Chapter 18

Disclaimer: This is not the actually story of Catching Fire THIS IS FANFICTION! All right go to the fantastic Suzanne Collins!

Chapter 18

"Why am I-" I start.

"President Snow's orders. Our pleas for a different dress were ignored." Cinna interrupts. I'm in my wedding dress the one that won the in the contest. It's the one coated with pearls, but it so much heavier than I remember.

"Was it always this heavy?" I ask. Maybe it's just me and my pregnant stomach or something, but it feels so much heavier.

"I had to make some alterations because of the lighting." What does the lighting have to do with it? Cinna is the designer I'll trust him. I walk into the elevator and glance up at Peeta who's wearing a white suit, what grooms wear in the Captiol.

"You look gorgeous." Peeta says kissing my cheek.

"Be careful you'll mess up the masterpiece!" Effie shrieks gaping at us. Peeta and I just stare at her.

The other tributes are already gathered offstage and are whispering, but when Peeta and I arrive, they fall silent. I realize everyone is starting daggers at my wedding dress. Finally, Finnick says, "I can't believe Cinna put you in that thing."

"He didn't have a choice President Snow made him." I say defensively.

Cashmere tosses her flowing blonde curls back and exclaims, "Well you look ridiculous!"

Then she and Gloss walk onto the stage starting us off.

I'm confused because while they seem angry, some are giving us sympathetic pats on the shoulders, and Johanna Mason actually stops to straighten my pearl necklace. "Make him pay for it, okay?"

I nod, but I don't know what she means. Not until we're all sitting out onstage and Caesar Flickerman, hair and face highlighted in lavender this year dons his opening spiel, and the tributes begin their interviews.

It isn't until now that I realize the depth of betrayal felt among the victors and the rage that accompanies it. But they are so smart, so wonderfully smart about how they play it because it all comes back to reflect on the government and President Snow in particular.

Not everyone. There are the old throwbacks, like Brutus and Enobaria, who are just here for another game, and those too baffled or drugged or lost to join in on the attack. But there are enough victors who still have the wits and the nerve to come out fighting.

Cashmere starts about how she can't stop crying when she thinks of how everyone will miss the victors. Gloss recalls the kindness shown to him and his sister. Beetee questions the legality of it, wondering if it has been thoroughly examined by experts. Finnick recites a poem for his one true love in the Capitol. By the time Johanna Mason gets up, she's wondering if something can be done about the situation.

Seeder quietly ruminates about how, back in District 11, everyone assumes President Snow is all-powerful. So if he's all-powerful, why doesn't he change the Quell? And Chaff, who comes right on her heels, insists the president could change the Quell if he wanted to, but he must not think it matters much to anyone.

By the time they introduce me, the audience is an absolute wreck. People have been weeping and collapsing and even calling for a change. The sight of me in my white silk bridal gown practically causes a riot. No more me, no more star-crossed lovers living happily ever after, no more wedding. I can see even Caesar's professionalism showing some cracks as he tries to quiet them so I can speak, but my three minutes are ticking quickly away.

"So Katniss why were you correcting your last name at the reaping?" Caesar asks me, and everyone quiets down to listen to my answer. I try to blush and I'm sure I look creepy, but I'll play the angle of the cute girly girl as long as possible.

"Well you see, Peeta and I didn't want to wait to get married in the Capitol. We went to the Justice Building and we got married, so my last name is Mellark."

People cry out, physically crying and I don't see why. I understand their sympathy, but these are the same people who will rejoice at each new death tomorrow morning. They should not cry over us when they couldn't care less about those who died in the arena only for the past 74 years. 

Me? I was only interesting because I was Peeta's love interest and was the first volunteer from 12. Caesar tries to get their attention back but he can not, because the audience has realized there will be no more Star-Crossed Lovers of District 12.

"So, Katniss, obviously this is a very emotional night for everyone. Is there anything you'd like to say?" My voice trembles as I speak.

"Only that I'm so sorry you won't get to be at my wedding, but I'm glad you at least get to see me in my dress. Isn't it just the most beautiful thing?"

