Family Ties

Here is the next chapter. I hope you'll all love it.

Damian's POV

The person who is hovering above us on the second floor is definitely not my father so what is she doing in his building. "Oliver Queen." The stranger greets well Barry who sees as Oliver.

"Ahem." Oliver coughs for Barry to answer.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm Oliver Queen. Yeah."

"Real smooth dumbass." I cough. Barry hits my shoulder.

"And you are?" Barry asks.

"The rain on your parade. If you're visiting Gotham to compare grappling hooks with Batman, you are out of luck. No one's seen him in years." She informs us but I'm very hesitant to trust her.

"Told you." Barry whispers to Oliver with a smirk on his face.

"Myth." Oliver fires back.

"Denial." I cough in Oliver's direction. She comes down to join us and I look her over. With her extensive tattoos all over her arms and neck, there's something about her that is familiar.

"I would never compare myself to a total badass like Batman." Barry says.

"No need to be a kissass." I scold him.

"What I think Oliver is trying to say is thank you for getting us out of jail." Kara jumps in.

"What Oliver's really trying to say is who are you, and why are you helping us?" Oliver asks.

"Yes." I snap my fingers in agreeance.

"Are you three showing a child around Gotham for fun because..."

"I am no child!" I pop off as Kara places a hand on my shoulder which to anyone else would look normal and comforting but even with the lightest touch, she is packing a lot of strength holding me in place. The woman chuckles.

"You fit right in Gotham." She comments. "Gotham has enough problems without a guy in Green Leather showing off his arrows to everyone, so the faster you find what you're looking for, the faster you can get the hell out of my city." She explains to us. And I want to tell her it's not her city but Kara is still applying pressure enough I know if I moved she would break my shoulder.

"Uh, but, what...what should we call you Rain, Ms. Parade?" Kara asks.

"Kane. Kate Kane." Kate answers and we follow her into one of the elevators and leads us up to yet another roof. Barry decides to call this Vesper woman to get some information while Kara and Oliver wanted to share with Kate what we know. I'm against the idea but they went on without me.

"You guys try facial recognition? One of Bruce's R&D guys still works in the building, I can give this to him." Kate offers holding the drawing Oliver made.

"All did. But we like working alone." I put up a defense.

"You have a lot of anger in a tiny body." Kate comments to me.

"I see it as focus." I argue.

"Damian is just..." I shrug Oliver's hand off my shoulder which is still sore from Kara holding onto it so tight.

"Damian can speak for himself." I snap. "I have my own facial recognition process and I've already found who the man in the drawing is. We just need to locate him. My satellites are searching for him as we speak." I answer her.

"Very confident aren't you." Kate comments back.

"You have no idea." Oliver and Kara answer.

"Seems strange doesn't it, that Bruce Wayne and Batman disappeared from Gotham around the same time." Kara pieces together. But as far as Aunt Anna and I know no one knows who Batman is and how he's connected to father. And that's how it's going to stay.

"Well, when Batman left, the city went to 5 different kinds of hell, which for Gotham is really saying something. Took a toll on Bruce."

"Is that why he left?" Kara follows up.

"Still trying to figure that out." Kate mumbles.

"Right but you work for him and you don't know why he left?" Oliver asks.

"Who said I work for him?" Kate fires back.

"How'd it go with Vesper?" Kara asks Barry who joins us on the roof now.

"She hung up on me. Apparently, I did sleep with her." Barry informs us.

"Hmm." Kara smirks at Oliver.

"Ok. The building is under renovation, so this is the best place for you guys to work out of." Kate informs us. "Oh, and the, wi-fi passwords Alfred."

"Hold the hell up! Who are you?!" I demand from her. She smirks at me.

"You're still very feisty." She comments and I look at her confused.

"You say this as if you know me." I fire back. And I try to rack my brain for how I could know her. "YOU!" I point at her. She just laughs.

"Now you remember me."

"Can someone tell me what the hell is going on?" Oliver demands.

"Yeah because we're lost. Do you two know each other or something?" Barry asks.

"Do you or want to or should I?" Kate asks me.

"Well, you knew me right away so go ahead and share!" I snap at her.

"I know little fireball over here from my cousin's wedding." Kate explains.

"Cousin's..." All three of them gasp. "Wait you're..."

"Bruce and Anna Wayne are my cousins." Kate explains.

