the hungry rodents.

"There you guys are." she said. Tori should have expected it as much that they'd be out any time soon. It wasn't like any of them to miss breakfast. "I was wondering." Deciding not to keep them waiting any longer, she took a handful of cheese crumbs from her apron and lightly tossed them onto the ground for the mice to grab. "Breakfast is served."

The three mice only grabbed a few cheese crumbs and were able to get out of there quickly before the chickens had their say. As a matter of fact, in no time at all they were making their way back into the kitchen. But Robbie had some complications. Before he could even grab one, the chickens were pecking at the ground and doing everything they could to eat before Robbie. It was their food and no mouse could take that away from them. They surrounded the area, grabbing seemingly every last crumb. But Robbie still had a chance. He almost had one, but one of the enemies was too fast for him. Luckily, with another crumb right nearby, Robbie picked it up before anyone else. He turned around only to be met by a very angry chicken who had its eye on that crumb.

"Take it weasy." Robbie said, trying to push the chicken's face away from him. "My breakfy, cluck cluck." he told the chicken before trying to make a run for it.

But the chicken was just a little too smart for Robbie. It put its foot over his tail, causing Robbie to trip and lose the crumb. The crumb fell in front of one of the other chickens, which grabbed it first. Robbie gasped and grabbed the crumb while it was still in the chicken's mouth.

"Let go! My breakfy! Let go!" he insisted.

The chicken shook its head, so much in fact, that Robbie was losing his grip fast. The next thing Robbie knew, he fell down from the chickens mouth and the chicken happily swallowed the crumb. Then it and the other chickens turned when they heard a 'shoo'. The chickens quickly made a run for it, leaving Robbie stumbling on the ground. He curled up in a ball as the last of the feathered enemies jumped over him. Once the coast was clear, he slowly picked his head up to see that there were no more feathers and no more food. But then Robbie turned his head and saw Victoria right over him.

"Poor little guy. You've got to be famished." she realized. Taking a small handful, she knelt down and lightly dropped some of them in front of Robbie - more than enough for one mouse. "Help yourself. It's all yours." she told Robbie, knowing that now nothing could deny him of breakfast. And Robbie, more than thrilled, licked his lips and picked up as many as he could, stacking them in his hands.

In the meantime, the remaining mice slowly looked into the kitchen, wondering if it was safe to go back in. They almost walked in, then ducked back behind the doorway. Inside, by that corner, they saw Lucifer watching the hole that Andre ran into very carefully. His eyes were on the further hole, as opposed to the one over him where Andre was currently hiding. From that place, Andre could see his friends returning with food. Time to pull the show stopper. He took the hat off his head and stuck it on his tail. He then moved his tail to the lower hole and wiggled it into the open so Lucifer could see the hat. Assuming that it was indeed the mouse, Lucifer's eyes lit up with excitement. It looked like he'd be getting a little mid-morning snack. Licking his lips once more, he then charged at the hole and started scratching at it the second Andre pulled his tail back in, just like he did before. Andre held in a chuckle as he watched the silly cat. He then look out of his hole to his friends and pointed to the hole from whence they came, signalling that he had Lucifer under control. The mice replied by running across the kitchen to their safe haven. Robbie waddled behind with so many crumbs that they were going from his hands to right under his chin, and that's how he was holding them. As the mice ran, the littlest one found that he was losing his grip on one of the crumbs. It ended up falling to the floor and, while he did briefly try to get it, he realized that there wasn't enough time and it was too risky to do so. He quickly followed the other mice back into the hole.

But Robbie had other plans. He was a hungry mouse and there was no sense in letting food go to waste. Seeing the crumb, he put his pile on top of that. He tried his best to reach so the stack would reach from his chin to his hands again, but he was now carrying one crumb too many. His hands just couldn't reach that far down. As soon as he tried that and then to pick them up, the food fell all over to place with some tumbles.

Lucifer's ears twitched, thinking he heard something. He stopped scratching at the empty hole in the wall and turned around. He watched as Robbie started to grab all the cheese crumbs again as fast as he could. Andre caught was was happening as well. His mouth dropped while a huge grin slipped across Lucifer's face. Andre had to distract Lucifer somehow. He was an easy cat to distract. Andre put his hat back on his tail and wiggled it directly in front of Lucifer's face again, but the grin on the cat only grew. It was evident that he had his eyes on the poor defenseless mouse as opposed to the sly hiding one. Lucifer took one step forward and Andre took a desperate last attempt. He grabbed on Lucifer's whisker and pulled as hard as he could to get the cat to stay. He pulled so hard in fact, that the whisker was tugged right off the cat's face. Lucifer flinched for a millisecond, but moved on forward.

Robbie had now grabbed the last of the crumbs. He stood up, trying desperately to hold the stack together in between his hands and chin, but it ended worse this time. It practically exploded in his face, all of the crumbs brushing up against his chin and falling onto the floor like they fell from the sky. Lucifer moved onward towards the mouse, and Andre tried one final attempt while he had the chance. He grabbed onto Lucifer's tail, but instead of being dragged away by the cat, he fell back into the hole, taking some of Lucifer's fur with him. Andre quickly poked his head out of the hole again.

Robbie was now grabbing the last of the food. He tried reaching for the bottom again, but finally got the hint it wasn't going to work. There had to be another way. Maybe if he used his two big mouse teeth to hold the crumbs then that would reach down to his hands... Nah, that only worked in cartoons. He tried the same attempt again, and it only worked for a second longer. He turned around quickly and came face to face with Lucifer. In the same second, the cheese...well, you get the idea what happened. They all fell down again. Lucifer jumped back slightly as some of the cheese hit his face. He quickly rubbed his nose, then got in a pouncing position down at Robbie just as the mouse was about to try one last time to take all the crumbs. But then, once again, Robbie found himself face to face with the cat. Lucifer let out a loud meow, which from Robbie's point was more like a loud roar. Robbie screamed and jumped back around to try running, but it was no use. Lucifer had already put his paw down on Robbie's tail. The cat wasn't as clueless as everyone thought.

Or maybe he was. Lucifer was about to raise his paw on Robbie, but Lucifer had forgotten that right behind him leaning up against the wall was Victoria's broom. Luckily, Andre had realized that. As fast as he could and with all his might, Andre quickly pushed the broom down, which slammed right onto Lucifer's head. Andre only caught a little glimpse of Robbie running away after that, as he was now hanging from the hole and his hat was covering his vision.

Lucifer slowly sat up, trying to regain his own vision. Right now his eyes were like the googly eyes that wouldn't stop spinning. HAll he could see were little mice running around his head yelling 'quack'. Those stupid hallucinations.

Andre sat at the edge of the mouse hole after adjusting his hat so he could get a better view. " Rob." he noticed. That had to be a good thing. If Andre couldn't see Robbie from where he was then there was no way Lucifer could find him. "Guess he got away." With that, he turned and crawled back into the hole to join his companions.
