At the hospital Zak's in his room reading as his mother came in with a mask on.  "Hey mom".  "Zak what happened how did you contract Tuberculosis?" she inquired.  "I (coughing) don't know maybe investigating too many sanatoriums" he replied.  "Zakary this is serious you could die from this".  "I know mom you know I joke when I'm nervous".  Zak looked at his mother as he saw tears coming down her face. 

"Mom please don't cry"Zak asked with a smile.  "Well I'll let you rest" as she left Nancy blew a kiss to her son which made Zak blush a little.  At his house Aaron was feeding Gracie as Amber came down.  "How's Zak I heard he has TB".  "They have him on IV antibiotics"Aaron replied.  "Did you get tested?".  "Everyone including the crew and the people at the haunted museum so far everyone's negative"Aaron stated.

The phone rang and Amber got it.  "Hello oh hi Billy what's what's going on yeah I'll tell Aaron thanks".  "What did Bill want?" Aaron inquired.  "He think he may of found something out about that doll.  He sent it to you on your computer"she said.  Aaron got his computer found the email and link.  The links were old pictures of people including children of the Tuberculosis epidemic.  He looked at one of the pictures and saw a little girl holding the exact same doll. 

"Amber take a look at this".  "Oh my god that's the doll Zak has I remember seeing it at the museum".  "I have to show this to Zak tomorrow" Aaron remarked.  At the hospital Zak woke up coughing up blood trying to breath.  A whole bunch of people came in as Zak struggled to breath.  "We need to intubate him his oxygen level is plummeting".  Before the paralytic was giving Zak turned his head and saw a little girl holding the doll.  I WANT MY DOLL BACK NOW! 
