
*Connor's P.O.V*

"I just found the perfect place for our wedding." I said, looking up from my laptop. Jacob turned to face me, excitement written in his eyes.

"Really? Where?" He came over to sit beside me.

"Here, look. The gardens are just beautiful for the ceremony and the restaurant seats up to 100.

"It looks perfect to me, baby." He agreed, draping an arm over my shoulders and pressing a kiss to my temple. My heart swelled hearing the praise from him and I couldn't help but smile.

"It's going to be a perfect day."

"Any day with you is perfect." I laughed and turned my attention back to my laptop.

"Lovesick man." He didn't reply, just sitting silently beside me for a while.

"I've been thinking..."

"Mm?" I replied vaguely, not really paying much attention.

"I know the tradition is that the groom can't see a bride's dress before the wedding. And I know we obviously don't have a bride but maybe we could keep the tradition. You know, not see each other's tuxedos before the day."

"Really? You don't think that'll be hard to do?"

"Well, I can always ask Amy to look after mine. And I'm sure Luke would watch yours. Or your parents." I nodded slowly.

"So how traditional are we gonna go? Like, are we going to not even see each other on the day of until we walk down the aisle?"

"I don't know about you, but I dont think I'll get any sleep if I'm not next to you the night before our wedding. And no one wants to be dead tired on their wedding day." With a laugh, I shoved my laptop aside and crawled onto his lap, resting my hands on either side of his neck.

"I have to agree with you there. You're grumpy when you're tired."

"Hey!" I just laughed again when he pouted at me and I leaned in to kiss him, weaving my fingers into his hair. He kissed me back, his hands on my waist pulling me closer.

After what felt like forever, we broke apart and I leaned my forehead against his. We were both breathing heavily but he still managed to grin at me and pressed a hand to my cheek.

"I can hardly wait to marry you. The countdown to the rest of our life is on."

"Uh, Jay, we need to choose a date before we start a countdown."

"Well, we're one step closer now. We've found the place. Now we just have to see what they've got available." I let out a gasp of excitement and realisation and slid off his lap, grabbing the laptop again and opening up the calendar page of the place I'd been looking at.

"Weekdays are out of the question, I think." I told him and he nodded in agreement.

"Yeah. I mean, we'll be able to get time off but it's a bit much to ask all our friends and family to take time off too. What about a Saturday?"

"Saturday would work best. That way people have Sunday to recover. Okay, next to consider is that we'll both be wearing tuxedos. We don't want it to be too hot but rain would be horrible too."

"So, May? It's warm but not too hot and not much chance of rain."

"Okay, let's see what they have available in May..." I flicked through the calendar pages to find the month we were looking for. When it popped up, I let out a shriek of excitement. "Jacob, look! They've got the eighteenth free. It's meant to be!"

"That's just perfect." He agreed, the excitement he was feeling seeping into his voice. Our engagement anniversary was the eighteenth of June so it seemed like fate that we could get married on the same date. "Call them. The sooner we book, the better."

I reached for my phone to call but noticed the time as I turned it on.

"Oh, they'll be closed. Look here, it says they're not open on Mondays." I sighed in disappointment.

"We could still call and leave a message. That way, even if they call back in a couple of days they know which date we want."

"True." My hands were shaking a little as I tried to dial the number off the laptop screen. "I can't, Jay, you do it." With a laugh, he took the phone from me and finished dialling the number, holding the phone to his ear and listening to it ring for a few moments.

"Hi, my name is Jacob Bixenman. My fiancée and I are wanting to book your venue for our wedding. We're hoping for the eighteenth of May, if possible. If you could call us back to confirm any details, we'd really appreciate it." He gave both our phone numbers before hanging up and turning to me with a smile.

"We're one step closer, baby."

"Yep, only 289 days to go."

"How did you figure that out so fast?"

"I was counting while you were on the phone before."

"Could you get any more adorable?" He laughed and pulled me in for a hug. "You're so cute, baby."

"Am not." I protested. But I let him hold me anyway, a feeling of pure love and excitement bubbling up inside me. We sat for a moment in silence, the fact that we were solidifying our future setting a perfect atmosphere around us.

"Oh shit." I jumped a little when he spoke again and he laid a hand on my head to calm me. "Sorry, I just, 289 days? That's not long to get everything sorted out. And we've still got to live our lives in there too." He was working himeself up into a panicked rant so I sat up a little, forcing him to look at me.

"Jay, we can do this. Even if we only had a week to plan, we'd get it done, you know why?" I waited while he shook his head, eyes still a little wide. "Because I  love you and you love me. We love each other and this is something we both want. We just have to keep track of everything to make sure we don't miss anything."

"You think?"

"I know." I promised, moving to straddle his lap again. "Hey, now that we've got a date, we can start thinking about an engagement party and bachelor parties, guest lists, invites, oh and probably catering too...oh shit." We sat for a moment, Jacob looking at me with a smirk playing at his lips.

"You just realised how much work we have ahead of us, didn't you?"

"Yes." I squeaked and he laughed, stroking the side of my face once.

"Don't worry, baby, like you said, we can do this. Together."

"Do you have any idea how much I love you right now?"

"It can't possibly be more than I love you." With a fond smile, I leaned in and pressed our lips together, loving that we were able to start planning our future together.

A/N: So, I'm back home in Australia and it's freezing here compared to the USA :( but hopefully I'll be able to write a bit more after I get used to being home.
