Bibiti Bobibti Boo

By eight o'clock countless guests were already appearing for the ball at the castle. Carriages were lining up outside the doors letting the passengers out and beautiful women exited them in the fanciest ballgowns money could buy. As some of the carriages left upon their passengers making their entrance, they began making more runs around the kingdom, most likely to pick up more ladies. The King watched as all the women entered the castle, excited to see which one his eldest daughter would choose. The plan was absolutely foolproof, despite Beck's lack of support. Or maybe it was his doubt. There was something that just made him act in such disbelief. But King Gregory was sure that this was going to work. And even though there were still as many girls as families in the kingdom to arrive, the ones who were walking in now were absolutely stunning. Below, as a pair of girls left their carriage, the carriage then turned around and headed back towards town. It made its way towards Tori's home, where he was summoned earlier to pick up three ladies. And as bored as the horseman looked, all he could do was shrug his shoulders and think, "hey it's a living".

But even though all the girls for miles seemed to be preparing for the ball, there was still one that had yet to get ready. One who wasn't even going to be attending at this rate. That one girl was Tori. Hearing the clock strike at the house, Tori picked up her broom. She had just finished the last of the sweeping and therefore completing all the chores she had been given. And although that was part of the bargain, there was still one half that was not fulfilled. She had nothing to wear. Tori had come to the conclusion that her mother's dress just would not do. There wasn't even enough time to make the slightest adjustment to it. As nice as it was compared to her cleaning clothes and whatnot, it might have still been considered rags. It just wouldn't suit a ball of this caliber. Sad, but true. Tori was coming to the conclusion now that this just wasn't her night. She had gotten her hopes up higher than ever only to bring them down again. There was just no escaping reality. She could try to have faith in her dreams and hide all the torture she's been dealt. She could stand up for what she believes in and not get pushed around nearly as much as she does now. Or she could just do what she had to do with her head held high and showing no fear. Tori could do all that and more. But it just wasn't enough to give her one night to herself, one night out on the town to make her dreams come true.

Walking over to one of the front windows, Tori could see the headlights of a carriage approaching. As soon as it stopped in front of the house, she knew it was for her step family. Right on time. Of course, knowing her stepsisters it would take them much longer to get ready, leaving the man and horse out there for at least another fifteen minutes. But that still left Tori no time to even try to get ready for the ball. Walking away from the window, Tori walked over to her stepmother's door and lightly knocked on it. They'd have her head if she didn't tell them that their ride was outside.

Within seconds, Tremaine opened the door wearing her evening wear which was pretty much no different from the clothes she wore during the day. The only difference in it was the coloring, really. "What is it, Victoria?"

"The carriage is here." Tori answered simply, barely allowing any emotion to show through. She wasn't going to let these people know that she was down about not going. It wasn't any of their business anyway. All she had to do was act like it was another night, where they would go out somewhere fancy and she would be left home to finish the chores.

"Of course." Tremaine said. She opened the door more and watched as Tori started to walk away. Tremaine changed her voice to make it sound more caring and sincere. "Why Victoria honey, you're not ready."

Tori stopped walking and just stood straight up and defiantly. She kept her voice the same, but even though she was still holding a brave face she refused to turn to them. "I'm not going."

"Not going?" Tremaine asked curiously. She then smiled to herself and turned to Hayley and Tara, who were just wearing tank tops and the bottom half of their dresses, not to mention some curling irons in their hair. As soon as the sisters saw their mother's reaction, they exchanged glances and held in their laughter. It looked like they won once again. No surprise there. "That's a shame." Tremaine continued. "But there will be other times."

Tori didn't want to stand around and hear anymore of this. And she certainly didn't need any pity - fake or not. "I'm sure. Good night." With that, she headed up to her room in the tower leaving the evil step family to their happy little evil moment knowing that they had won this round. Have we mentioned that they were evil?

Heading up the tower, Tori rested her broom against the doorway. The only light coming from the darkened room was from a window with a wonderful view of the kingdom, the castle glimmering in the night sky. Tori walked over to the window and took in the landscape. It looked like just about everyone was going. It was sure to be a spectacular event. And knowing that everyone was going to be there, that it was such a big event, and that it was a once in a lifetime opportunity, it wasn't helping Tori to try and see it as not a big deal. Nevertheless, she tried to convince herself that she was missing nothing important.

