Chapter 2

(Your POV): I'm running out of corridor. I take a tight turn. Hoping to out manuver Chris, but my plan failed. All that greets me is a bricked up door. I look left and right to see if I can find a way out, but it's no use.

"What's with you?!" He looks like he's on deaths door. All red and leaning against the wall to stop himself from collapsing.

"What do you mean?" He looks at me with a look of (are you insane! What do you think I mean?!).

"Why did you run away? All I did was ask you a question." A tear creeps down my cheek as his anger seems to turn to regret. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you cry."

"It's not you! Not everything's about you Chris!" I barge past his shoulder keeping my head down. I didn't dare look him in the eyes. Then without warning he grabs me by my collar and pulls me so I'm infront of his. He puts his hands on both of my shoulders and pushes me back against the wall. "Chris! What are you doing? I just want to be alone! Can you just let me go!" I struggle against his hold but I'm going nowhere.

"You need to stop acting like I'm this jerk who wants to make you the clown of the school. You're not the only one who struggles you know. Others have problems of their own! I'm sorry I had to break it to you like this but you left me no choice." He places his hand on my wrist and pins it up against the wall.

"Please Chris don't! You'll hate me! I'm begging you let me go!"I can feel my heart sinking as my legs begin to shake. Chris holds my chin until I'm looking him in the eye.

"Listen to me. Tell me you're listening." 

"Okay, okay I'm listening."

"You are the only person who has stuck with me for more than 5 minutes. No matter what is behind this sleeve I could never...ever...ever hate you. Do you understand me." I say nothing, only struggle to get away from this moment. He holds my still and gets eye contact back with me. He repeats what he said, only much louder now. "Do you understand me!" I cower slightly and nod. "Please Sasha . I trust you. And I want to spend time with you but it won't work if we lie to each other." The glimmer in his eye forces me to give up.

"Fine! But just let me do it myself?"

"Sure, of course." 

"Hold your hands out please." He takes his hands out of his pockets and puts them infront of him. I slide off my PTV, SWS and BVB wristbands and place them in his hands. Then I slide off my 'Nightmare Before Christmas' hoodie and hang it off of his fingers. I held the end of my sleeve and sighed.

"Hey, I swear nobody will ever see or hear of this. You're gonna be okay." He gently lays his hand on my shoulder and smiles. Somehow he gives my confidence and I slowly begin to roll my sleeve up. 1/4 of the way up and the first cut reapveales itself. 1/2 of the way up and you can see nothing but red slits in my skin. All the way up... it's like a war zone. I saw the light leave his eyes, and the sweet smile curl up from his lips.

"I knew you'd hate me." I run my hands through me hair and I feel a tear fall down my face. "I'm sorry. I should never have done this." I roll my sleeve down and walk past him. This time he makes no effort to stop me. Only puts his hand on my shoulder and says...

"I'll always be here to help." I smile half-heartedly and carry on walking.
