Camila Cabello Smut Pt.1

You can feel the strands of the rope hugging your wrists tightly, but not too tight. Just enough for you to feel your heart beat accelerating at the thought of yourself being vulnerable like this. The heels of your feet press firmly into the carpet momentarily before your thigh begins to bounce with anticipation. The red lights in the room make the air around you feel hot and the beating of your heart becomes more prevalent.

The bathroom door opens and my eyes shoot towards the soft creaking sound.  Your eyes almost drop out of my head as her leg comes into view. The tall red bottom heels on her feet force her calves to flex with each sexy strut that seems to process in your mind at a slow motion rate.  She wears a black and sheer garter set, and her hair is curled to perfection.

The night was only beginning and you were terrified yet embarrassingly turned on.

You watched as she stood in front of you, trying to find the song of her choice to let hum through your bedroom speakers. The soft bass sounded through your ears but still, you were convinced the beating in your chest was louder.

Your jaw hung open as she slowly lowered herself down onto your thigh.  It was at this point you began to rethink your decision to accept her challenge.

Your sex life had never been dull, however, Camila wanted to experiment. You knew she was a switch and until now you always thought you were a top. The way her eyes stay hooded, clouded with lust and arousal, you were oh so close to doing any and every single thing she says.

Her head tilts to the side as her cool hand caresses your profound jawline.

"You're so beautiful..."

You open your mouth to respond but once you do her thumb hooks to the inside of your mouth. You surprise yourself when you wrap your lips around it looking up at Camila for her command.

"Hmm, you're already such a good submissive... Look at you... So, pretty..."

She whispers those sultry words in your ear before nibbling along the shell of your ear. She knows exactly what she's doing... her hips begin to grind down slowly onto your heated skin.

Her eyes fall from your face to your thigh, eyebrows already furrowing slightly in pleasure.  She bites her lip and tries her best to control the throaty groan from spilling.

You struggle against the rope but give up eventually when you feel your wife's fingernails raking up your abdomen. You feel a burning sensation along the trial as if she was setting your flesh ablaze in the most pleasing way.  Her hand moves up the valley of your breasts towards your neck, grasping firmly with her delicate hands, a sinful combination.

It would appear that your mind and body were struggling because while you wanted to stare the shooter woman down intimidatingly, but instead, your eyes rolled into the back of your head. The feeling of her hand around your neck and the restraints of your own filled you with want, and a desperate need to release.

It was that same desperation that caused you to strain your voice and gasp her name. "Camila!"

Camila removed her hand, instead placed it on your breast, leaning down to place chaste kisses along the column of your throat.

Your chest began heaving, your breaths more and more labored.

"My hands- please- I need to touch you- please", you struggled to get out I between breaths.

She stopped her movement altogether and took a moment to gather her response.

"You want to touch me?"

"Please", you practically whined, internally cringing at your own needy voice.

A smirk sits on her plump lips as she reaches behind you, untying the knot she had previously tied.

Your hands flew to her hips, moving to her ass not even a good second later. All you wanted was to grope and kneed the flesh in your selfish hands, and that is precisely what you did.

Her jaw fell slack and she threw her head back as you groped at her behind harshly. You guided her hips downward again, forcing her to grind down onto you yet again. You felt so intoxicatingly hot as you watched euphoria flash onto the beauties face. Her love faces are some of the most beautiful pieces of art that only you could ever see. You knew she was probably pouring, but she could only get but so much pleasure from this position. She craved more and by god, you wanted to give her more. You moved one hand downwards in attempt to move your hand into the lace panties hugging her hips so nicely but she stopped you, grabbing your wrist and placing your hand back on her ass.

"Let me explain what is going to happen," she breathed out heavily, never halting her movements.

"I am going to make myself cum on top of you, and you are going to watch like a good girl. Then, I am going to- fuck- I am going to fuck you until you can't stop cumming," she growls through her own intense pleasure.

Of course, with being your wife, she knew everything about you. She knew all your kinks and turn-ons. She undoubtedly knew about your fascination with voyeurism. Whenever she went on you, you would practically beg for her to let you watch her perform explicit acts on herself. She was always more than willing, she loved being watched as much as you loved watching. Tonight though, was different. You had never watched her, or felt her like this. This was physical and so surreal.

You creased your lips and tightened your grip on her ass, gaping as her hips moved at a faster pace. You could feel her desire radiating onto you along with the desperation In her struggle to move impossibly faster. She wasn't getting quite what she wanted so her hand slithered down her stomach and into her panties where she beginning rubbing circles around her clit feverishly. Her legs began to quiver erratically and her breaths had become shaken. She was so incredibly close and you wanted nothing more than to watch her fall apart. So, you clenched your thigh as right as you could which put the perfect amount of pressure on her heat, sure enough sending her tumbling over that beloved edge.

Camila clenched around nothing and her face contorted into pleasure personified. You continued to kneed her ass, helping her down from her high the best you could. When your wife finally gained the strength to look up into your eyes she pulled you up from the chair you had been sitting in, and pushed you roughly onto your king sized bed....

PS I got a lot of votes for vanessa smut so I will probably do one of those soon, just got to think of a plot. Y'all can request some if there is something u want to see specifically.

I'm going to make a part two but like y'all my friends don't care but imma tell y'all so y'all can care. I have the biggest crush on my teacher and like she touched my arm today and I wanted to die. Her hands are so soft and gentle and I love how caring she was with me. I told her I had a headache and she literally was like awh but it lowkey sounded like a moan and I got so flustered I think I actually died but whatever 😂😂😂