"Oh well," she shrugged her shoulders as she leaned up against the windowsill, "who wants to go to the ball anyway? It's nothing but a bunch of girls in makeup trying to use their looks to impress people anyway. There's balls around here all the time, I'm sure there's nothing different about this one. After all, I suppose it would be incredibly boring and dull and just completely..." Tori fiddled with her fingers on the windowsill a little and looked away from the castle for a moment. She then picked her head up and looked at it again. Who was she kidding? She was being a total hypocrite right now. Tori kept trying to tell herself that even though it could have been her one chance that she wouldn't want to go to the ball anyway. That it was nothing special and everyone would just be standing gawking over the princess like she was the hottest thing since Swiss cheese or something. But she still wanted to go. Not because it would be her one night of freedom. Alright, mainly that. But in this time and age, what girl wouldn't want to get dressed up and go to the ball, having the time of their life and maybe even have it turn into a fairy tale and meet their prince (or princess) charming or knight in shining armor? Tori let out a sigh and just stared at the view in envy. "...and completely wonderful."

But the view for her didn't last too long. Seconds later, Tori felt a little heat behind her. That only happened when there were candles lit. But there weren't any...if there were then the room wouldn't be so dark. And why was she feeling this sense of light behind her, anyway? Quirking an eyebrow, Tori turned around. Her eyes fell on the closet in the corner. Nearly adjacent to that was a desk with a lit candle on it, which surely wasn't lit a few seconds ago. The closet doors then began to open; from the inside, Tori could see the birds Sinjin and Burf pushing the doors open and revealing a dress hung inside. It was certainly Tori's mother's dress...but not as she left it. The top of the dress was nothing but red and purple; the sleeves had been fixed exactly to her liking and the turtleneck of it was complimented with a gorgeous bow tie. The once plain and poofy bottom now had a delightful pattern to it and even what looked like a little sash to it, which looked incredibly similar to the bow tie. Everything Tori had intended to do to the dress...everything she wanted to add to it...that dress she'd been dreaming about all day...the perfect way to combine her mother's style and the contemporary was right there in front of her.

"Oh my god..." Tori gasped, "it's my..."

She stopped in surprise when all the mice popped out of their hiding places with big smiles and waving their arms.




"And uh...happy birthday!"

Andre looked at Robbie who had just said that last part, as well as all the other mice in confusion. Had Robbie not been listening this entire day?

"No, no, no! Not her birthday yet!" Andre gasped. He then pulled Robbie closer and muttered into his ear, "That not for few months. And then I da one who sew and bake a cake."

"Oooooohhhh..." Robbie nodded in realization. "Gotcha."

Tori smiled widely and carefully took the dress off the hanger. She just looked at it in awe before holding it close to her and spinning around. It was a dream come true. "I've never dreamed... It's such a surprise! How could I ever...?" She looked around at her mice friends, knowing that this would have been totally hopeless without them. Tori now had the chance to go out on the night of her life and it wouldn't have been possible without the help of them. They were the best friends a girl could ask for...even if they were rodents. She owed everything to them. Tori had no idea how she would ever be able to repay them for all of this?

"Thank you all. Thank you so much." she told them gratefully. That was all she could honestly say for now. And judging from their wide smiles and the glow of their eyes, her happiness was enough repay for them. Well...that, and if she could just go and have fun. But for Tori, that just wouldn't be enough to thank them. She was going to go out and have the night of her life and keep reminding herself how it was made possible. For now, until she had an even better way to thank them, that was all she could do. But for the mice, that was more than enough.

Almost right on schedule, descending down the stairs and towards the door fifteen minutes later, was the step family. Tremaine had accompanied her evening wear with a wrap around her head to hide the grayness of her hair. Tara was behind her mother, walking as much like a lady as possible. Her green dress was absolutely flashy, one of the puffiest dresses around. A thin headband had been placed in her hair, along with a feather just to make it look even better, and her hair from the neck down had been curled. Her heeled shoes helped make her look as tall as her sister, and she had a thick green eyeshadow along with some glittery lipstick and lip gloss. Hayley was last in line with a dress identical to Tara's, only in pink. Unlike her sister's hair, all of Hayley's locks were curled. A pink barrette kept some bangs out of her face, which was also accompanied with a feather. Her makeup consisted of blush, pink eyeshadow, and glittery lipstick; but of course, nearly all of Hayley's makeup was full of glitter. She attempted to walk even more lady like than her sister, who had the lady like pose and dignified look down. These girls were ready to meet the prince and they were not leaving the ball tonight without becoming a part of the royal family. The sisters were nothing but confident.

