36. Mama Ratchet is Worried

(Transformers and Trash of the Count are not mine. The picture above is a screenshot from the comic.
-comm speech-
[Online comments]

Sam, "That is a very impressive shield, Raon."

Raon perked up, "Of course, I am great and mighty."

Sam, "Yes, yes, you are."

Bumblebee, "Will they be alright?"

Megatron grunted, "I know Sam, he will not back down easily and will hold that shield up."

Optimus nodded shooting a squid like - drone down, "Yes, even if it is very detrimental to his health. We better deal with this, for Sam's sake."

Hong, "You got that right."

Megatron, "Little sparks, why are you here?"

Ohn, "Help us get inside their ship ventilation system."

Hong smirked, "We will poison them out of their ships."

Jazz deadpanned, "Is it weird that I am almost terrified to even ask, what their plans are, more than being terrified of the Quintessons?"

William who was wearing a specialized suit, "Considering the fact they may get hurt. No, it's not weird at all. You are worried they will be hurt."

Arcee, "I have to agree. If it was June, I would fear for the safety too."

Sentinel, "Charge soldiers! We are not allowing these fraggers to keep us from our home. Our home is waiting for us to return."

Tupac, "Here we are live from the battle zone. Things are getting heated as you can see."

Blaster, "Indeed Tupac, we have Arcee and Jazz double teaming a cluster over there."

Tupac, "She is an icon and a favourite among the ladies."

#Arceefan, [Go Arcee, show them who is the Queen.]

#Bikegirl, [Agree with upstairs.]

#JazzThings, [I honestly prefer Jazz though.]

#HornySimp, [Jazz does have bigger boobs.]

#MedicGirl, [Down boy.]

#Arceefan, [Seriously?]

#JazzThings, [I prefer Jazz because they used to come by our college when Sam was a student.]

#AlienBeliever, [That is so lucky.]

#BarbieSpot, [OMG! Dream come true. Was there any other Cybertronian?]

#JazzThings, [insert pic]

#JazzThings, [I believe these are Bumblebee and the Big Boss.]

 #SweetBee, [Yes, we did go to pick young Sam up from time to time, #JazzThings.]

#JazzThings, [OMG]

#BarbieSpot, [I am squealing RN.]

#SweetBee, [Catch you all later.]

Sam noticed Sentinel taking charge and smiled, 'Looks like all those times asking Sentinel to show him clips of the Quintesson invasion during his time and analyzing it worked. He is pretty fired up to get revenge for his late mate and mentor.'

Raon looked at him smirking, "Looks like Grandpa Sentinel wants to bring them down himself."

Optimus, "Sentinel, wait for back up at least..... "

Optimus, -Did he just rush into the fight with an angry yell?-

Megatron was flummoxed as well though he paid attention to their own battle, -I believe so he did. Why do I feel like Sam was behind this?-

Bumblebee looked back at Sam in worry, -I think we would have noticed it. Sam only interacted with Sentinel in public places. We all would have noticed if they planned an attack right?-

Rodimus made a hum, -Wait, Sam did ask Sentinel if he lost someone to the Quintessons once. It was not long ago that Sam asked Sentinel, if he could have revenge would he take it. Do you think?-

Red Alert piped in, -I believe Sam got his answer. He looks pretty smug about it too.-

Ratchet had stayed behind on Earth as he was a medic first, "Okay, Blades you are healthy as you can be."

Blades, "Thank you, Carrier."

Ratchet nodded and waved him off, "You know Drift. You could have gone with them."

Drift, "I know. But I wished to stay with you. We have been away from each other for too long."

Ratchet, "Perhaps but are you alright staying back like this?"

Drift, "Well, I did tell Sam I would make sure you remain safe and ready for deployment to Cybertron directly."

Ratchet narrowed his optics, "Did he now? Honestly, that child! He should worry about his own life and health."

Drift chuckled at that, "Are you still angry he ate sushi while out with his colleagues?"

Ratchet looked away feeling his face plates warm up, "I believe I have a right to worry especially after Sam declared we are his family to the world. Isn't that what a family does?"

Blurr came in, "Hi Ratchet! Blades mentioned it was my turn."

#BabyBot, [The Rescue team is on Earth preparing to go off world any time.]

#MechPartner, [They look adorable compared to the fighters.]