"If your cousins why have I never heard of you?" I question her.

"I haven't heard of you either." She fires back.

"Father would have told me about you. Especially if you're using his office."

"You do look a lot like him. Never knew Bruce had a son."

"Not many people do." I'm still on the defense with her.

"Wait you are cousins with my...I mean his wife." Barry corrects himself pointing to Oliver. "She would have told us about her...we met everyone on her side of the family."

"Anna and I aren't that close. Personal reasons." Kate explains.

"But she invited you to her wedding." Kara reminds her.

"That's what you do. When weddings happen you invite everyone even those you're not that close to."

"Anna she...wait if you were at the wedding then you also know who I am." Oliver speaks up.

"Actually I never really knew who my cousin was marrying. Didn't stay at the wedding for that long." Kate answers.

"And you came underdressed." I fire back.

"That was me dressed up." She smirks at me.

"Wow having two cousins who...there's a lot of notoriety with their names." Kara states.

"Yes, there is. Anna and I aren't close but... once she moved her business out of Gotham and into..."

"Central City." Barry finishes for her and Kate looks at him weirdly.

"And married some lab..."

"Forensic Scientist." Barry finishes again.

"Aren't you the one married to my cousin?" Kate asks Oliver and Barry has to hit his shoulder to make him respond.

"Uh yes! I am married to Anna W..."

"Wayne-Allen." Barry instructs Oliver to say.


"Never saw my cousin getting married." Kate comments.

"And why is that?" I question her.

"Ask Mr. Queen." She points at Barry. "He did a real number on her."

"Oh, that was ancient..."

"My cousin was never the same after what you did to her." Kate has some venom in her voice now. The venom that only comes when someone cares for another when they are hurt.

"Anna and I have..." Barry clears his throat and glares at Oliver. "We have worked through our issues and..."

"Anna disappeared for seven years after you were thought to be dead. No one heard from and we thought she was dead along with Bruce. Then she shows back up and come to find out she was living in Central City but under a different name."

"Well, we can all agree Abercrombie and Bitch does not have the best morals." I jump in to take the pressure off Barry who is defending as if he's Oliver. "Now I don't fully trust you or anyone but my satellites are still searching so I'll go out right and ask it. Do you know a John Deegan?"

"I would, actually. He's a doctor at Arkham Asylum." Kate answers.

"Of course he is. The crazy ones always are." I mutter.

"Well, I leave you four to do whatever you're doing." Kate leaves and I'm still left with a lot of questions. Aunt Anna nor my father ever mentioned their cousin Kate.

Anna's POV

"So you and Barry's future daughter is here?" Felicity asks me as we work on understanding what these red skies are coming from.

"It's so weird to say this but yes. Nora she..."

"Her name's Nora?" I nod my head. "Nora Martha Wayne-Allen."

"Awwe how sweet."

"She is so much like both of us and...she has red hair like Barry's mom and...Barry's eyes and..."

"I bet she's just as beautiful as you."

"You actually met her."

"I did. When?"

"At the wedding, She was the waitress who came in and..."

"NO WAY! Wait is this messing up the timeline by you telling me?" Felicity is getting worried now. "Because I cannot have that responsibility."

"No, it's not messing with the timeline. Nora being here is as Wally explained it from the Legends knowledge. There are soft moments in time where nothing can really change the overall outcome. Nora being here isn't affecting time in a drastic way like..."

"Like Barry saving his mom and creating Flashpoint." Felicity finishes and I nod.

"Correct. She is...I never thought I could ever have a family. I thought I would always be alone but...I have a daughter in the future and...getting to know her as an adult and her having all of the morals and love for life that Barry and I have instilled in her. It feels like a gift that I never knew I could ask for."

"Why is she here?"

"It's about what happens in the future to Barry and me."


"Barry sometime in the future vanishes during this crisis we've known about for a while. Eobard Thawne was the first one to bring it to our attention and then..."

"What happens to you?"

"I somehow in the future lose my mind and the short version I go into a coma and I never wake up." I explain.

"Anna!" Felicity gasps.

"I can't worry about that now. We have bigger things to work on." I shrug it off.

"Anna this is..."

"You're going through hard things too. I know we haven't had our weekly calls as much are things going with you and Oliver?"

