Making Up for the Future

I love reading all of your comments on my last few chapters. I hope you all enjoy this update.

Anna's POV

"Hey did you find what you looking for?" I ask Barry as he comes into the lab.

"Uh yeah...uh what did we find out about Gridlock?" He asks.

"I scanned the crime scene photos and got a match." Iris pulls up the suspect's I.D. "This is not Lang's first rodeo. CCPD put out a warrant for him for carjacking. He killed the whole crew inside."

"Now he absorbs kinetic energy?" Barry asks.

"He only gets stronger if you punch him, you shoot him, throw him into traffic." Caitlin explains.

"Which could only make the traffic worse. God, I'd hate to be stuck in that gridlock." Cisco's eyes widen. "Gridlock...Gridlock...I came up with the name. I am fortune's fool."

"You're right. You're the biggest fool I've ever seen." Damian comments.

"Shut up Damian!"

"Shut your face Tinkerbell!"

"Oh no..."

"No fighting! Not now or ever!" I scold them as I keep them separated using my powers.

"Sorry." They mutter and I release them.

"Just think of Gridlock's powers exactly how T'Challa's suit absorbed kinetic energy and redistributed when he needed to fight. But he doesn't need a suit he is the suit." I explain to Barry and he nods his head.

"So how do we find this guy without Sally the satellite?" Wally asks.

"We don't need a satellite to hack a cell phone." Cisco declares and he goes over to his computer station. "And if we want to find his cell phone, we'll find the airport?" He states questionably.

"Because he's on a plane that just took off dumbass." Damian comments as he is pushing Cisco out of the way.

"Central City Air, flight number 5201." Cisco informs us.

"Why would he be on a plane?" Iris asks.

"So he can crash it." I answer and everyone understands how serious this is going to get.

"The plane just lost an engine." Cisco states.

"It's headed for downtown." Iris shows us the projectile location of the plane's path.

"If Gridlock takes out the other engine, the pilot won't be able to avoid the buildings." Caitlin tells us.

"Thousands of people will die." Wally adds.

"Not if you phase the plane through the buildings." Nora's voice is heard behind us and she comes into the lab. "I read about you doing the same thing to a plane in the future when you were fighting Mob Rule."

"Can you two do that?" Iris asks Barry and Wally.

"A plane? No I mean, no I don't think so. I mean, I think it's too big." Barry states but he stops and looks at Nora. "The three of us. I mean, the three of us might be able to do it." He declares.

"Well, I can't phase anything. I can't even phase myself, let alone at G-force." Nora reminds us.

"Wait that's it." I state making everyone look at me. "It's G-force. The plane is still ascending." I state and Barry nods his head.

"Once he blows up the other engine, it's gonna slow down and point downwards before it starts its descent." Barry explains.

"That'll give us about ten seconds of zero G's on the plane." Cisco states.


"Zero Gs means no kinetic energy, means Gridlock has no powers." Caitlin pieces it all together.

"Can you breach them onto the plane?" Iris asks Cisco.

"A plane goes way too fast. My powers won't..."

"But mine will." I speak up. "I can teleport us on the plane." I state.

"Then do it." Iris states.

"But I don't have a suit." Barry stops us.

"I actually have a backup." Nora speaks up. She hands over what looks like a ring to Barry. "I got more than just a list of metas from that museum." Barry thrusts his arm out and a suit appears from the ring and he speeds into it. We all gawk at Barry's appearance.

"Damn, Gina. I made that?" Cisco asks impressed.

"Uh, Ryan Choi, actually." Nora corrects him.

"Oh, this is a super suit. No offense." Barry says to Cisco.

"None taken." Cisco just stares in awe at the suit.

"Losers he just took out the other engine." Damian informs us.

"Got to go babe." Barry picks me up and he's followed by Wally and Nora as we race towards the plane.

I see the plane and expand my powers teleporting the four of us on the plane. Barry is able to put the meta-cuffs on Gridlock. "Okay, everybody stay calm, all right?" Barry tries to calm the passengers. "Just stay calm." Gridlock keeps grunting and Wally takes it upon himself to punch him out.

