Amandla Stenberg 4

Excessive giggle fits.

With all of our giggling, people would think we were high out of our minds! It's late at night and as proud seniors, we decided to participate in the greatest class prank of all time. We are completely trashing the school. We split into three groups. One group hung outside on watch while also throwing toilet paper all over the outside of the school campus, another group shot confetti cannons all around the halls, and the third group, me and Amandla's group, were in charge of basically wrecking the place in whatever way we saw fit without making too much noise to cause the cops to show up.

Our school was shutting down, and boy was it going to go out with a bang. Amandla and I had a battle with fire extinguishers. We ran around in the cafeteria and hid behind displaced tables. A few guys came in and started shaking vending machines until they fell. They shook up soda bottles and let them burst everywhere, even coating all the windows in a sticky mess. My crush and I didn't stick around too long for that though, we didn't know how hard it would be to get soda out of our hair, and we didn't really want to find out.

We stole some chocolate bars and snuck off into the science lab.

I can hear people running and shouting outside of the lab, but we just slide down a wall and laugh, trying to catch our breath.

I'm like so sure this is illegal, she laughs as she takes a bite of a kit kat bar.

"If the entire senior class got arrested, we would go down in history," I pop a few m&m's into my mouth as Amandla laughs and nudges me playfully.

"I totally one that fight by the way", she smirks.

"Oh please, you're literally dripping wet," I chuckle.

"There's more than one explanation for that though", she wiggles her eyebrows at me.

"Oh. My. God! You're disgusting," I joke and shove her jokingly which makes her laugh.

"I'm talking about the soda you pervert", she giggles.

"Mhmm," I roll my eyes and turn away from her, just to mess with her.

Much to my surprise, she scoots closer to me and wraps one arm around my shoulder and uses her free hand to grab my chin and turn my head to face her.

"I was kinda surprised when you told me you were going to be here tonight", she says quietly.

"I was surprised when you said you weren't", I reply.

"Yeah well... I was just gonna stay home and think about you," she says.

My eyes widen, and she just smiles softly at me.

I'm taken by surprise when i feel her hand resting on my lower thigh as she leans in ever so slowly. I do the same and we pause just as our lips are about to touch. She caresses my face and my eyes flutter shut as I make that move and connect our lips.

The kiss isn't long, it only last for a moment. She holds me in place tenderly before leaning back in. This kiss is more passionate and heated than the first. Our lips dance in harmony until we are fully making out on the cold floor of the science lab.

Who knows how far we would have gone if the police sirens outside the class window hadn't sounded.

We scrambled up and held hands as we ran to find a way out. We ran through the cluttered halls and out the back door were two officers stood with their guns pointed right at us. Out hands separated and we kept them in the air.

"FREEZE", he shouted...
