33. Time to manipulate Sentinel

(Transformers and Trash of the Count are not mine. The picture above is a screenshot from the comic.
-comm speech-

Ratchet checked him over, "Aside from migraine, there is nothing inherently wrong with you, Sam."

Scalpel pushed a bottle towards him, "I made some migraine pills that you can take safely. One per day though, Sam."

Sam, "Thank you both."

Raon, "Thank you very much."

Ohn purred, "Most appreciated healer Ratchet and healer Scalpel."

Hong, "Yes, very relieved to know Dad is okay."

Ratchet, "For someone who was in stasis, you are a very healthy youngling."

Linklock nodded, "Thank you."

Ratchet shooed them off as he got up and observed the large medical area in the Knight ship, Convoy. Despite losing their only healer during their last fight against Quintessa, the medical area was still well maintained. The two medics had to admit, finding the ship first was definitely the better idea, especially since they had been running a little low on medication Energon. The ship was however loaded as the Energon creating device had been slowly but surely creating medical grade Energon and normal Energon. It had collected over the centuries and there were four whole storage rooms filled with it, to both Optimus and Megatron's relief.

Bumblebee walked carrying Sam on his servos, "I must admit I have only heard tales of ships like this."

Linklock was beside him, "Funny, I was told stories of Cybertron and how prosperous it was."

Sam looked at both of them curiously, "Really?"

Bumblebee nodded, "My birth Carrier would tell me stories about great Knights who ruled Cybertron before but left for the stars in search for empty planets to colonize."

Linklock nodded, "I have been to other planets yes, but none were as diverse as Earth. I always felt like I had to stay right here though."

Raon perked u[, "So the Knights were really good at looting? And those were no doubt your instincts telling you to wait for Dad."

Ohn purred, "That does sound fun. And youngest is right gentle Lock. Your instincts were no doubt strong despite the difference in Species."

Hong nodded, "Yeah, I agree. Hey, do you think we can join them Dad?"

Sam was amused by the children's conversation, "We will have to ask Dragonius Prime first. This is his ship."

Dragonius meanwhile choked on imaginary saliva watching them on the screen, "Linklock, what? That is not... We are not looters. We are honorable Knights."

Optimus pat his shoulder plate, "They are just young sparklings, my brother Prime. Do not take their words to spark, to them looting is a game. They do not mean any harm."

Megatron was amused, "They only hurt enemies and those who hurt Sam."

Adaptus however, "My legend can take my things anytime he wants."

Stormreign gave him a judgmental look, "Well, I only hope Adaptus gets back to normal soon."

They looked at the gushing and hyper Knight as one and sighed deciding to leave it be as long as he did his duties. Sam, Ohn, Hong, Raon, Bumblebee and Linklock entered the main control area and Optimus called for a meeting. Despite being told of reincarnation and past lives together Dragonius was actually very wary of them. Linklock and Adaptus may trust them but he was a Prime and they were his knights and his responsibility. Miles looked at him with understanding which made the older Prime wonder about his own relationship with Linklock in the life before this one. Linklock had told him about how Choi Han now Miles, Rosalyn and himself had been an attack team.

The Knights were listening to the young Prime explain his plan of confronting the Quintessons outside planet Earth. At the same time they were observing the human warriors, especially Miles and Sam who were emanating aura. Dragonius vented quietly as he focused on the current danger heading towards them in the form of his teacher's sibling. Not many knew this but Quintessa's younger sibling had taken care of him as a youngling and taught him till he became Prime. After that Dragonius had left with his clan of warriors and a sparkling to travel the Universe till he reached this planet.

William, "We have an incoming call from the moon base."

Optimus paused his explanation, "The moon base? Is everything alright?"

William, "Epps mentioned finding something Cybertronian."

Megatron, "On the moon?"

Sam, "You have an idea?"

Megatron, "I always felt like there was something I had forgotten. I believe we will find out."

Optimus hummed as he decided on what to do next, they had a problem to deal with first but a helping hand was welcome. Megatron pulled his brother aside and had a quiet discussion with him about what Sam had planned for the ship. He wanted to use the Knight ship to return the Allspark to Cybertron safely and you could not get more secure than a ship full of Knights and a Knight ship. Optimus stared and had a feeling they would receive good news from the hunting group very soon. Dragonius Prime suggested they should at least go and have a look at what they found, perhaps whatever it is could help them. Both brothers agreed and prepared to go to the moon while the Wreckers and scientists were in charge of getting the Convoy fixed.

Simmons greeted, "Good to see you all in one piece. New friends?"

Megatron chuckled, "More like old Guardians of planet Earth."

Dragonius, "Greetings!"

Stormreign, -Is it just me or does he look similar to Merlin?-

Steelbane, -Not just you. Primus! He is just as energetic as him, minus the drunken habits.-

Sam, "Who's that?"

Jazz halted, "That is Sentinel Prime."

Megatron, "Oh! So, that's what I forgot, we were supposed to meet each other here."

Soundwave, "Sentinel alive?"

Prowl, "He is alive but in stasis. We will have to wake him up."

Raon, "So that's the guy who was rejected from being Prime."

Optimus coughed, "He may not be a Prime but he is still a formidable warrior and teacher."

Ohn, "If you say so.... Should we get the comfort blanket though?"

Megatron was trying not to laugh out loud, "For what reason little one?"

Hong, "When he wakes up, he is going to realize he was rejected by the Matrix. So, yeah, should we get a comfort blanket?"

Optimus looked torn between laughing and correcting the young sparklings who looked genuinely worried about his mentor. Sam had a blank expression but his eyes were lit up with amusement and cunning which made Optimus pity his mentor for some reason. Dragonius however was curious about this Sentinel and wanted to meet him in person and encouraged Optimus to awaken the slumbering Cybertronian. Miles and the other humans were just smiling from listening curious about what they would do next. Optimus shook his helm muttering about innocent sparklings and held the Matrix out to awaken his mentor.