Tremaine stopped in front of the door just to give her daughters some final instructions before their departure. "Now remember girls, when you're presented to Her Highness make sure to-"


The stepmother's voice was interrupted by what sounded like Tori's voice. Tremaine turned around in shock and the sisters' mouths dropped open. They were in more disbelief than ever as they saw Tori come down the stairs as fast as possible in her dress. A dress that actually looked suitable for the ball. SHE actually looked suitable for the ball! How was this possible? Tori had specifically stated that she was not going. Tremaine had given her chore after chore to be sure that Tori's hopes would get up so high only to be shattered by the time the carriage got there. Hayley and Tara were to annoy her to no end and be sure to give her even more laundry and sewing to do. Everything was supposed to stop her from doing this very thing! How could this be possible?

"Please wait for me!" Tori called as she came down the stairs. She looked absolutely stunning in her dress. As old fashioned as it may have seemed, even just the slightest bit, it fit her perfectly. The tone of the dress complimented her skin and figure. A purple headband had been placed in her hair to mimic the shade of the dress' and a beaded necklace was resting against her chest. And even though the only makeup Tori was wearing was lip gloss, she didn't need anymore. With the dress and her natural beauty, this woman could have stopped any man or woman in their tracks...including the princess. The step family could not have that! Nevertheless, Tori stood in front of them with a bright smile, feeling better than ever not just in her gown, but that she could go to the ball despite everything they had thrown at her.

"Isn't the dress lovely?" Tori asked them. "Do you think it will do?" Not that she expected an honest opinion from them, of course. But that didn't mean she couldn't rub it in their faces. And it certainly didn't mean she couldn't go now. They'd have to let her leave with them and they could go to the ball together. There was no stopping her now. With this victory, Tori felt her confidence grow. But even with this success, Tori still kept a strong face and resisted the urge to smirk. Take this, step family.

Hayley and Tara gasped dramatically. They weren't sure what outraged them more: the fact that Tori had actually beaten them and she could go to the ball, or that...dare they say it?...that she actually looked prettier than them! The girls could not let Tori get away with this.

"Mother she can't!" Tara gasped.

"You wouldn't let her!" Hayley added, tugging on Tremaine's dress.

"She doesn't have the right!" Tara added, grabbing Tremaine's arm.

"She has no right!"

"There's no way she can!"

"You can't let her go!"

"She's not allowed to!"

The girls' fussing continued until Tremaine shushed them. "Girls, girls! Please." Yes, that kept them quiet. At least for now. Tremaine turned and her eyes fell on Tori. But she wasn't just looking at her because she was sort of talking to her. Tremaine had an ulterior motive, it seemed. Tori couldn't put her finger on it, but she definitely did not like it. Even the mice, who were watching from the floor above, were getting a bad feeling about this.

"After all, we did make a bargain. Didn't we, Tori?" Tremaine asked.

Tori kept her smile on and nodded. She wasn't going to back down so easily just because Tremaine knew how to scare her a little. "Yes, stepmother. I believe we did."

"And I never go back on my word." the stepmother said as she approached Tori. That was when Tori's smile faded. There was a look in Tremaine's she drew closer. There was a tone in Tremaine's voice that just seemed so...well, just plain full of evil. Tremaine was giving off this terrible vibe that she hasn't lost just yet. That she was about to pull out the heavy artillery. And that's what scared Tori the most. Her stepmother was an actress. She could sound caring and sweet whenever she pleased, much like earlier when Tori had said she wasn't going. She could make anyone think they won something when in fact they were about to lose. That's what she was doing now. And to know that Tremaine wasn't even trying to hide her tone of voice or this glare in her eye told Tori that something was about to go terribly, terribly wrong.

From above, Robbie tilted his head in confusion. He looked at Andre and Trina, both of whom did not look convinced by Tremaine's act. Andre looked suspicious. He was rubbing his chin and raising and eyebrow. He could just tell that something was up. He didn't like where it was going, either. And Andre, not only being the leader of the mice but also an amazing and loyal friend, was very protective when he wanted to be. He was protective of Robbie when Lucifer was after him. And he was just as protective of Tori when the step family was about to try something like this. Then there was Trina, who just put her hands on her hips and glared at Tremaine. She sure didn't like that woman either. She had been one of the first to see, even before Tori would tell them of how evil the stepmother could be, what a bad woman she was. It was all obvious to her. And even now there was something obvious to her that Robbie, and maybe even a few of the other mice, just couldn't see. The main problem with that for these little guys, was that if something were to happen so quickly then there was no way they would be able to make it down the stairs in time to help Tori nor even serve as a decent distraction long enough. Seeing his friends' gazes at Tremaine, Robbie mimicked the gaze and glared at Tremaine as her elderly fingers lightly played with the beads around Tori's neck.

