Chapter 5

(Your P.O.V):

Chris reached over to his phone in response to the buzzing. His eyes quickly scanned over the screen and his head dropped into his hands.

"Sasha?!" He was met with no response only the sound of his front door closing. I breathed in the fresh air and took of at a run almost instantly. I heard the door open and close again. I look back over my shoulder and Chris is running after me. "Sasha! Please stop!"

"Chris I'll see you at school okay?!" 

"No! You can't go back to scho...AAAARRRGGGHHH!" I stop in my tracks and turn around. Chris is face down to the pavement. He pushes up on his arms and sits up.

"Chris! Oh my god, are you okay?" I throw myself down next to him, not sure whether to touch him after the incident in the house.

"Yeh I'm fine. I'm used to being thrown to the floor anyway." He smiles and I relax. "Can we go back to mine and talk?" I hesitate for a moment then sigh.

"Sure. Why not." I stand up and offered him my hand. But then I remembered and took it back.

"What's up with you?" 

"I just got the feeling you didn't like people touching you." He ran his hands through his hair.

"No, that's not it at all. I just got a shock when you hugged me. I'm sorry that's how it came off." I held my hand out again and he took it. I pulled him up and expected him to let go straight away. But he didn't. 

We walked back to his place hand in hand. This has got to be the best moment ever!