#FruitBask, {I heard they are civilians.]

#HotWater, [We are civilians.]

#PerryPlat, [OMG! Are you one of the Rescue team? I have so many questions.]

#AnimalLover, [Me too. Do you guys have pets on Cybertron?]

#MedicalBlades, [Why yes, we do have pets on Cybertron. Though they were sent off world eons ago to avoid going extinct.]

#IrwinFollower, [ASDFGHJKL! I want pics of those pets. I bet they look awesome.]

Ratchet meanwhile nodded and motioned to the berth on which Blurr laid down and Ratchet started to give him a check up as well. They had or rather Sam had located the Rescue Bots Sigma 16 a few days before the Convoy was to depart for Cybertron. Ratchet had volunteered to help the Rescue Bots recover from their long period of stasis which had resulted in stiff joints and slow reaction. High Tide had been the happiest Optimus had seen him to be but the happiest had been Ratchet, Prowl, Barricade and Bumblebee. The Bots they thought and feared were gone was now back with them, and on top of that, they had younglings with them.

The younglings were the real reason Ratchet stayed back, unlike Raon, Hong and Ohn these were innocent and ignorant of war. Hotshot and Whirl were the most curious of the world they had woken up in while Rodimus was just happy his younger sibling was alive. Wedge and Hoist were the most calm of the group and kept the others in line with some well placed reasoning. Medix though would spend his time between studying his courses and following Ratchet around observing his work on the Cybertronians. Ratchet did not mind obviously since Blades adored Medix and had subtly bragged about his student.

Honestly, Ratchet was just happy his Sparkling now a Mech and the other younglings were safe and alive. Prowl and Barricade had also mellowed out after learning their youngest sibling Chase was alive and well. When Ironhide and Chromia learned about them finding the Rescue Bots had asked if their femmeling was alive. In answer to that Quickshadow had greeted them with a shy smile assuring them she was alright and safe. To say the couple was relieved was a huge understatement as they spent a whole day talking with their oldest. The most surprising thing was Blurr though, no one had expected him to become a Rescue Bot, not even Bumblebee.

Blurr had explained that it had not been his plan to become one but after Salvage had rescued him from a tight situation he could not just let him go unpaid. Salvage though, bless his kind spark, insisted it was unnecessary and helping others was just something that Rescue Bots do without expecting anything back. Blurr had then decided to become a Rescue Bot in order to pay back the kindness by helping others, the fact he could use his speed to reach others in danger was a bonus. Bumblebee though had a nagging feeling it was more than just the need to pay back a good deed as he looked between his oldest friend and Salvage. The googly optics his friend was sending Salvage was pretty obvious to anyone who saw them and honestly Bumblebee was happy for him.

Ratchet, "Medix, come here."

Medix visibly perked up, "Yes, healer Ratchet."

Drift cooed, 'He definitely picked that up from Raon, Hong and Ohn.'

Ratchet, "Here."

Medix, "This is.... "

Ratchet, "My first notes from the time I was a Medical student. Read them thoroughly, I will quiz you on it tomorrow."

Medix beamed, "Yes sir. You will not be disappointed."

Drift watched the little bitlet go, "Is he going to be an apprentice?"

Ratchet, "We will see. I just hope the others are okay."

Back to the fight, Sentinel had managed to breach one of the ships and enter it. On seeing that the other two ships became more frenzied attacking them to take them out. It had forced Sam to strengthen the shield and Raon had glanced at him worried about him. Sam mentally thanked Preceptor for the suit that covered his mouth or people would be panicking over him because of the blood dripping out. Megatron's Sam senses were however tingling and he turned to look in his direction with narrowed optics. Miles had a bad feeling about the increased attacks too and rushed to Mirage shouting he had a plan.

Prowl, "A plan that does not require self sacrifice I hope."

Miles, "That is Sam's style. Hong, Ohn, come on. We are poisoning them."

Mirage, "And how will you do that?"

Miles, "Make your holo forms. One of them will stay with Noah here. You are getting us inside that ship."

Noah, "You can count on me."

Hong, "I don't think Sam will last long."

Ohn, "I am pretty sure he is already vomiting blood by now."

Bumblebee, "WHAT?"

Arcee, "He was shaking earlier."

Rodimus, -This is bad, a smaller ship broke off and is heading to planet Earth.-

Optimus, "Are you sure?"