"Thanks for that." I tell Wally and he nods his head.

"All right take a wall." Barry orders Nora and Wally.

"I'm going to try and steer the plane." I state as I focus on the controls and keeping the plane afloat.

"Got it." Barry calls out as they brace themselves. Wally and Barry begin phasing through the walls.

"It's not working." Nora calls out looking at Barry and me. "I can't do this."

"Yes, you can." I reassure her.

"Just listen to me, just breathe." Barry gets her attention. "Feel the floor beneath your feet. Feel the rumble of the plane. Feel the air. Feel that wind on your face and the lightning. Feel its electricity pumping through your veins, traveling to every nerve in your body like a shock you never want to end. You are no longer you. You're part of something greater." Barry instructs Nora.

"Part of the Speed Force." Nora states.

"That's right. This is your time. Now believe in yourself." I instruct her and she focuses on phasing.

"Everybody hold on." Barry calls out. I steer the plane as we phase through the buildings.

"Keep going!" I order just as I see we're near water and then I land us safely in the water and we breathe a sigh of relief as no one got hurt.

"Yes." Everyone cheers. Barry and I look to Nora with pride

"You did it." Barry says to Nora.

"For the first time!" Nora hugs Barry and then she looks at me.

"Congratulations." I smile at her and she nods her head.

"Well, Gridlock's off to Iron Heights' meta wing." Wally informs us.

"Where he won't be moving from for a very long time." Iris adds.

"Thanks for your help." Barry says to Nora who is still giddy from her first big safe. "I'm glad we got to team up."

"Me too and mom it was way schway to see you in action too. I...I loved every second of it." Nora says to me.

"You did good Nora." I reply back.

"Ladies and gentleman, say hello to the tachyon absorption enhancer 2.5, now complete with completely recalibrated Time Bureau Technology." Cisco comes back in with the updated tachyon device with a giant grin on his face.

"Oh, goodie Tinkerbell is loving his toys again." Damian comments.

"We haven't tested it yet, but it should counterbalance the negative tachyons in Nora's cells." Caitlin elaborates.

"Here you go Billy Pilgrim. Consider yourself unstuck in time." Cisco hands off the tachyon device to Nora.

"So I can run home now?" Nora asks with sadness in her voice.

"Or..." Barry takes the device from her hands and I give him a look. "Maybe we hit pause on this thing."

"You want Nora to stay even though we can send her back home?" I question Barry.

"Um, yeah I thought getting her home was our priority." Cisco reminds Barry.

"No, it is, I I'm thinking that maybe we should make sure her powers are working correctly before we send her home." I can tell Barry is lying.

"What about the timeline?" Caitlin asks and I nod my head.

"It's risky, but I don't know. I mean, Wally and I were talking about it." Barry mutters and I shake my head at him.

"Yeah, the Legends have a theory. Uh, there are some historical events that are soft. Basically, you change those, it's not going to affect much else, like catching Gridlock late. And then there are those that are fixed. You mess with them, and all sorts of craziness start to happen." Wally explains to us.

"Like the night my mom died. Changing that created Flashpoint." Barry states.

"Looks like Nora is gonna need a place to stay." Iris states with a giant smile on her face.

"Uh, yes, and I'll stay in the lounge." Nora offers. We all give her a confused look.

"What lounge?"

"This lounge." Nora leads us to the part of the lab we had no idea existed.

"Ah." We turn the lights on seeing Joe rubbing his eyes.


"Dad." Iris exclaims.

"You found my spot." Joe states.

"You knew about this?" Iris questions him.

"I've been napping in here since day one." Joe says like it's no big deal.

"This is where I test a lot of my experiments." Damian adds and Joe nods in agreement.

"And there are weird things too. He made this tiny replica of Cisco as a robot and blew it up." Joe states and Cisco steps away from Damian.

"Uh, well, Nora was gonna stay here." Barry explains. "If that's all right with you."

"Okay, well, now I can get to know my granddaughter." Joe pulls Nora in for a hug.

Nora is catching up with Joe and Wally and we give them space to talk. I lead Barry out to the balcony. "Were you going to talk to me about this?" I ask him.