"How very clever. These beads... They give it just the right touch." Tremaine told Tori. She then turned to Tara, "Don't you think so, Tara?"

Tremaine was using a tone. A bad tone. And it was even more evident now. But Tara didn't catch on right away. What she was more mad about was Tori's beauty. Tara was younger than her, so how could an older woman look prettier...or even hotter? It made Tara steam. Turning away from them, she folded her arms and answered her mother's question. "No I do not. I think they're..." Then she stopped in mid sentence. She unfolded her arms and slowly turned back to Tori. She gasped dramatically and gave Tori a look that said something very inappropriate for a Disney movie. Luckily she didn't say what she was was rather, censored. "Why you little thief! Those are my beads!" Tara then grabbed the beads and ripped them right off of Tori. "Give them back!"

Tori gasped and nearly jumped back, grabbing her neck as that happened. How was she to know that they were Tara's beads? How were the mice even supposed to know? Alright, maybe Tori had an inkling... But Tara was the one who called the beads garbage. She only wanted them back because Tori had them. But that wasn't the end of it, not by a long shot.

"And look, that sassy witch is wearing my sash!" Hayley exclaimed angrily as she ripped the sash off of the bottom of Tori's dress, nearly causing Tori to fall over and lose her balance.

"And that's mine too!" Tara screamed pulling some thread off the dress' pattern.

"And there it is again!" Hayley yelled, ripping the bow tie right off of Tori.

The girls kept screaming, yelling, and tearing apart every inch of the dress that they could. It didn't even matter that Tori was wearing one little thing that belonged to each of them. They just wanted to see her look like a troll doll. Not the little troll dolls kids loved so much with the cool hair, but more like an ugly troll doll. They scratched and clawed at the gown, causing tears and rips of all things on it. Tori's headband was ripped clear off her head, messing up her hair. Her hair became even more messed up as her turtleneck was ripped and back-lashed her head. The sleeves were tugged at until they became nonexistent, almost ripping an entire side of the dress along with them. The bottom of the dress was attacked until there was no poof left in it. What was left of the collar of the dress was ripped and pulled down so it looked like a ripped, broken zipper that stopped just short of her chest. And unfortunately, Tori was powerless to stop them. They were just too fast for her. They yelled at her and kept tearing the dress apart. What might have horrified her the most was that the step family would stoop this low and go this far just to stop her from having one night out.

"Girls, girls." Tremaine said calmly after what seemed like ages have passed. Hayley and Tara stopped what they were doing and turned to the door as Tremaine opened it. They picked up their dresses as to not trip over them while they walked, then head their heads high and strutted out in their best lady like positions that they started in. Tremaine stayed by the door until they were out. "That's quite enough. Now let's hurry along. I won't have you fretting over something so meager." But that didn't stop Tremaine from, just before closing the door, turning back to Tori and smirking her evil grin. Then the door was closed and the lights went out, only leaving Tori to stand in a pile of destroyed fabric and on a broken dream.

Tori stood in the middle of the main room staring at her ripped dress. As much as she would have loved to hit her stepsisters, she knew it wouldn't have done any good. Besides she couldn't even let herself do such a thing. She was too heartbroken. Her one chance to get out for the night and they wrecked it. There was no hope in even trying now. She was already behind so she might as well give up. She could do nothing else. Tori turned around and just ran as far away from the door as she could. She rushed through the house, breathing heavily and trying to see where she was going through her quickly blurring vision. Exiting the back of the house, she rushed into the rather large backyard. She didn't care if anyone saw her, she just kept running. The only ones that even were seeing her run were Bruno and Jimmie who were right near the stables, and the mice who were doing their best to follow her. But even though they were all hoping that Tori was alright, they knew she wasn't. And there was nothing they could do to help. Tori soon found herself unable to run any further and just collapsed onto a bench under a small tree. She leaned onto it and buried her face in her arms finally letting her emotions out. Tori was never one to show how upset she really was. Even her animal friends saw her as a strong, brave woman. But in this darkest moment she couldn't have felt weaker. There was no sense keeping her emotions bottled up anymore. She just let everything out that she kept bottled up for so long, sobbing onto the bench.

"It's hopeless." she sniffed to herself, never feeling this down since her father died.

The mice watched by the back door sadly, unable to see their friend like this. Bruno and Jimmie exchanged depressed glances before they looked back at her, not even taking notice to what seemed to be tiny sparkles floating in midair.

"It's just no use. No use at all."