Ultra Magnus, -Positive.-

Megatron, "Warn the others."

Red Alert, -I am on it.-

Tupac, "We just heard news."

Blaster, "There is a ship headed towards Earth."

#SolderingOn, [Let them come. We are ready.]

#AlienFriend, [Damn right we are.]

#FireBoi, [This home is our home. We are not letting them take it from us.]

#Pika, [Damn straight.]

Adaptus, "Prime, please let me go help them."

Linklock, "We know protecting the Staff of Creation is important but we will not be able to get the Staff to Cybertron at this rate. They are getting pushed back just like the Quintessons are getting pushed."

Steelbane, "They are equally matched."

Dragonius sighed, "Fine but only one of you will go."

Adaptus was about to say he would but Linklock, he was way ahead of him already going outside to join the battle. Adaptus was left gaping at the quick exit then pouted he would not be able to join his legend. The Prime of the Knights just shook his helm at his strategist, really he was a fine tactician but once Sam appears he becomes a fool. Dragonius was almost tempted to just throw Adaptus at Sam so his third in command could get over it already. But a very suspicious voice in the back of his head warned him not to do so and that Adaptus would just become more unbearable to deal with.

Dragonius, 'Not to forget Linklock would be very cross with me.'

Linklock, "Jazz, Prowl, do you know of the triple shot attack?"

Prowl, "The attack where you shoot in the same place consecutively? Yes."

Jazz, "Which one?"

Linklock, "My alt mode is a fast Dire wolf. I will taunt them away from Miles and the others and separate them. Shoot them down."

Jazz and Prowl grinned, the latter calling Barricade over and explaining the plan to him. The older Mech had grinned menacingly agreeing to help them while the other team infiltrated the enemy ship. While the enemy was distracted Mirage found a way into one of the ships with Hong and Ohn. The two then warned Mirage to get out as they would be releasing Cerium Disulfide into the ship in gas form. Mirage had stared at them for a bit and then left with Miles to distract the others from noticing. While the two were fighting Ohn and Hong tapped into their old abilities and created a very dangerous fog which ate through the alien ship like it was nothing.

Hong, "Let's hurry and send it through the vents."

Ohn, "I am worried about Dad. He did not look too well when we left."

The two then manipulated the very poisonous fog and sent it through the vents through the ship. The fog was now everywhere and they could hear unholy screeching and cursing coming from the main control. The twins smirked and then went outside where Mirage and Miles were waiting for them to leave the ship which was now infected with poison. Sam would be proud of their achievement, one look at the side and Megatron and Optimus had brought down one ship as well. On the other side Sentinel was locked in a fight with the head Quintesson and it looked like Rodimus and his crew were wrecking the ship up.

Miles, "I think we won this round at least."

Mirage, "Me too."

Hong, "We need to get to Sam. Dad looks exhausted."

Ohn, "Youngest looks distraught."

Miles, "F.... Let's go!"

Mirage, "Hold on!"

Raon, "Dad, you promised you would be careful. Dad! Dad!"

Megatron, "My youngest Sparkling is in distress. Sam!"

Optimus, "Go, we got things handled here."

Hong, "Sam, you don't look well."

Scalpel, -Bring him inside kids. The fight is done.-

Raon, "Yes, healer Scalpel."

Mirage picked them up and rushed inside, noticing Megatron was rushing towards them as well. They hurried to the medical bay and placed a protesting Sam down who shut up after the suit was removed. His front was covered in red blood and Miles was glaring at him in exasperation while Scalpel started to lecture him on being more careful. Megatron entered in the middle of the lecture and froze on seeing the condition of his mate, his servos were in a fist. Sam though greeted him and asked how everyone was doing outside to which Megatron snapped out of his stupor.

Megatron, "Samuel, my love, my spark, forget about what is happening outside and worry about yourself."

Sam, "I am fine. I don't even feel pain."

Mirage was nervous, "That is not good, is it?"

Miles, "Sam, please. Do not make us lock you up."

Raon, "Dadddddd."

Hong, "You promised."

Ohn, "You will not get hurt."

Sam raised his hands in surrender, "I swear I am not hurt. It was just vomit, nothing more."

Megatron sighed, 'Primus, give me patience.'

(To be continued...
Hope you all are doing well.
Till next time.)