"Uh...well you did say enjoy the moments and..."

"I said that in the sense that until we find a way to send her home but...we figured out how to send her back and now you're just wanting to risk the timeline to keep her here?" I question him.

"I just...I thought you would be happy about this?" Barry is getting a little defensive.

"I still don't fully trust that...Barry this is too big of a risk. I just...I love knowing that we will have Nora in the future and seeing how she turns out is a gift no one ever gets but...what risks are we taking to just have here her?" I ask him. "I...I want our happy ending and enjoying time with our daughter but...I'm afraid of the consequences."

"Don't' be afraid. She is...she is here and...let's enjoy her being here. Anna, we have a daughter and she is amazing." Barry says to me with the biggest smile on his face.

"And will you still be happy when she does have to go home? Because she can't stay here forever." I remind him.

"We'll cross that bridge when we get there." Barry says to me and I know he wants me to be on board with this but I'm hesitant to trust this.

"You've always been so optimistic. More than I could ever be."

"And you're the one who always thinks with her mind. I love that about you. You bring me down from my rants and...look." Barry makes me look at Nora laughing with Joe, Wally, Iris, and even Damian. "She's right in front of us and...let's enjoy her for the time we have her." Barry pleads with me.

"I will for a little bit but..."

"Thank you, babe." Barry silences me with a kiss.

"I'm not fully on board with this!" I exclaim.

"But you will be. Just spend more time with her and you'll never want her to go home." Barry states.

"Not likely because remember darling I think with my brain.

"There is plenty of food and drinks if you get hungry." I tell Nora as we get her ready for bed.

"Oh, I will definitely need some of that. I'm just so excited. Like, literally. Phasing excited all of the electron clouds in my body." She exclaims.

"Well, if you're not tired, two scoops of cookie dough ice cream sound good right now." Barry suggests.

"From Happy Harbor?" Nora asks with excitement.

"If that's okay with you." Barry looks at me.

"Oh you know I always can go for more food but..." I step in front of them. "I'm teleporting us because I do not want to throw up again today." I declare.

"Oh, mom still so motion-sensitive." Nora laughs and I smile at her.

"Ready?" I ask holding my glowing purple hands out for them to take. They do and I teleport us to Happy Harbor. There are so many families's there enjoying themselves and it feels so right.

"This is so surreal." Nora exclaims with joy.

"Are you sure you're not too cold?" I ask her looking at her outfit.

"Not even close mom." She grabs my hand and holds on tight. Barry smiles at me.

"What can I get ya?"

"Two scoops of cookie dough ice cream times two and a triple chocolate with raspberry sauce." Barry orders.

"Coming right up."

"I haven't been here in forever!" Nora exclaims.

"We took you here a lot?" I ask her.

"Mostly for special occasions to make this place seem special. And it always was I mean how could it not." Nora looks around with joy.

"I...I know I've been cold and...I haven't given you a chance but this is a lot to take in. We've been lied to by a lot of people who act like they have our best interest at heart so..."

"It is only reasonable mom that you and dad wouldn't trust future me. I makes sense." Nora states.

"I don't know how long you will be with us but...I want to make the most of it." I smile at her and she hugs me and I finally hug her back.

"Got the goods." Barry declares handing us all our ice cream.

"Mom could I..."

"You want to try some of mine?" I ask her and she nods her head.

"I know it seems silly but...triple chocolate with raspberry sauce never tastes good unless you order it and trust me I've done it on my own plenty of times." Nora explains.

"Well, I want some of yours." I smile and we switch ice cream. "Very good." I state as I get my ice cream back.

"Your wedding photos didn't do it justice." Nora exclaims to us as we now play with the giant connect four-game.

"Was our wedding the first time you saw us?" I ask her and she nods her head.

"You were the most beautiful bride I've ever seen. Your beauty and grace are just iconic mom." She gushes to me.

"I will conquer with that." Barry adds. "She took my breath away." I smile at him.

"You even made a miniature version of your dress for me to wear when I was little." Nora says to me.

"I did that?" I ask her and she nods her head.