Bruno sniffed the air; looking around he could see a bit of a light that almost looked like it was coming from nowhere. He jumped, beginning to see the sparkles. What the heck were these things and where were they coming from? He backed away slowly, a bit afraid of the unknown substances. In the process he backed into Jimmie, who also jumped out of surprise. He looked down at Bruno and then suddenly around. Something about this just wasn't right.

"I can't... I just can't anymore."

Andre and Robbie, along with two other fellow mice slowly jumped down from the step in the back and approached just a little. While nearly overcome with depression, they were just as surprised to see the strange light as Bruno and Jimmie were. They looked at each other in confusion before looking back at Tori. Even though it was hard to believe, the light was coming from her. No, not from her...behind her? In front of her? But there was something around her. Whatever it was, it was what was causing whatever they were seeing. The rodents couldn't even think straight now because they were all so confused. Except for Robbie, who was just trying to hit the sparkles like they were fireflies. Noticing it briefly, Andre turned to his friend and rolled his eyes. Putting his hands on Robbie's shoulders, he then turned Robbie towards Tori so he could see what was going on. Robbie's mouth dropped now watching what the others had been. That was some creepy light...but pretty...but also a very pretty way.

"Nothing can fix this now. It's hopeless."

Then suddenly, before the animals' eyes, a strange figure began appearing on the bench. It looked like a bright light shadow at first, but it slowly became what looked like a silhouette of a person. Then the person started being seen. And from the looks of it, Tori's head was on a woman's lap not the bench. There was a blue robe...a long one that seemed to cover a woman's entire body. It was a light blue color and had a magenta ribbon at the collar. The robe went on to act like a hood, covering most of the woman's head. From what they could see of her, she was very short and young. But her hair was white and somewhat wavy. Her eyes were full of compassion and kindness. As she became more clear, one of her hands began lightly moving on Tori's head, almost as though to rub her head and comfort her. But Tori had barely even taken notice. She didn't even once lift her head when she felt something change.


"Nothing dear? Now you don't really mean that do you?" the woman spoke, nearly causing the animals to become more spooked than they were. On the bright side, they knew they weren't all hallucinating.

Tori paused for a minute, knowing something wasn't right. She was the only person at home right now so there couldn't have been anyone else. While her instinct would normally have told her to look up and see what was going on, she just assumed that it was her imagination. She shook her head, "I do."

"You know that's not true." she replied, lightly lifting Tori's head. "If you lost all hope, then I wouldn't be here right now. and here I am."

Tori looked up at her and gasped. Where did she come from? This had to have been a dream or something...people just don't appear from out of nowhere. There had to be a logical explanation. Too stunned to open her mouth and speak, Tori remained quiet and the woman continued talking.

"Cheer up now. After all, you can't go to the ball looking like that." she said.

Tori looked down at her torn dress. "The ball?" That was the last thing on her mind now. There was no way something like that was even possible. What was left of her dress was all she had. There was nothing else she could wear. Even if she could go to the ball she'd never make it there in time if she left now. Whoever this woman was, Tori thoguht it best to set her straight. "But I'm not going."

"Of course you are. Fairy godmother's orders." she answered.

Tori raised an eyebrow. Now she knew she was dreaming. "Fairy godmother?"

"Well, Holly the fairy godmother if you want to get technical." she shrugged her shoulders. "But we usually just go by fairy godmother. Our names are just in the robes when we do laundry. Believe me, you do not want to grab the wrong robe when you come out to work. I accidentally grabbed the fairy godmother Monique's dress once..." she took a moment to shudder, "well let's just say red is very flattering on her, but me, not so much."

"But you're so young..." Tori couldn't help but observe. She was still under the impression that this was a dream.

Holly looked up to her hair. "Oh this old thing?" She pulled her white hair off, revealing some very silky brunette bangs underneath. "It was part of an old Halloween costume. Part of a bet. But enough about that." She stuck the wig back on and turned back to Tori. "We haven't got much time. Even miracles take a little time."

"Miracles?" Tori quirked an eyebrow.

Holly nodded. "I'll show you." She rolled up her sleeves and held up her hand like she was holding something. She waved her fingers but nothing happened. Looking to her hand, Holly realized her hand was empty. "Now don't tell me I left it in the music room again! I could have sworn I grabbed it on the way out. I know it has to be around here somewhere." She began searching through her sleeves for the lost item.

"What are you looking for?" she wondered.

"My wand." Holly answered. "I always have it with me. But so much of my time is spent in the music room...someone always grabs it and uses it to play the drums while I'm on the piano. I thought I grabbed it before I left, though... I was sure of it."