"Besides him signing his life away to be in prison and...not telling me? Nothing is wrong at all." Felicity is still hurt.

"Have you two talked about it since? I mean he's not in prison anymore."

"Talking to Oliver is something that doesn't happen."

"Don't write him off. He's rough around the edges and most of the things he does don't make sense but...Oliver is still a good person." I remind her.

"Can he still be a good person when he's an ass most of the time?" Felicity asks me. "He's selfish and...doesn't count other's pain into his decisions."

"I know what you mean."

"How could you? Barry is the sweetest thing ever. He's like pudding. Everyone loves pudding."

"Barry is sweet and loveable but...he can be stubborn and unbelievably shellfish which makes it hard to hate him for because he thinks he's doing it to save the world even if it hurts me in the process."

"Want to talk about it?" Felicity asks me.

"Nora recently shared how upset she was Barry and I just sacrifice ourselves all the time. And she's not wrong. Barry has left me and in the future will leave me again. He can be as sweet as he wants but nothing can change that for him the only way the people he loves and the world safe is if he sacrifices himself. I know now that there will never be another person out there for me. Once I lose Barry that's it." I admit to Felicity.

"Am I interrupting something?" Curtis comes in.

"No, you're uh...the pattern recognition algorithm is locked and loaded." I answer as I keep my emotions intact.

"Bringing it online now." Felicity adds. "You realize this may not work, right? like there may not be a pattern to recognize." She says to Curtis.

"Is there a suggestion bound within that dose of pessimism? " Curtis asks her.

"Does the energy discharge of the lightning look familiar to you?" Felicity shows us the scans.

"The quantum amplitude is consistent with a dimensional breach." Curtis pieces together.

"Exactly, we're gonna need Cisco's help on this one." Felicity states.

"I agree." I add.

"I've been summoned!" Cisco's voice booms through the lab.

"Speak of the devil." I mutter seeing Cisco and Caitlin being lead in by Diggle.

"Okay, that was a disturbingly coincidental entrance." Curtis comments.

"It wasn't coincidental." Diggle answers.

"We'd been getting the same red skies and freaky lightning in Central City. And I'll tell you this wasn't Speed Force." Cisco is loving this.

"Wait, wait, hold up. We'd been, wasn't? As in past tense?" Felicity questions them.

"Interestingly, the atmospheric phenomenon ceased the moment Barry and Oliver left Central City." Caitlin explains.

"It's like it packed up its bags and followed them here." Cisco adds. "That's why we came and thanks for the invite, Anna. You're rude."

"Don't start me with me Cisco." I warn him and he backs away from me.

"The phenomenon has to be related to Barry and Oliver's..."

"Caitlin!" Diggle and I try to get Caitlin to stop but it's too late.

"Body swap?" She mutters the last part not sure why we were trying to silence her.

"Ahem, don't...Don't say...ahem." Curtis mumbles.

"I'm sorry. Body...body what?" Felicity questions.

"You, didn't tell her?" Cisco asks Diggle and me. Diggle is stone silent.

"Again, tell me uh what?" Felicity asks again. My phone rings and I want to put it away but I see who's calling me.

"Shit!" I yell.

"What?" Everyone asks me. I show my phone.


"Hey, there's been an incident." Dick informs me over the phone. He never calls unless it's important.

"What happened?"

"Don't worry they are bailed out of jail for now." He answers like it explains anything.

"Why were they even in jail?" I demand from him.

"Well, Queen lost his shit and started to almost execute someone in broad daylight!" Dick exclaims to me.

"Well, shit...who...wait who bailed them out?" There is silence from Dick. "I'll be in Gotham within the hour."

"Do you want me to tell her..."

"She'll know when I'm there." I hang up the phone.

"Sorry, you're going to Gotham?" Felicity asks me.

"Felicity you'll have all the help you need with Caitlin, Cisco, and Curtis. I have to see what mess they are making in Gotham."

"So they were arrested?" Caitlin asks me.

"It doesn't take much to get arrested in Gotham. Especially now." I answer her as I grab my gear.

I teleport a few blocks from the old building and walk straight in. The lights are on but there is graffiti all over. I silently walk up the stairs and follow the light. I find Kate with her back to me. "Fancy seeing you here." I comment startling her.

"I could say the same to you. Didn't think you'd ever step foot in Gotham." Kate answers me. I look at my cousin and the distance between us only grew as we got older. But I still remember how were inseparable growing up.