 I don't have to look at Cinna for a signal. I know this is the right time. I begin to twirl slowly, raising the sleeves of my heavy gown above my head.

The crowd starts screaming, and I feel my dress start to evaporate. Oh, no please don't let me be naked. I am engulfed in flames I look to the sidelines to see if I can see Peeta. He's there trying to get through, but a guard will not let him. The baby chooses now to kick for the second time, and I think I'm about to faint until I look down. I'm not naked, but my dress has changed, it is no longer themed with pearls. Now the dress is the color if coal with feathers everywhere.

Wonderingly, I lift my long, flowing sleeves into the air, and that's when I see myself on the television screen. Clothed in black except for the white patches on my sleeves. Or should I say my wings?

Because Cinna has turned me into a Mockingjay.

Caesar reaches to touch my headpiece and claims, "Feathers."

"You're like a bird." I plaster a curious look on my face.

"I think it's a Mockingjay." I see a flicker of recognition flicker across his face and I know he knows it's more than my token.

"Well, hats off to your stylist. I don't think anyone can argue that that's not the most spectacular thing we have ever seen in an interview. Cinna, I think you better take a bow!" Caesar gestures for Cinna to rise. He does and makes a small, gracious bow. And suddenly I am so afraid for him. What has he done? Something dangerous. An act of rebellion in itself. And he's done it for me. I remember his words ...

"Don't worry. I always channel my emotions into my work. That way I don't hurt anyone but myself."

I'm afraid he has hurt himself this time, maybe beyond repair.

As I pass Peeta, who's headed for his interview, he doesn't meet my eyes. I take my seat carefully, but aside from the puffs of smoke here and there, I seem unharmed, so I turn my attention to him.

Caesar and Peeta have been a natural team since they first appeared together a year ago. Their natural give-and-take, comic timing, and ability to segue into heart-wrenching moments, have made them a massive success with the audience. They effortlessly open with a few jokes about fires and feathers and overcooking poultry. But anyone can see that Peeta is preoccupied, so Caesar directs the conversation right into the subject that's on everyone's minds.

"So, Peeta, what was it like when, after all you've been through, you found out about the Quell?"

"I was in shock, one second I'm seeing Katniss look beautiful in all these wedding gowns and then the next.." Peeta trails off.

"You realized there was never going to be a proper wedding ceremony." Peeta's eyes settle on me and then he glances at Haymitch. What is he about to do?

"We are officially married though," Peeta says with a huff at the end. Caesar's face shows his confusion as well as everyone's else's. Caesar raises his eyebrows and presses his lips into a line.

"Is that a bad thing?"

"I just wish we had waited for it to all be done properly," Peeta says frowning. Do you now?

This takes even Caesar back. "Surely even a brief time together is better than no time?"

"Maybe I'd think that to Caesar if it wasn't for the baby." Peeta went through with Haymitch's plan. The one I told him to disregard a few days ago. He just released to the entire world that I am pregnant. My mother, the other victors, the people of district 12, and everyone in the Capitol. Sponsors might take pity on me at least.

The Capitol citizens are confused for a second then they realize what he means, the horror of this year's games, I'm pregnant. When they realize it, they begin to sound like a herd of wounded animals, moaning, shrieking, calling for help. Caesar can't rein in the crowd again, not even when the buzzer sounds.

Peeta nods his good-bye and comes back to his seat without any more conversation. I can see Caesar's lips moving, but the place is in chaos and I, can't hear a word. Only the blast of the anthem cranked up so loud I can feel it vibrating through my bones, lets us know where we stand in the program. I automatically rise and, as I do, I sense Peeta reaching out to me.

Up and down the row victors begin to join hands, some automatically, some hesitantly. By the time the anthem finishes, we all stand in one unbroken line, what must be one of the first forms of unity between the districts since the Dark Ages. People must start to realize it too, because screens begin to turn black, showing that we were cut off. There is disorder on the stage now, I barely manage to keep up with Peeta, but I do, and we manage to make it to the elevators safely.