"Your wand?" Tori repeated. Than her eyes widened, almost like a realization. She had no idea why, but something about that just made her believe she wasn't dreaming. "You are my fairy godmother!"

"Of course I am. I've got the wig and the blue robe to prove it." Holly shrugged as she continued searching for her wand. "Now where is that thing?" The she blinked and giggled. "Oh yes, that's right. How could I forget? I put it away." Then, almost out of thin air, she pulled out a small thin stick which was none other than the missing wand.

Tori's eyes widened. The wand had been pulled from out of nowhere. If she wasn't seeing it then she surely wouldn't have believed it.

"Lookit what she did!" Andre gasped to his mouse friends, pointing at the fairy godmother.

"But er she do it?" Robbie asked. "She a zombie?"

Andre rolled his eyes and lightly bonked Robbie on the head. "She a faiwy godmother, not zombie. Pay tention, dude."

"Alright, now we need to start somewhere." Holly said as she tapped her wand on her chin. "And I'd say that the first thing we need above anything is..."

Tori lightly placed her hands on her dress in anticipation. Obviously she couldn't go to the ball without a new dress. Tori was no girlie girl who fretted about her looks day in and day out like her stepsisters, but even she knew how important it was to look magnificent for an event of this caliber.

"A pumpkin!" Holly exclaimed, pointing her wand in the direction of a very big pumpkin in the back garden.

Tori quirked an eyebrow and looked in the direction. The animals did as well, feeling just as confused. "A pumpkin?" she repeated.

"Yes of course a pumpkin. You've got to get to the ball somehow." Holly replied. "Now how did those magic words go again...? Oh yes, that's right." She tapped her wand a little to get what looked like some magic dust flowing out of it. The tip of the wand sparkled with the dust as she then waved it in the direction of the pumpkin. As Kelsi sang the magic words a long line of magic dust began flying towards the pumpkin, surrounding it and bringing it to life.


Put 'em together and what have you got?


The pumpkin began approaching the girls moving only on its leaves and roots. In a very cartoon-like manner it came closer and closer, causing the mice to run out of the way as to not get splatted by the vegetable. The pumpkin stopped just short of the girls, slightly moving to the sound of Holly's contagious magic. It was no wonder this fairy godmother spent so much time in the music room.


It'll do magic, believe it or not


The roots and leaves on the plant began spreading and growing out, twisting in numerous circles. It began surrounding a small portion of the backyard, going past the girls and animals. Tori watched in amazement as Holly just waved her wand and the mice were still trying to make sure that they wouldn't get hit. None of them had any idea what this pumpkin could be used for the ball, but there had to be something or else why would Holly be using all this magic on it?

"Now sala-gadoola means mechicka-boolaroo

But the thingmabob that does the job is


Jimmie and Bruno nearly ran away as the pumpkin began growing bigger. The mice ran even further away as the vines and roots grew and twisted. Holly began waving her wand numerous times and as she did, the pumpkin grew even bigger in size. With each flick of the wand, the pumpkin began to glow and lost its color. Instead of a hallow orange food, it was beginning to form some sparkling blue, voluminous...thing. The vines were even turning blue themselves, almost looking as though the twists they were making were turning into wheels.


Put 'em together and what have you got?

Bibbidi-bobbidi bibbidi-bobbidi bibbidi-bobbidi-boo

Before their very eyes, the pumpkin had become a magnificent coach. It had the very same form as the pumpkin, but was now used for transportation. The light blue coloring of it was still coated in the fairy dust and it was a little more than twice the size of the girls. In the front where the coachman would sit, the seat looked very much like a blue leaf, but a very comfortable leaf. There was a single door on one of the sides which seemed to have an almost golden boarder and some very nice light red curtains on the inside. The only way to describe such a ride was magnificent. The mice approached the coach and began exchanging glances, trying to figure out how Holly really did that and if it was really a ride. Jimmie approached it with a confused look and Bruno began sniffing the object out of curiosity. Tori began circling the coach in complete disbelief and amazement.

"It's beautiful!" she exclaimed.

"Why thank you." Holly giggled. "I've had a lot of practice." She then glanced at the horse standing beside her. "Don't you think it's a lovely ride, too?"

Jimmie smiled and nodded happily. No one ever asked for his opinion on something before. He felt so special!

"No an elegant coach like this just can't go without..." Holly thought aloud.

Jimmie grinned and cleared his throat. It would need a horse to pull it, now wouldn't it? What a coincidence! Jimmie was a horse. She'd be asking him to pull it and ride his friend off to that fancy dance in no time.

