Today is a beautiful morning as I get to see my handsome cold husband's pretty face. Let me introduce you to my family...

Min Yoongi - My cold husband . U might misunderstand that he is my arranged husband but no it was a love marriage.

Me and Yoongi were school sweethearts , even then also he used to stay cold like an ice berg but we managed at that time . After our graduation, we married each other after 5 years of dating. We also have a cute little baby - Somi ( our daughter)

She is 11 months old and is quite naughty . Yoongi being a workaholic spend very less time with his princess.

Me being a teacher usually comes home early by 2pm till then her nanny take care of our little Somi .

While I was thinking of our life , I remembered that I came to wake Yoongi up as he was getting late . I broke my trance and started gently waking him up .

Y/N - Yoongi wake up! Baby wake up or u will be late for ur office.

Yoongi (in his deep husky voice) - 5 more minutes pls .

Y/N - no no baby common get up.

Yoongi - fine .

After bickering for few minutes I went into kitchen and he went inside the bathroom.

I was serving some pancakes 🥞 with some coffee for both me and Yoongi when I saw him walking downstairs while wearing his watch and looking like a damn meal..

I glanced back at the food and tried to cover the blush from my cheeks.

He sat and I served him the breakfast, suddenly I heard our daughter crying from her bedroom .

I went towards her room and saw that she has scratched herself while crawling out of the crib...

Y/N - aww my baby , are u okay ??

Somi - 😭😭😭😭😭

I picked her up gently went downstairs..

After hearing somi cry , he immediately left his breakfast and took her from my arms ...

Yoongi - oh my baby , what happened Darling... Why are u crying.. (swaying her left and right)

Y/N - I think she scratched herself when she tried to crawl out of the crib.

Yoongi - aww it's ok my baby bear . It will heal soon...

He then put a bandage on her elbow and put her on her play mat .

Yoongi (coldly) - I am going to my office and I will be coming late , don't wait for me...

Y/N - okk

He went to the play mat and kissed Somi's forehead and went to his office.

I sighed but decided not to spoil my mood so I went towards Somi and started to play with her ...

Time skip

Y/N- finally...

I just finished making dinner for me and Yoongi and decided to sir for some time.

Somi was sleeping peacefully so I didn't wanted to disturb her but I suddenly remembered that her diapers were out of stock and I needed then immediately.

I was in dilemma that what should I do because her nanny was already gone and I can't disturb Somi also.

After thinking for few minutes I decided to go to supermarket and will come back in 5 mins.

I hurriedly dressed myself and checked twice on Somi by putting her favourite plushies near her so that she won't fall and also locked all the doors and windows.

I went to supermarket and bought her diapers when I saw tangerine 🍊 and instantly knew that Yoongi will like it. I bought them also and paid the bill. I was walking home and saw Yoongi's car parked. My feet froze and I started trembling that what would happen if Yoongi will get to know that I left Somi alone in the house as he dearly loved his daughter.

I hurriedly went inside saw my worst nightmare: Yoongi was angry.

Yoongi: Where were you? ( In an angry tone)

Y/N : I-I went t-to the supermarket to buy d-diapers.

Yoongi : And leaving Somi alone. ( He yelled)

I flinched and stepped back.

He was about to slap me when the doorbell rang. We saw Yoongi's parents coming and we became normal so as to not show them that we were fighting.

I went upstairs to Somi's room and saw her still sleeping so I kissed her forehead and went downstairs to greet my in- laws.


Author's note

Hi everyone I know it's been such a long time but I have been really busy with my life but I promise I will upload the next part very soon.

Till then take care.