The Matrix glowed looking a little huffy at the request but they liked Optimus so they would do it for him, only him. Sam stifled a laugh on hearing the mutters from the Matrix who had already rejected Sentinel as a Prime. Megatron saw Sam try not to laugh out loud and wanted to ask but the Matrix started to hum as it shot a beam at Sentinel's spark chamber. It stopped humming and after a few seconds Sentinel's body jerked and he attacked Optimus. Megatron cursed and jumped in holding Sentinel back with Dragonius helping him while Optimus tried to calm him down. Sam was watching the drama quietly before he got up, created a shield and slapped Sentinel across the face.

Sam, "Enough! You are a leader not an undisciplined beginner. Act like one."

Sentinel stared incredulously, "You, did you just?"

Optimus gaped, "Sam, you should not, he is... "

Sam, "Did you calm down now? Good, because the Quintessons are coming and if we do not pull ourselves together both Cybertron and Earth will be enslaved by them."

Sentinel stuttered, "I.. I.. What? The Quintessons? Here?"

Miles catching on nodded, "Yep, currently our forces are divided into two. So we need help fending them off."

William piped in, "One half is on planet Earth focusing on building a space bridge so we can return to Cybertron and start rebuilding it."

Sam nodded, "The other half is off on an important mission to find the bastard responsible for destroying the Sparkling Center."

Optimus guided his mentor till he was seated, "Things became better than worse and better again."

Sentinel looked between the humans and his students, "I see you two are no longer fighting each other."

Megatron, "The Allspark would rip into us a new one if we wasted our time battling instead of making sure the sparklings are growing healthy and safe."

Sentinel looked at Sam, "You, human, exactly who are you? Everyone here seems to listen and follow your lead."

Sam shrugged, "I am the voice of reason for both species. Also Primus seemed to enjoy using me as a messenger."

Sentinel, "But you are an organic being, aren't you? Why would Primus use you?"

Sam, "Blame the God of Death. He was the one who introduced me to Primus and now, here we are."

Sentinel stared at the human, "I see that a lot of things happened during my absence."

Megatron, "Ahem! Sam is my Conjunx and these are our Sparklings. These are Raon, Hong and Ohn."

Raon, "Hello Great Grandpa Sentinel."

Hong, "Pleasure to meet you."

Ohn, "Welcome back to the world of living."

Sam, "And this is Dragonius Prime, a respected Knight from Cybertron. He has been protecting planet Earth ever since he met my ancestors."

Dragonius, "Pleasure to meet you."

Sentinel had a hilarious expression on his face, "You are a Prime?"

Sam, "The Matrix confirmed it."

Sentinel, "The Matrix is real?"

Optimus, "Yes Sentinel. It is currently floating near Sam."

Sentinel saw the floating object, "Oh, I can see that. Why though?"

Sam shrugged, "I don't know why they like me... Apparently, I am a perfect fit for a Prime. No thank you!"

Matrix, 'But you are a good leader and you brought my Primelings together again.'

Sam, "I do not need to be a Prime to do that. I am happy as a Dad and a teacher."

Optimus smiled softly, "Sam also gave us a home because Cybertron is not exactly inhabitable at the moment."

Sentinel was surprised, "What?"

Dragonius, "Do not be surprised. The Witwicky clan have been housing Cybertronians since the beginning of civilization on this planet.

Sam, "How about we get you settled in first? You look like you have a lot to think about. Medics, if you would take him in for a full check up, please?"

Scalpel, "Of course!"

Ratchet, "Leave it to us."

Sam, "We can figure out where he can stay otherwise."

Sentinel, "There is no need. I will stay with my students and of course the sparklings."

Optimus was amused, "I live with my Conjunx, Sentinel."

Sentinel was flummoxed, "You have a Conjunx too."

Optimus spoke proudly, "This is Bumblebee, my most trusted friend, warrior and confidant."

Bumblebee, "Nice to see you return to us."

Optimus, "We do not have sparklings yet but we are hopeful that the Allspark will bless us once the killer of many sparklings have been caught and brought to justice."

Sam, "That's what the Allspark promised. There is no reason for the Allspark to lie."

Allspark, 'Damn right!'

Sentinel was feeling numb now, this was not part of the plan at all, they were supposed to conquer a planet after getting the Allspark. He had plans to bring Cybertron to another planet and use the resources of that planet to rebuild their planet. He was not expecting his two students to end up getting Conjunxed with another, his older student even picked an organic of all people. He would need to have a stern talking with Megatron and do some research on this Samuel James Witwicky. The sparklings were honestly adorable though and he did not know Predacons could be born as a sparkling too, not just created as a cold construct. Megatron watched as his mentor was taken by the medics for a check up.

Megatron, "He does not look happy, Optimus."

Optimus winced then vented, "He never approved of my relationship with Elita either in the past."

Dragonius frowned at that, "As a Prime you have the right to choose your own Conjunx and no one can deny you that right. Not even your caretakers and guardians."

Sam pat Bumblebee's leg, "So, you do not have to worry about getting separated."

Soundwave, "Incoming call from the Hunter squad."

Megatron, "Some good news I hope."

Soundwave, "They captured the killer and are bringing them to Cybertron to lock him away at the rust sea."

Optimus nodded, "A fitting prison."

Miles, "Rust sea?"

Megatron, "A terrible place where you get eaten till nothing is left."

Sam, "The Allspark approves."

Jazz, "Really? Then, we can... "

Sam smiled, "Yes, we just need to return them to the Well of Sparks to start the recreation."

(To be continued...
Hope you all are doing well.
Till next time my lovely readers.)