"Mice!" Holly finished.

Jimmie's eyes widened and his jaw dropped.

The mice who were now under the coach tilted their heads. Robbie looked at his friends, even more confused than they were. As usual. "Mice?"

Holly had heard that. "Oh yes, four brilliant mice just simply need to lead this coach to the ball. It can't go anywhere without mice." She then began waving her wand to let the magic flow once again. "Just a wave of my stick to finish the trick..." She watched as the mice slowly began coming out from under the coach, most likely as to try to avoid being seen. But then Holly waved her wand and the magic surrounded them...or, at least three of them. "Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo!"


Now sitting in place of the stunned Andre and his two companions were three gorgeous horses. Their fur was almost a blue-grey color as to match the shade of the coach and their manes were short but in a lovely white. Their tails matched the white of their manes but were longer and absolutely fluffy. Their reigns were almost as shimmering gold as the coach's door and resting in their manes were a nice pink feather. The mice - or rather now horses - were looking at each other and their now bigger and fitter bodies in shock. Whoa, that was some magic!

"See, now that's what I'm talking about. Absolutely perfect." Holly said. "Wait a minute..I was sure there was one more..." She began looking around to find the missing Robbie. Shining her wand around, she soon enough found him hiding behind one of the wheels. "There you are."

Robbie gasped and tried to make a fun for it.


Nearly running into the cat, who smirked and held a tea cup over Robbie's head, Robbie gasped and tried to scurry in the opposite direction.


Lucifer pounced on Robbie, covering him with the teacup under the assumption that he was captured just as Holly waved her wand to finish the job.


Lucifer gasped as he suddenly felt himself suspended in the air. Before he knew it, he was sitting on something. Raising an eyebrow, he lifted the cup and looked for Robbie underneath it. But he wasn't under there. Lucifer screatched his head and looked around to see what was going on. But then he realized something he didn't really want to realize. He was sitting on a horse's butt. Lucifer slowly turned his head to see the face of the animal, knowing it couldn't possibly be Robbie. But just from looking at his eyes, it couldn't be any other mouse. And he looked very angry. Robbie neighed right in Lucifer's face, causing the cat to be quite frighted. He fell into a small pond of water and then dashed as fast as he could back into the house. Robbie laughed and went with his friends to the front of the carriage where they were all standing.

"Oh that poor cat." Holly sighed shaking her head. She then shrugegd her shoulders, "But he deserved it I suppose. Anyway, where were we...?" She scratched her head with her wand and then nodded. "Oh yes. You just can't go to the ball without..."

Tori held her dress again. This had to be it, she was going to get a new dress now.

"A horse."

Tori's face fell. "A horse?" But the mice had already been turned into horses. How many more could they need?

"Yes yes, a horse!" Holly nodded as she turned to a now eager Jimmie. "Now normally you'd be on the front end of the reigns wouldn't you?"

Jimmie nodded.

Waving her wand, the magic then began lifting Jimmie in the air. It took him closer and closer to the coach, going over Holy and the mice-horses. "But tonight you'll be sitting in the driver's seat. No, not as a horse. But a coachman of course! Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo!"

As soon as Jimmie was seated on the front seat, he was automatically turned into a human. He was a little on the short side, but he kept his messy brown hair which was now neatly pushed back. His skin was a normal shade, similar to Holly's, and he was wearing a tuxedo. The hat on his head was a top hat. Jimmie looked to Tori and smiled, revealing that the one thing he still had after going from animal to human was a pair of buck teeth.

"Well that should do it, I believe." Holly said. "Hm...except for one little thing to finish the job."

Tori closed her eyes, preparing to be covered with the magic dust. This had to be it now, it had to be time for her new dress.

"Yes Bruno, that's right! You're playing footman tonight!" Holly exclaimed as the dust made its way to the dog, hopping him over to the coach door. "bibbidi-bobbidi-boo!"

The coach door opened as soon as Bruno got there. Bruno looked at himself over in complete surprise. Well he was sure no dog anymore. His skin was closer to the shade of Tori's, but he was about the same height as Jimmie. His brown hair was mainly covered by a small hat and his outfit was only a little better than Jimmie's, having a shirt and velvet black pants with a sports jacket. Talk about some transformation.

"Now you have to hurry up and go to the ball, we can't waste anymore time." Holly told Tori.

"But..." Tori started, almost not having the heart to tell her fairy godmother, the one that had just given her all this, that she couldn't leave in a destroyed dress.