"You would put me to sleep by telling me about the love story between you and dad." She explains and I look at Barry. "I have always just wanted a love like the two of you. One that is worth fighting through all evil for."

"And do you have that?" I ask her. She shakes her head.

"I wish."

"You have plenty of time to find someone who will make you smile just like your mom does to me." Barry reaches for my hand.

"Mom there is something I need to tell you." Nora says. She pulls to a secluded area and touches the technology on her arm revealing a new article that reads 25 years and The Flash still missing.


"I never come back." Barry admits.

" long have you know this?" I question him.

"Yesterday when I was piecing it together why Nora was here." Barry answers. I look to Nora and she doesn't meet my gaze.

"That's why you're here. You want to know your dad." She nods her head.

" always taught me to be honest and...I hated lying but I knew if I told you guys that I could send myself back then you would and I would never get this moment." She rambles on.

"You can send yourself back?" I catch on. She nods her head.

"I added the negative tachyons to keep myself here. I just...wanted to be a family for once." She admits.

"I just...I always had hope that something would bring you back home but this..." I point to the article. "It shows that you never come back to me." I look at Barry with tears in my eyes.

"Hey, no." He brings me in for a hug and rubs my back. "I will always come running home to you. You know I always will."

"You can't keep denying what is to come." I cry on his shoulder.

"Well, we have a chance to be a family now." Barry makes me look to Nora who is unsure of what to do.

"I...we can add another bed in Damian's room can stay with us." I offer.

"Oh, no mom. I'm more than fine staying in the lounge. It's nice and quiet and..."

"I would love it if you come home with us Nora."

"Really?" I nod my head and she runs into my arms and I hug her back so tight. I feel tears streaming down my face just as Barry joins in on the hug. We get our family but it's not complete without Barry.

We gather everyone at Joe's to tell them about Nora's secret. "So you're not stuck here." Iris states to her.

"No, I'm not."

"So the reverse tachyons in your system?" Caitlin asks.

"Were put in there because of me." Nora owns up to her actions.

"Are you kidding?" Cisco gets our attention. "You know how many credit card points I just blew just trying to get rid of your negative tachyons? I just bought a brand new spectral tachyeometer when I could have my Fiji getaway. Not that I have anyone to go with, anymore." Ralph shifts his weight to look at Cisco. "I'm not taking you to Fiji, Ralph." Cisco scoots away. "You owe me money Anna!"

"Me?" I question him.

"Yeah, first your demon spawn of a nephew forces me to pay for an expensive as hell laser tag equipment now your daughter had me max out my credit cards!"

"Calm down Cisco."

"I will not calm down I will..." A dart lodges its way into Cisco's neck. We all turn to Damian who is just casually holding a dart blower in his hand.

"That bitch needed to be knocked the hell out." Damian declares and I take the dart blower from him.

"Why didn't you tell us this before?" Iris questions Nora. Barry and I nod for Nora to share with everyone the article and she pulls it up.

"Oh my god."

"Barry never returns?" Cecile asks.

"That's why you came here. To see your father. Because you were raised without him." Joe comments looking down processing it all.

"So what." Iris speaks up.

"Iris." Barry speaks to his sister.

"So what that article says that you never come back. So what if the other one says that you vanished. I mean, it's said other things before, right? We made it say other things before. So whatever the future brings we are gonna deal with it when it gets here. And change it if we need to." Iris says to us.

"I don't always agree with everything West says but..." Damian starts. "If there is anything I've learned being with you sack of weirdos for almost a year is that you never let anyone or the future tell you what you can and cannot do. Team Flash conquers anything that gets in their way."

"Up top!" Ralph goes to high five Damian but Damian doesn't return it.

"Well, looks like Nora's gonna need more training after all." Iris smiles at Nora.

"What happened?" I come running into the lab worried out of my mind. "I got a call saying..."

"Mom I'm fine." Nora reassures me.

"You're not fine. You're on the medical bed. Why is she on the medical bed?" I ask Barry.

"Uh she...we were just trying to take down a new meta and it just got out of hand." He explains.

"Barry she is not ready to go out on the field!"