"There's a lot of things you don't know about me."

"Yeah, you can say that." Kate chuckles at me.

"Why show up at my wedding if you never wanted to see me?" I question her.

"You knew I was there?"

"Of course I did. Damian was asking me about this woman all in leather and combat boots saying she was on the bride's side. I didn't even need to know all of that to know it was you." I answer her.

"Well, you've never been that warm and fuzzy. In fact, it was strange finding out that you married some guy who works in a lab."

"He's a forensic scientist." I clarify for her.

"Far cry from your Oliver Queen days."

'I've grown up since then."

"I can see that." There's coldness between us and time apart can do that between two people especially when Kate feels I'm keeping secrets from her which I am. Because they're not my secrets to tell. "Why are you here Anna?"

"I found out you bailed out my nephew, husband, ex-fiance, and good friend. And I want to know why."

"Classic Anna Wayne. Always asking for information but never giving any herself."

"Just answer the question, Kate."

"Answer mine. Why did you and Bruce disappear?"

"That is..."

"I bailed your friend, ex-fiance, nephew, and husband out because I want them out of my town. They are causing more trouble. Now knowing you were engaged to the Green Arrow I know you can keep a secret."

"I don't know what secrets you think I'm keeping Kate."

"I think you do."

"Then say it." I order her.

"Better yet I'll show you." She moves the antique near Bruce's old desk and the bookshelf moves showing the secret passageway Bruce built all those years ago. "I think you can lead the way." She ushers me to go in front.

"Very kind of you. You won't push me right?" I tease her.

"We're not children anymore Nanie." She chuckles and I feel like I have the old Kate back. I step back into the Batcave and nothing has really changed.

"I like what you've done with the place." I comment looking around.

"So you won't admit to it?" She has slight anger in her voice. I turn to face her.

"It was never my secret to tell." I admit to her.

"Bruce is Batman." I nod my head confirming what she already knew. "Why..."

"Bruce and I disappeared for different reasons but...we both came back as different people. This was Bruce's calling. He wanted to make the city a better place." I explain to her.

"I know." She looks over to the newspaper clippings from the night her mother and sister Beth died.

"There was never a day that passed he didn't feel immense guilt for what happened to your mom and sister." I try and comfort her.

"You know I used to blame him." I look at her confused. "Batman. I thought he was more concerned about stopping the villains and the people didn't matter. I hated him for not saving them."

"Doing this line of work you quickly find out not everyone can be saved." I whisper. "How did you know I knew about this?" I ask her.

"Please." She chuckles at me. "You've always been brilliant Nanie. Don't get me wrong Bruce is very smart himself even if he hid it mostly behind his playboy persona."

"Not always an act." I joke thinking back about how my brother built his life to keep his private life a secret from the world. "Didn't mean he didn't reap some of the benefits."

"Your computer signature is all over." Kate shows me and it's true. "I recognized your code right away. It's the one..."

"The one we made together. For when we were apart we could always know we were there for each other." I finish for her.

"I looked for you." I look at her surprised.

"You looked for me?"

"I heard about you losing your fiancé and I wanted to make sure you were okay. After losing your parents the way you did and...then right after Bruce disappearing. I worried about you. I searched all over the world for you and never found you. Not until you popped up in Central City under the name Anna Pennyworth. I figured if you were hiding that much you didn't want to be found even if it was by me." I grab Kate's hand and notice one of her tattoos. I examine her wrist. "I got it right after I was kicked out."

"You got it right..."

"Right where yours is." Kate states and I place my right wrist next to hers and our matching tattoos.

"I really needed you all these years Nanie." Hearing her still use the nickname she gave to me as children fills my heart with such joy.

"And I should have been there for you. I...I can't begin to explain what has kept me from being close to you but..." An alarm goes off in the Batcave and the computer turns on.

"Someone released all of the inmates in Arkham." Kate states.

"Please don't tell me that's..."

"That's where they're at." She finishes. She pulls out her phone and sends a message to someone.

"Damn. Time to get to work." Kate grabs my wrist stopping me.

"I can't let you get hurt." She says to me. I smirk at her.

"Oh, I can handle myself." I answer with my eyes and hands glowing.

Kate and Anna in action in the next chapter. It's going to be amazing!!!
