Here I am waiting for my boyfriend KIM NAMJOON , to come home from his work .He is a CEO of JOON ENTERPRISES a successful company in the whole Seoul . We are in a relationship for over 2 years now.

Namjoon is a hearthrob . Girls swoon over him .

These past days Namjoon has been very distant and very cold towards me. He would come home around 12 p.m. and would not even greet me , will just go to our room.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard the front door getting opened. There he was standing tired , exhausted and pale. I immediately went towards him and helped him in taking off his coat.

He sat himself on the couch and rested his head back. I immediately went towards the kitchen and bring a glass of water for him. He took it and drank it in one go.

He was got up from the couch and started making his way towards his office room. I then called him..

Y/n : Namjoon

He stopped on his tracks and turned towards me with his cold expression.

Namjoon : What??
Y/n : I know you haven't ate your dinner yet so plz first eat the dinner .
Namjoon : I don't have any appetite.
Y/n : Plz Namjoon I know you are not eating and it is affecting your health.
Namjoon : Y/n I told you na I am not hungry so plz let me go I still have some work left . ( He shouted)
Y/n : but-
Namjoon : can't you understand one thing that I don't want to eat. Why are you forcing me to eat . ( He yelled )

I flinched...

Y/n : ok ( I said in a low voice )
Namjoon : Sana was better than you . (He muttered )

Did he just compared me too his ex-girlfriend.

I looked at him teary - eyed

Y/n : Then why don't you go back to ur cheater ex .

I said and ran towards our shared our room .

Namjoon POV

I just saw her running tou room. Then I recalled how I insulted her few minutes ago ...

How could I ...

I went to our room just to see her fast asleep on the bed. I regretted every single word and action towards her. I went towards the washroom to do my night routine .

After finishing my routine I went under the covers and kissed Y/N 's forehead softly and muttered, " I'll make it up to u "



I woke up fom my alarm. It was 8:00 a.m. I saw the left side of the bed and surprisingly Namjoon was still sleeping. Then I remembered that it was his holiday today.
I was about to kiss his cheeks but then I remembered our argument last night.

I decided to give him silent treatment....

I went downstairs to make our breakfast

I was almost done when I felt two strong arms wrapped around my waist. I flinched .

Namjoon : Good morning sweetheart ❤️
Y/N : Good morning ( in a cold voice )
Namjoon : About last night-

I intruppted him by saying ...

Y/N : breakfast is ready

We sat down and ate our breakfast in silence .

After eating I went to the kitchen and washed my plate.


I saw her walking back to the kitchen to wash her plate . I sighed .

I deserve this . I thought

After some time Y/N went to the living room and started watching T.V while completely ignoring me .

Namjoon : Y/N baby , do you want to go for shopping ??
Y/N : ......
Namjoon : Or we could hangout ??
Y/N : ....

Now I get to know what she was feeling from these past days when I was not giving her proper attention. I am feeling so guilty but right now I might cry if Y/N won't talk to me .
End of Namjoon's POV

Author's POV

Namjoon went from there to their shared bedroom teary eyed.


I think I went too far . I should atleast talk to him . Ya , I should.

With that I went towards our bedroom

I opened the door and my heart clenched after seeing the scene infront of me .

Namjoon was crying and sobbing while sitting at the edge of the bed. I immediately rushed towards him and hugged him tight .

He immediately hugged me back tightly .

I comforted him whispering sweet nothings in his ear .

Eventually, after some time he calmed down and took my hands in his large ones and softly caressed them

Namjoon : Y-Y/N I am r-really sorry I didn't m-mean too say those w-words last night.
Y/N : I know and I am sorry I also overreacted .
Namjoon: Actually since l-last week my employees are l-lacking and I a-am really stressed because of i-it. Yesterday I just took my anger on y-you . I am sorry. ( He said while hiccuping a little).
Y/N : it's ok , now plz stop crying .

He nodded

Namjoon : I promise I will never be cold to you again .

Y/N smiled sweetly at him and kiss his forehead lovingly.

Namjoon : I love you ❤️❤️

Y/N : I love you too ❤️❤️

Hi guys !!!
This is first story . Sorry for any grammatical mistakes. If you like this plz vote and comment . I also take requests. Stay tuned!!!!
