Chapter 7

Suzanne Collins owns the book!

Chapter 7

"Bye!" Peeta calls out before he leaves, for now. Haymitch left a couple minutes ago. I can't believe he accused me of drinking. Prim is, in a way, like a daughter, and I'm not setting that example. I'm not going to at the dinner table anyway I may in my bedroom sometimes though.

It's about ten before my mother is in her room snoring. Peeta normally comes over about now. I'm looking out my window when I see him walk up to the door. I go down the stairs to the door. This way if they hear someone on the stairs they will hear someone go down them first. Peeta goes out the window, but comes in through the door. We start talking once we get in my room with the door shut.

"Hey," I say jumping into his arms and hugging him.

"Hey, Mrs. Mellark." He says. I smile.

"Mr. Mellark," I say kissing him on the lips. It isn't just our normal kiss. This is something stronger.

When I wake up I look around I see my clothes in a pie on the floor. I can't believe I was so careless. I get up and find some clothes that will look good to go to Prim's school. I get dressed and wake Peeta up.

"Good morning Peeta," I whisper into his ear.

"Good morning Katniss," Peeta says getting dressed.

"You need to go home and get dressed. We have to go to Prim's school in about three hours."

"We slept in," he says.

"Yeah. You better go before my mother comes to wake me up." I say. I wrap my arms around Peeta, he gives me a kiss and then leaves.

I walk down the stairs. Prim has already left for school, but my mother is sitting on the couch watching TV. There is nothing good on, ever. It's either mandatory showings or The Hunger Games replays.

"Hello," I say sitting down on the couch. "You may want to check on Haymitch," she says.

"Why?" I ask. "I heard some noise a little bit ago." She says.

"Okay, I'll go get Peeta and well see what Haymitch did this time," I say.

"Why do you always do everything with Peeta?" She asks me angrily. "Did you and Dad spend a lot of time together?" I ask. "Yes."

"Then it's no different," I say and walk out the door.

I walk over to Peeta's house which is an exact replica of mine. I knock on the door and his mother opens it. The witch is always in a bad mood, so I hope she's not here. "You seam brat!" She screams at me.

"Is Peeta here?" I ask annoyed by her outburst.

"Yes, but it's none of your concern." She says in her stuck up attitude.

"Mother! Stop talking to her like that" Peeta says staring at us from behind the door way.

"She was just leaving," Mrs. Mellark tells Peeta with a smug look.

"I'm not leaving yet. I'm here to get Peeta." I tell her. Why did she tell Peeta I was leaving, I'm right here and can contradict her.

"Umm. My mother said she heard Haymitch doing something loud. You want to come with me to check it out?" I say. Peeta nods his head and grabs my hand.

"Bye Mrs. Mellark," I call over my shoulder. I turn to Peeta once we are out of earshot.

"What is up with her?" I ask. "She's was born and raised in town, it's just what she believes." He says.

"Do other people think like that too?" I ask.

"Yeah, mom's friends and my middle brother. Don't worry my dad is the same one the topic." He points out.

"At least your Dad doesn't care," I state. By now we are on Haymitch's steps.

"I'm so sorry about my mom," Peeta says shaking his head as we walk in. His blonde curls bounce everywhere. I can't help but smile.

"Haymitch!" I scream as we walk into his house. I hear some mumbling in the kitchen.

"Bet you he got drunk and passed out, again," I say.

"He always does that," Peeta says. We are wrong. We walk into the kitchen and see Haymitch trying to cook on the stove.

"I'm drunk uh?" Haymitch says looking at me. "I guess not, but I'll wager your hungover," I say.

"You both must have been drunk from what I heard last night. It's a miracle her mother didn't hear, she would have killed you both already." Haymitch says smirking.

"Haymitch, stop trying to annoy her," Peeta says.

"Lover boy taking up for you sweetheart?" Haymitch asks. He knows.

"Don't call him that," I exclaim angrily.

"Are you protective over him? That's a new twist. Normal it's you in the background rolling your eyes while he protects you." Haymitch says. I just start crying. I can't believe Haymitch said that. He knows I feel awful about pretending in the arena and now he brings it up.

