After Marcus was arrested Zak took Oksana back to his office. Zak looked into the doll's eye and felt tears falling down his face.  "I can feel the sadness Minerva don't worry I'll get you back to Waverly Hills" Zak said wiping the tears from his face.  As Zak was getting ready to leave he heard a little girl crying.  Zak knew it was Minerva wanted her doll. 

"Don't cry Minerva that man won't take Oksana away again,"Zak called out as the crying stopped.  "Minerva if you want to play with your doll tonight she's in my office but please put her back where you found her so nobody can take her away from you again".  Zak heard a child whisper thank you which made Zak smile.  During the night Zak was in Waverly Hills walking around as a child's laughter could be heard.  He got to a room and saw a little girl with black hair sitting in the corner crying.  Zak saw in his hand was Oksana so Zak kneeled infront of the child and gave her the doll.

"Thank you"she remarked as she hugged the doll.  Then the doll disappeared Zak got up as Marcus stood there with the doll.  "She's mine now you'll never get this doll back"he said as he ran off.  Zak got up to run after Marcus but he disappeared as Minerva stood there.  Then shadow figures came out of the wall and grabbed hold of Zak.  They dragged him to one of end of a hall and got ready to throw him over the wall. 

A man appeared telling Zak it's his fault his daughter and her doll are gone and told the shadow people to throw him over.  As Zak fell he woke up as his heart was pounding.  Zak got up and went back to the museum he opened the door and went to his office to see Oksana wasn't there.

"Minerva where are you?"he called out.  He heard a child giggling and he followed it.  Zak found Oksana on the second floor near Peggy's room.  "Minerva your father came to me he thinks it's my fault you and your doll are missing from Waverly Hill" he said.  It's not your fault Zak.  Zak turned and the same little girl from his dream appear holding Oksana.  Zak got down on his knees as Minerva walked over. 

"Your haunted museum has been like a playground and you always walk by and make sure Oksana is kept"she replied.  "Minerva I know where you belong and I'll take both you and Oksana back to Waverly Hills"Zak said.  "You promise".  "I swear Minerva now you keep Oksana safe and put her back in my office so she's safe".  "I will"she remarked with a smile.  Zak got up and started to leave before he heard Minerva giggling.
