17| Paradoxical Clamour |

"You called me here, because you've earlier claimed that you know something about my father. Right?"Maryam enquired, arching her brows at Muhammad, who was busy enjoying his milkshake.

"Yes, that's true."Muhammad answered with a shrug. Maryam took a small glance at her phone to check the time and shook her head. He is wasting her time, completely.

"So please, just get to the point here. I don't have all day, I've other responsibilities to take care of."Maryam stated pissed off by his nonchalant attitude towards almost everything. From the look of it, he doesn't take anything seriously in his life.

"I don't appreciate people ordering me around Maryam, mind your tongue."Muhammad warned and Maryam had to roll her eyes at him.

"Excuse me?"Maryam rhetorically asked taken aback by his outburst. "You called me here to tell me about my father and not for me to sit down and watch you slurp on your milkshake publicly like a 3 year old."

Muhammad chuckled lightly and shook his head at her.

"You know what ? Let's get serious here."Muhammad finally announced.

"So what do you want in return?"

"Calm down missy, not yet my demand can wait a little. Let's talk about your father."

Maryam only nodded her head and allowed him to speak.

"I've known your father for years now. I had once worked in his company, he fired me after knowing something about my past claiming that a person like me can never be honest blah blah blah, and won't be staying in his company anymore. I was angry with him, I really was to the point that I almost felt like stabbing him right in his heart."Maryam felt scared at his words.

There is something about his past which is clearly not good. And two;

His mentality and the way he thinks is disgusting.

"And the fact that he told everyone in the office about it made me even more furious. And then one day I came across a friend. A very old friend, who happened to be his first son."

"First son ? But I'm his one and only child."Maryam interrupted.

"Let me finish. He was married to his mother first before he married your mother. They've been together for two years before he left their mother and came back to your mother's life, living a fake life with her by that time his first wife Sumayyah had given birth to twins both male and he couldn't stop himself from going back to her so he did just that and left with you and your mother alone, because of your gender.

"He was hiding with Sumayyah and their children from you and your mother. After some years his wife Sumayyah died in a plane crash on her way to the Saudi Arabia."


I've other siblings ?

"This doesn't sound true at all, so you called me up just to waste my time ? Unbelievable I didn't know people like you will stoop so low just for money."Maryam yelled calling for people's attention.

"How dare you accuse me of such ?"

"Why won't I accuse you of such Muhammad or whatsoever your name is. Let me tell you something I'm not falling for your lies and your gibberish talks. Now please leave me alone, I don't want to know anything."Maryam stood up to leave but he dragged her bag with full force and sat her down.

"You want to know the truth right, then here it is."Muhammad gnashed and threw a photo at her.

Maryam picked the picture, glared at him before taking a look at the picture, it suddenly became blurred. Muhammad's words echoing in her head and everything he said seemed true.

It was a picture of Her father, Her Dada with A woman who looked like she's wife because of the way he held her hand and she was also holding a baby in the picture. Taking her eyes something, two familiar faces blessed her eyes. She was sure one of them is Haidar and the other one is his twin brother.

Oh my Allah.

Haidar ? She couldn't help but ask herself that particular question.

What is Haidar doing in this picture ?

Ya Allah.

"This...."Maryam started but choked on her tears. "What's all this?"She added her hands shaky. She dropped the picture and ran her hands over her face.

"Yes all that I've said to you is the truth. Why I'm I saying all this. Here this is his address."Muhammad stated dropping a little piece of paper which the address was written on.

"Now let's get back to business and stop crying."He added staring at Maryam.

Maryam didn't hear a single word from him. Everything was blurred as her eyes kept welling up with tears.

Muhammad was tired of watching a free scene from an Indian series, he banged his fist on the table to get her intention and it worked.

Maryam wiped off her tears and sniffled back a year. "What do you want?"she questioned her voice cracking. "I mean, how much do you want?"

"Before I wanted to get money from you but now money is not my problem."Muhammad reply with a smirk staring earnestly at Maryam. He wasn't staring he was ogling and checking her out, shamelessly.

"What do you mean ?"

"I mean I don't want money."Muhammad retorted and did a dramatic pause before he continued. "I want you."

Heyyyy !

Here's an update for you guys !

I couldn't update yesterday because I was really busy but here it is manage this short chapter !

What do you think about the chapter ?

Do you've any idea what will happen next between Maryam and Muhammad ?

Will she give in to his demands ? Or not ?

Drop your thoughts in the comment section pls !

Byeeeee !

Ria ❤️