"Haymitch!" Peeta yells.

"What?!" Haymitch asks annoyed.

"Why did you do that?! You know it hurts her, and you did it on purpose!" Peeta yells.

"It's fun," Haymitch says. I just stare at him. I've stopped crying but I still feel awful.

"It's not fun to us!" Peeta yells.

"I've never heard that before," Haymitch says sarcastically.

"Haymitch we are sorry we checked on you. I can't believe you would purposely do that to her." Peeta says. Peeta picks me up and carries me to his house.

"My family leaves for work about 11:00 they were about to leave when we walked out. I think your Mother would throw a fit if she saw you crying in my arms, so I'm taking you to my house."

"I can't believe he would mention that," I whisper.

"Katniss we discussed it. I'm not mad. You love me now so why does it matter?" Peeta says.

"Because I faked it once upon a time," I say as Peeta sits me on the couch.

"I'm okay now. I am." I say still trying to convince myself. I'm not though. I lied to Peeta, whom I love. I don't know why I couldn't have realized I loved him in kindergarten like he did with me.

I have to convince Peeta I'm okay or he will feel bad.

"Let's just watch TV," I say. And we do. We just watch TV while I calm down. "How about we just leave early?

"Yeah, it'll take a little while to get there anyway," Peeta says. The clock says its about 11:30. We get up and before we leave Victors Village I drop in to tell my mother we are going to the school.

The school isn't that big. It's actually small if you think about it. I don't know why you have to go to school. If you are going to be a coal miner what does reading do for you? We walk into the office to tell them we are here. They let us go back and tell us Prim is at lunch. I know where the cafeteria is. I used to have to go there and sit alone most of the time, every weekday.

We walk to the cafeteria in silence we hold hands though. When we walk into the cafeteria people stare.

"I don't get why they are all staring. Haven't they seen us before?"

"Yeah, they probably have, but we are together, victors, and were on TV three days ago." Peeta says. We find Prim in the mess of kids. Prim runs up and hugs me first. I stick my tongue out at Peeta and smile. He rolls his eyes and smiles back.

"Peeta!" She says giving him a hug now. Peeta smirks. It's my turn to roll my eyes this time.

"You finally woke up!" She says. I laugh.

"I woke up a little bit ago," I tell her. "Peeta, she normally sleeps late," Prim says. I guess she is trying to fill him in, but he probably knows my sleeping habits better than her.

The bell rings. Peeta picks Prim up and puts her in his back. We all start laughing. Peeta carries her like that to her history class. So many mouths drop. Peeta drops her off as soon as we get into the classroom. The teacher walks to the front.

"Class today we have a real treat! Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark, last years Hunger Games victors, are here to talk about the Games! I assume you all know Prim, Katniss's sister." The woman says. According to her desk she is Ms. Thompkins. "You two can start from the Reaping." Ms. Thompkins says encouragingly. Peeta nods to me, I guess I'm starting it.

"It started out as a normal day. I was talking with my cousin Gale. When the Reaping came up, I didn't even think of Prim's one slip. I only wished for myself. When her name was called, I fainted. Then the reality hit me, and I started to follow her, and only then did I remember you can volunteer. I did of course, as you all know. Then I wished my cousin Gale wasn't called in the boys. But it wasn't who I thought again; it was Peeta. My first thought was 'Not him.' Peeta saved my life once by throwing me some bread after my father's death. How could I kill him if he saved my life?" I nod to Peeta, and he starts to tell about the day of the Reaping for him.

"It was the same old thing for me I worked in the Bakery that morning. When Katniss' name was called, I knew she would win. I hoped at least; I've had a crush on her since I was five. But when my name was called, I felt lucky I had an excuse to talk to her. My mind shifted gears, and I knew I was going to help Katniss' win. On the train, Haymitch gave us lousy advice. He told us to 'Stay alive' which who knew that was the secret? I told Haymitch at some point on the train that I want Katniss to win. In the Tribute Parade. We were scared to death of that fire. Training Sessions were kind of boring since I have no skill." Peeta says. I pick up right where he left off. The whole class is on the edge of their seats.

