24| Back To Square One |

Mufida smiled cheerfully as she ate her food. Finally she won't be starving anymore, till another day, and that's more than enough time for her to eat as much as she could.

Her mother had promise her that when she is done with eating her food, she will allow her to go to Raheenah's house and spend the night there.

She was quick to get done with her food, rinsed off her hand then ran off to her room to get ready, and pack the stuff she need for the night only. It isn't much just the medium size trolley.

Done with her packing, she quickly took a shower changed into her nighties and draped her long brown hijab over before dashing out of the room, to her mother's.

Knocking, a taslim followed and she entered. Umma was resting on her bed and at the same time Reciting the Holy Quran. Mufida waited for her to reach the end of an Ayah before speaking up.

"Umma, I'm ready to go."Mufida announced the obvious to which umma rolled her eyes at the big luggage Mufida chose for only spending a night it was as if she is spending her entire life there.

"I'm I biting you in this house ? You're always happy to leave me."Umma remarked with a little shook of her head and kept the Quran on her bedside drawer.

"No, not at all Umma. Why did you ask?"Mufida asked staring at her mother.

"If you really want to leave then get married."

Mufida knew that this was where it was going to lead; Marriage, Marriage all the time. How will she make her mother understand that she isn't ready for Marriage not now, maybe later.

I said maybe.

She feel so insecure about men, she can't fall for another and then get heartbroken again in the end.

"Umma...."Mufida started but umma cut in.

"I'm not pressurizing you or anything, I'm your mother and it bother me a lot to see you hovering over your past. I want you to accept that as your fate and also your past, and also take it as a test from Allah SWA. You should learn to accept the fact and put everything behind."

"I've umma."Mufida stated and gulped hard.

"Then, what about Haidar?"Umma asked furrowing her brows at Mufida.

"Umma, not him again please. After all he has done you still like him, but I don't."Mufida was quick to reply which made umma chuckle at her.

"You still act like a child Mufida, okay then since you said you don't like him I've only one thing to say to you, you still have time to fix everything don't let it go to waste."

Mufida just nodded her head. But her brain was still thinking about her mother's last words to her.

I still have time ?

To do what exactly?

Yes, to show Haidar that I don't need him in my life.

Fix everything and don't let it go to waste.

I can't say.

"You should get going before Isha."Umma reasoned and Mufida nodded her head slightly and picked herself up.

"Bye."Mufida waved with a toothy grin and dragged her luggage downstairs and there, she met the junior man of the house.

Sa'eed is his name by the way.

"Ya Mufida."

Wallahi she had no intentions of heeding to him, but the fact that he called her Ya Mufida made her retrieve back her steps and stared suspiciously at him.

"Can I borrow your laptop?"

I knew it!

"No, and wallah don't you dare touch my stuff when I'm gone, in fact."Mufida paused and ran back upstairs. Locked her room and shoved the keys in her purse before leaving, she can't trust that guy.

"Sannu da aiki."Mufida greeted her father's driver who was given the responsibility of dropping her at Raheenah's safe and sound.

Yep , I'm getting VIP treatment.

Malam Audi replied and zoomed off to their location. Mufida had thought very wrong of him, she had thought that he won't be able to drive fast but she was wrong. She had to quickly wear her seatbelts on before she get crashed in the car.

And just like magic she was right before their doorstep, she knocked and Batoul was the one who opened the door for her.

She has grown up ! *wipe off imaginary tears*

"Aunt Mufy."Batoul yelled and Mufida crouched down to her height and threw her arms around her small figure.

"My Batoulahhhh."Mufida yelled back with the same enthusiasm. Together they both entered further into the house talking about everything and nothing.

"Ina wuni Ya Ridwan. Good afternoon."Mufida greeted when she saw Ridwan seated on the carpet watching football and at the same time working on his laptop. While, Raheenah was laying on the couch typing away on her phone.

"Ya tafi yawo. He went for a walk."Ridwan replied sarcastically and ended with an eye roll.

So like Raheenah. What do you expect. Duk jirgi daya ya kwaso su. They were all picked up by the same ship.

"I'm being nice here but you're being rude no fair Ya Ridwan, I think I'm not welcomed here, I should go."Mufida joked playfully turning back.

"You know the way out."Ridwan added a hint of laughter in his voice.

"I don't feel like it anymore."Mufida replied and smacked Raheenah with the pillow which was laying on the cold floor.

Poor soul.

"Hey."Raheenah shouted gently rubbing the placed she was attacked. "What was that for?"Batoul's laughter filled in the whole room and they couldn't help but laugh together with her as well.

They were cut off by Ridwan's phone. He took a glance at the caller and it was Hisham, Haidar's brother. Wondering why he was calling him this night he tapped the accept button.

"Hello, Haidar had an accident yesterday on his way home. He is conscious now. I thought I should let you know."Hisham announced.

"Inna lillahi Wa Inna Ilahi Raji'un. We belong to Allah and to Him shall we return. Which hospital has he been admitted to?"

Just the word hospital made them sat up and stared at Ridwan anxiously waiting for him to end the call so they could ask him who is in the hospital.

And immediately he ended the call, they shoot the questions at him.

"What happened jaanu."Raheenah asked in distress. She had no idea what happened but everyone knows that the hospital is not a good place for someone to be.

"Haidar."Ridwan weighed.

For some weird and unknown reasons, Mufida felt her heart beating faster as if it will burst out of its rib cage. She placed her palm against her raging heart and mumbled. "What happened to him?"

"He had an accident yesterday on his way home."

The warm liquid found it escape route and came gliding down her cheeks. Is it because of what she had said to him ?

It's all her fault.

"We should go and see him."Raheenah reasoned and Ridwan pulled out his car keys from his pocket and stood up.

"What about Batoul?"Mufida questioned trying so hard to act calm but deep inside she feel like flying to the hospital.

"You two should go and I'll stay back with her."Raheenah suggested and they left.

Mufida kept on reciting different duas that came to her mind on their way to the hospital. Thank goodness for the dim light inside the car if not Ridwan will see the unstoppable tears.

He was admitted in the hospital where she works. Mufida located the room number for them and they went straight to it.

"Hisham, how is he?"Ridwan questioned but Mufida didn't waste anytime to ask any questions instead she entered the hospital room, the position she met him in was enough to make her burst into another fit of tears.

Halima smiled faintly at Mufida and moved aside for her to come closer.

"Haidar."Mufida called in between tears looking at his face which was half covered with bandage.

Haidar stared at her for sometime before finally speaking up. "Who are you ? And why are you here?"

Don Don Donnnnnn !

What just happened ?

It started so well and ended otherwise 🤧

It's like Haidar lost his memory o !

Hmmm !

What do you think ?

Ria ❤️