"Mom, I was..."

"Nora, what happened tonight showed that you are not ready, and...what did you hurt?" I ask looking her over to make sure she is okay.

"Mom, I'm fine. Remember super healing just like you and dad." She reminds me.

"I just...what would have happened if could've gone hurt or..."

"But I'm fine. I promise." She reassures me and I pull her in for a hug.

"Nora is good to go." Caitlin speaks up. She didn't even need an Ibuprofen."

"You sure you feel okay?" Barry asks.

"I'm totally okay. And mom."

"Yes?" I ask.

"You can let me go now. You're squishing me."

"Oh..." I step back and compose myself.

"Real smooth Aunt Anna. Real smooth." I knock Damian off his chair on his ass.

"Come on, let's get back to work, Flash." Nora motions for Barry to follow her.

"Okay, all right, well let's figure out where Vanessa went. If she sells those stolen weapons to the wrong people I..."

"Um, Cisco were you able to get the satellite up and running?" Iris asks Cisco who has his back towards us.

"Cisco?" I call out and he still doesn't acknowledge us.

"I know my tranq dart is powerful but I gave him the lowest dose." Damian admits to us. Cisco is still silent.

"We weren't able to track Vanessa, but we did find a scientific anomaly that we've never seen before, right, Cisco?" Caitlin tries now. Ralph holds up his hand and he moves to stand right next to Cisco.

"Han shot second." He whispers to Cisco who leaps up gripping on the front of Ralph's shirt.

"That doesn't even make sense." Cisco is seething with anger.

"Damn fight bitches! Fight!" Damian cheers on.

"Ralph, it's you." Cisco release Ralph and composes himself.

"What the hell just happened?" I ask.

"Sorry to lie like that, man. We just...we need the CCTV..." Ralph apologizes.

"CCTV yes." Cisco pulls up the information on Vanessa. "Vanessa Jansen's concentrated air squares are dense, very dense, stupid dense. The kind of dense reserved for people who still believe in love." Cisco rambles on not making any sense.

"I think what Cisco is trying to say is that Vanessa can manipulate the movement of atoms to created concentrated air molecules in cube form. The space between the molecules is so compact that..."

"That there isn't enough room for a speedster to vibrate through them." Nora finishes for Caitlin.

"What do you call someone who can compress air molecules into solid blocks?" Barry asks Cisco trying to get him back to his old self.

"I don't know, Block." Cisco walks away still numb.

"So, I guess Cisco is still taking the Gypsy thing pretty hard?" Iris comments.

"Well, we're working on it. But you can't expect real progress till you hit step 17." Ralph states.

"Eww, do we even want to know what step 17 is?" I ask Ralph disgusted.

"You can do without us for a while, right?" Caitlin asks us.

"I mean we are blind without our satellite so we're just gonna have to wait until Vanessa makes her next move anyway." Barry states.

"Or Anna could give us access to Brother's Eye." Iris suggests.

"Yeah, not going to happen."

"Come on it's the only working satellite we have and we need to be steps ahead of these metas." She argues.

"Brother's Eye is not ready and...I'm not comfortable with turning it on yet."

"It worked for us once..."

"Yes, Iris it worked for that one time. But...we will not push this further. It's not ready!" I yell and I storm out of the room.

"Mom!" Nora comes running after me. "I'm sorry for...please don't be mad at me."

"Nora I just can't..."

"I was doing just what dad does. I was just trying to be a hero like he is and how you are. I just..."

"But you're not a hero like we are! Not yet!" I yell getting frustrated. "I saw the footage, Nora, if...if you somehow weren't able to get out of Vanessa's block you know what would have happened to you?"

"Mom I was just..."

"You are too precious to us need more time and training to be a hero and...don't rush the process, please. I...I already worry so much about your dad and...I can't do the same with you." I explain to her.

"Mom I'm sorry."

"I...I don't know what I'd do if something happened to you and...please just uh...I need a moment."

Anna doesn't usually allow herself to care so much so easily and the idea that Nora could have been hurt terrifies her. It brought her back to losing her parents. It's a fear she will always carry with her.