"In training is where I realized my talent with a bow. I shot a couple dummy's in my time with the Gamemakers. I still can't believe I got an eleven. The next day was to prepare for our interview. I hated Effie's manner class and Haymitch when he was trying to see what angle I would play. Whoever is picked next year I will make sure has Peeta and I will be in there with Effie. The interview was scary. I was so nervous I would say the wrong thing. But when Peeta said he liked me I thought 'not where we are going'. I couldn't sleep that night." I say lying on some of the parts. It's illegal, so I'm sure not saying it in a school.

"I threw weights. I got an eight which is not near as good as Katniss' eleven. The day to prepare for the interview wasn't bad for me. I was so nervous, but Haymitch told me saying I liked Katniss on stage would gain us sponsors and it was true. If I was going to die, I thought I might as well say it. I couldn't sleep that night. Finally I just went walking around the suite. When the gong sounded, I had to join the Careers to give them a wrong lead about Katniss. They had to kill her last, that was the deal. I figured she could think of some way to kill them." Peeta says. Oh, so that's why he teamed up with them. Stupid Haymitch.

"When the gong sounded I grabbed the backpack and got the heck out. When that fire spread, I got wounded. So when the Careers and Peeta were after me, I couldn't do anything. I only had a knife, but I'm not good with knives. I climbed a tree. I got burn medicine. Rue showed me the Tracker Jacker nest, so I cut that down on them. I thought Peeta was trying to kill me. I fell out of the tree after I was stung. Luckily most of them left. I ran away, but then remembered the bow that was in Glimmers hands. I went back to get it. I saw Peeta, and he told me to run. So I did, but Cato cut him." I say. Dang, this stuff is a mouth full.

"When Katniss was found I hated myself. I couldn't kill them they didn't trust me to give me a weapon and I couldn't help Katniss she didn't trust me. I kept trying to think of a plan ,but none came. When the nest dropped I ran. Then we came back ,but I had to get back before Cato. He would kill her the second he saw her. When I saw Katniss and told her to run. Cato cut me. I knew I had to get out of there ,so I tried ,but with the Tracker Jacker strings and my leg I didn't get far. When I woke up I camouflaged myself." Peeta says.

"When I woke up I found Rue. I allied with her, blew up the Careers food. Lost my hearing in one ear which is back now. Rue got killed. Then they said you could ally with your District partner. So I went looking for Peeta. I found him, but he was badly wounded. It took everything I had not to throw up. I got him to the cave. They announced a Feast. I knocked Peeta out with sleep syrup so that I could go to the Feast. Thresh killed Clove, and I got a bad gash. I ran the whole way back and put the medicine into Peeta's leg, then fell unconscious." I say. Why did I agree to do this? Peeta squeezes my hand as if reading my mind.

"When Katniss was there I was so happy. I couldn't believe she used sleep syrup on me. Apparently, Haymitch had a part in it as well. When she woke up in the pile of blood, I was freaked out. Then we went hunting which I suck at. I can't even walk quietly. I gathered berries. Foxface, the girl from District 5 died. The next morning the Gamemakers drained all the water. Then the mutts were after us that night. Thresh died. My leg got messed up again. Cato went down, but wouldn't die, so Katniss shot him. Then we were told only one could win." Peeta says. They are looking up at him with bug eyes wanting to know what happens next. I think it's kind of obvious what happens though. Especially since they watched it on TV.

"I woke up. Went hunting with loud Peeta. All the same, things he said happened. When we were told only could win I remembered the poisonous berries. I can't/couldn't live without Peeta, and he's said the same about me, so I thought we both should die. Then right after we put them in our mouths, they said we could both win. We both ran to the lake to clean out our mouths. We got it all out, lucky neither of us swallowed yet. Peeta passed out as soon as we got on the hovercraft. He died twice if I remember correctly. The next thing I knew we finished all our interviews and went home." I say. I tried to say it quick so we can get it over with and go to questions.