"No, no, no, no need to thank me." Holly shook her head.

"I wasn't." Tori replied. "I mean...I mean I do. I do thank you. But it's just that..." Now what was the most polite way to put this? "...don't you think my dress-?"

"Yes, it's a lovely dress. The best dress that anyone could ever ask for..." Holly said until she opened her eyes and actually looked at the dress. "Oh my god! You can't go to the ball in that!"

Tori held in a sigh of relief. Finally, her fairy godmother noticed the one thing that Tori had known from the start that she would need. Merely smiling, Tori shook her head in response.

Holly approached Tori and rested her wand against her, almost as though she were measuring her. "I'll have to see what I can do here. I mean, fancy dresses aren't exactly my last fairy goddaughter went to a dance looking like a ballerina, you know." She shook her head before circling Tori, almost surveying the perfect dress for her. "Now if we just measure your size... And get something that will go good with the shade of your eyes... Oh those are very nice eyes. Yes, definitely a very warm shade to match them. Or maybe just a light color. Hm... Alright, just leave it to me, what a gown this will be!" Holly backed away just a little to let her magic work and smiled. She then did her thing, allowing the magic dust to engulf Tori in its sparkles. "Bibbidi-bobbidi...bibbidi-bobbidi...bibbidi-bobbidi-boo!"

In no time at all, the torn dress that Tori had been wearing for what felt like so long was replaced with the most extravagant gown Holly could conjure up. It was a stunning light blue, almost like a sky blue or periwinkle shade. The sleeves were incredibly short but also a little big, which matches the style of the waist line on the gown. The gown suited Taylor's figure perfectly, highlighting her curves in the right places. From the waist down the gown wasn't thin but it wasn't too poofy. A pair of long gloves that nearly went to her elbows matches the dress color and a black choker was around her neck suiting as the perfect accessory to match her hair. Her hair had been raised into a loose bun, only helping her appear slightly taller, and a few bangs were tilted towards one side ever so lightly. A headband to match the shade of the dress kept every strand just in its place. Tori looked at the dress in awe, completely star-stricken by her fairy godmother's work.

"This is such a beautiful dress!" Tori gasped, lifting the bottom so she could freely twirl around in it. Upon doing that, the silkiness and softness of the gown's material was only highlighted. "Have you ever seen such a dress?" she asked her friends. That's when she realized that wasn't all she got. Tori lifted one of her feet and pointed at the footwear. "Glass slippers, too!"

Andre and Robbie smiled and nodded, only proving how amazing Tori looked. Jimmie and Bruno on the other hand...well, their jaws would have literally dropped to the ground if they could have. That's how shocked they were at her beauty. Even more than usual.

Tori then went back to her fairy godmother. "It's like a wonderful dream." she realized. "A wonderful dream come true." After all that dreaming and hoping she'd been doing all these years, it was finally coming true. No drawbacks or anything. least nothing like what her stepsisters had done before. Tori would have never believed that something like this could have ever been possible. Not to this degree. But it was. Everything was finally paying off for her.

"Well I'm very happy for you, really." Holly promised. "But there is one thing you should know. Because...well, like all dreams... I'm afraid they can't last forever. The magic can only take you so far. It will last until midnight." Holly hated telling her this after getting her hopes up so high, but it had to be done. And it was the truth. She just hoped that she wasn't bringing this girl's dreams down because it could only be lived for a few hours.

Tori shook her head and went over to Holly. "Alright. Until midnight. I've got it."

Holly stepped in front of Tori. "You have no idea how important this is. Please listen, alright? On the stroke of twelve, the spell will be broken. And everything will be just as it was before."

"Oh I understand." Tori promised. She wasn't one of those crazy party girls who would try to be out until five a.m. partying and doing who knows what else. She was responsible and knew exactly when to be home by. This was just like a curfew; and she knew very well how to abide to that. "But all of this...everything... This is all more than I could have ever hoped for. Thank you so much."

"It's nothing, really. Don't you go..." Holly assured her, then stopped with a gasped. "Now wait a minute what are you still doing here? It's getting late! Hurry up dear, the ball can't wait!" She lightly pushed Tori towards the coach and the young woman climbed in. Now you have a good time! Hurry, go and be happy! Dance, have fun! You're on your way!"

With that, the mice-forses began pulling the carriage and rode off on their way to the ball. Tori briefly poked her head out of the coach window and waved to her fairy godmother.

Holly waved back with her wand and waited until they were out of sight before poofing away in a small cloud of magic dust.

Bibbidi-bobbidi Bibbidi-bobbidi Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo!