"Really?" I ask him, my lips pressed into a tight line. He looks up at me with his sparkling blue eyes shining as if they are damp.

"Sponsors. It's something me and Haymitch talked about."

"You just revealed one of my weaknesses." I state bluntly.

"Everyone will feel sorry and sponsor a pregnant girl." He says tucking a strand of loose hair behind my ear.

"Even her mother?" I inquire quietly. He sighs and smiles at me.

"Your mother will not care. We are married after all."

"Well, that's true." I say deciding not to let anything annoy me before I have to go back to the arena, certainly not my husband.

I take a deep breath, smile up at him and take his hand in mine. We step off the elevator entering our floor. He stares at me curiously.

"Are you plotting to kill me?" He inquires jokingly. I shove him playfully and he ludicrously almost falls down.

"I do not need a repeat of last year after the interviews, okay?"

We laugh over it, remembering how I shoved him into an urn and made him bleed so much he couldn't eat.

"I promise I won't make you bleed. Unless you deserve it." I smirk tauntingly at him as we drop onto the couch.

"And why would I deserve it?"

"Because you may decide to be trained alone at the last minute," I say jokingly as I shove him over lightly on the couch.

"We both made it out of the arena alive, so any complaints you have about last years plans are void."

"That's not fair! I know at some point in the last year you have complained about something I did during the games."

"What did I complain about then?" Peeta asks smirking, thinking he's won.

"Me drugging you to go to the feast." I claim smiling at him as he groans. I love playfully joking with him.

"Alright, you win." He even raises his hands as if in surrender.

Haymitch clears his throat before I can respond.

"It's madness out there. They have sent everyone home and caned the recap of it on TV."

Peeta and I hurry to the window to make sense of the commotion below. "What are they saying?"

"Are they asking the president to stop the Games?"

"I don't think they know themselves what to ask. The whole situation is unprecedented. Even the idea of opposing the Capitol's agenda is a source of confusion for the people here," says Haymitch.

"But there's no way Snow would cancel the Games. You know that, right?"

We do. Of course we do, he would never go back on the games he promised. Especially not this year. "The others went home?"

"They were ordered to. Not real sure how much luck they are having getting through the mob."

"I guess this is where we say our goodbyes." Haymitch finally says after moments of silence.

"Any last words of advice?" Peeta asks.

"Stay alive." It's almost like an old joke to us now. He gives us each a quick embrace, and I can tell that's all he can muster.

I know I should say a lot of things to Haymitch, but I can't think of any he doesn't already know. "Go to bed you'll need your rest."

"You take care Haymitch." Peeta says from the both of us. Peeta and I walk away, we are at the doorway when he calls out to me.

"Katniss, when you're in the arena" he begins. Then he pauses. He's scowling in a way that makes me sure I've already disappointed him.

"What?" I ask defensively.

"You just remember who the real enemy is," Haymitch tells me. "That's all. Now go on. Get out of here."

We walk into my room and I flop onto the bed. "Don't you want to take your dress and makeup off before you go to sleep?" Peeta asks me.

"Not really, I want to go to sleep," I say as I billow into my pillow.

"Go change and take your makeup off. It looks odd seeing you all dressed up."

"Same to you." I respond getting up and walking into the bathroom. I grab a wash cloth and start wiping the gunk off my face. By the time I'm finished, I'm pretty sure you can construct an entire face from it. Peeta walks into the bathroom and wipes his face free of makeup, making him look so much better. I change quickly into one of Peeta's shirts.

We both climb into bed and I realize this could be the last time we go to sleep together. I pull Peeta close and whisper in his ear, "I love you." He wraps his arm around my waist.

"I love you too." I move my head from his neck and rest it on his chest.


"Goodnight Katniss, don't let the nightmares bite."

As always thanks a million for reading! If no one's noticed I have been doing longer chapters! Even though I don't update often I do give you some when I do!

Please feel free to clue me in on any grammar issues, I am human as well.

-KD Howell