"I felt so selfish letting Katniss try to kill herself. Yeah, I wanted her with me, but I didn't want her to die. I'm assuming what she said is right. To be honest I was to tired to remember most of it. And then we were home with all the festivals going on. Questions?" Peeta says.

Really? I chose to die. Why would he feel selfish? A little girl raises her hand she doesn't strike me as someone who wants a bunch of information, instead someone who wants trouble. Peeta points at the girl.

"I have a question for Katniss. I was wondering if you were faking?" She says.

"No, not at all," I say. Not in some of it. A boy raises his hand.

"Yes," I say.

"Do you regret volunteering? You wouldn't have had to go through the Games if you stayed back and watched." He says.

"No, I don't regret it. I saved Prim's life. No offense Prim, but you know can't kill someone. Besides if I didn't volunteer I wouldn't have met Peeta." I say. Prim gives me a look.

"What is it like thinking you won't come home?" Someone asks looking at Peeta. "It's kind of hard, but I know I'm not needed. I just had to think of my priority, keeping Katniss alive." Peeta says. Not needed?

"Needed," I say aloud. "You would get over it eventually," Peeta says. I stare at him like he's a moron. "After I kill myself I'd be over it. Needed. End of discussion." I state decisively.

Prim raises her hand. What will she ask? She can ask us anything, any day.

"Yes Prim?" Peeta asks.

"I have a question for Katniss. Why did you volunteer? You know I didn't want you to." Prim says. Why in the middle of the class does she ask? But she'll want the answer later might as well just spit it out.

"I promised you I would protect you and so I did," I say.

"But don't you need to protect yourself, Katniss?" She asks. Can't we discuss this at home?

"When it comes to someone you love, you'd anything for them. So I volunteered to save your life. It's like when I went to get medicine for Peeta. And you both are happy I did that." I say.

"Now I am. When I woke up I was about ready to kill you myself." Peeta says. I roll my eyes.

"You're happy about it now right?" I ask.

"Yes, I am, but you still shouldn't have done it," Peeta says.

"See Prim, neither of you are happy I did it, but I saved both of you," I say. The majority of the class has their eyebrows raised.

"Any other questions?" Peeta asks. A little girl with brown hair and gray eyes raises her hand. Peeta points at her. "I have a question for Peeta. Was it love at first sight?" She asks glancing off in the distance. A love-struck school girl.

"Yes, it was," Peeta says smiling. He gives me a small peck on the lips which makes all the girls "aww."

"Is Peeta nice when he's not on camera?" A seam girl asks. "He's even better," I say smiling at Peeta.

After Prim's class, we aren't needed. We go to the meadow. It's pretty there. I have my head in Peeta's lap, and he ties flowers in my hair. They'll be a pain to get out later, but it'll be worth it. Before we leave, I do take him in the woods and try to teach him how to use a bow and arrow. He is better than when we started, but that's about all I can say. "I'm going to run by the bakery real quick," Peeta says. I go with him and get cheese buns. I love cheese buns.

⛔️8 Weeks later⛔️

I wake up and kiss Peeta. 

"Did you know I love waking up because of you?" He asks. I laugh. 

"And I love waking up with you here. Can we go to the Bakery, I want some apple bread." I say. 

"Sure, but you hate apple bread." He says laughing.

"I don't know I'm just in the mood for it," I said shrugging my shoulders.

I get dressed and walk to Peeta's house. My mom didn't see me walk out, but heard the door shut. It's been nothing, but bickering between us. At least her and Peeta's mother get along, if they don't talk about us. Peeta opens the door before I can even knock.

"Hey, beautiful." He says kissing me lightly. I grab ahold of Peeta's hand. Too many people stare at us for my liking, but that's normal. I get my apple bread and pay Peeta's father.

"I didn't know you liked apple bread Katniss." Mr. Mellark says.

"I just wanted something appley," I say. 

"We better be going," Peeta says.

"I have to go get some bandages." My mother says walking out the door as we walk in.

 "Sit down, Peeta," I say.

~K.D. Howell 
