A Magical Day

*Jacob's P.O.V.*

"Do you, Jacob, take Connor to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The celebrant asked, looking at me. I glanced back at Connor who was watching me carefully, before nodding.

"I do."

"And do you, Connor, take Jacob to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do." There was a shaky, excited undertone in his voice that made me smile.

"By the power vested in me, I know pronounce you husbands. You can kiss your groom." To the sound of cheers from our friends and family, I pulled Connor into my arms and kissed him hard, feeling him wrap his arms around my neck and kiss me back.

"I love you." I whispered to him when we broke apart he grinned at me and grabbed onto my arm.

"I love you too, husband." He whispered back. Together we turned to face the crowd and mde our way back down the aisle. We both had huge smiles that we couldn't wipe off our faces as we waved to everyone but stayed clinging to each other.

As much as we wanted to just relax now and celebrate, we still had to make everything official by signing the marriage certificate. So we made our way into the beautiful lodge that we'd hired for today and into the small side room where the special piece of paper was being kept safely, away from the slight breeze outside. The celebrant signed first before passing a pen to both Connor and I so we could sign together. I felt a bit giddy signing my name and when I stepped back, I let out a shaky breath knowing that Connor and I were now legally tied together. While Luke and Amy signed as witnesses, I pulled my new husband into my arms and kissed him, lifting his feet off the floor a bit as he laughed.

"Done. You two lovebirds are now officially husbands." Luke said, making the two of us snap back to reality and glance over at him.

"Congratulations guys. Let's go and party the night away." Amy spoke up.

"There's one more thing we have to do first, though." Connor told them. "Photos."

"Oh. Right." Amy nodded and our friends followed us back outside where everyone waskind of milling around, waiting for us. But we barely even had time to talk to anyone before our photographer whisked us away for photos, getting us to pose with family and friends first before getting a few more intimate shots of just the two of us.

It was almost an hour before we were finally free. And by then all we wanted to do was be alone. But we both knew we had to wait for a good couple of hours before it'd be acceptable for us to leave. So we started slowly moving through the crowd, getting congratulated by everyone.

Around five-thirty, everyone sat down for dinner and we listened to what felt like everyone giving a speech. During all the speeches,  Connor held onto my arm and leaned his head on my shoulder. Under the table, I kept one hand resting on his thigh, squeezing gently every now and then and smiling down at him or kissing the top of his head. Everyone's speech consisted of either cute stories of our relationship or just a ton of well wishes for our future.

Finally, it was our turn to say something. Detaching myself from a still very clingy Connor, I stood up first, taking the microphone from my dad.

"I just want to start off by saying 'thank-you' to all of you for being here today. I'm sure I speak for both of us when I say we couldn't be happier that you're all here. Today has been just magical for us. Everything we dreamed of and just the best way for us to start off the rest of our lives together." With a loving smile at Connor, I handed him the microphone and sat down. He stood up and gripped the microphone with both hands. I reached up to rub the side of his hip to calm him. He wasn't comfortable talking in front of crowds, despite his job as a teacher.

"Like Jacob said, we're both so grateful for all of you here and honestly, there's a few of you who, without you, we wouldn't be here today. So I want to say a special thanks to a few people. First off, to Amy. If it hadn't been for you instsiting that Jacob go to that party I don't know if we'd ever have met. And to Luke, for putting up with my stressing over every detail of every date in the beginning. All of our parents, you've put up with a lot from both of us over the years and especially in the last few months. And finally, Jacob. Thank you for just being you. For loving me the way you do and for being the one I can always rely on to be there for me. I love you so much and I'm so happy to finally call you my husband." By the time he finished, there were tears in my eyes as I stood again and pulled him in for a hug, holding him tightly.

"I love you so much, baby. So, so much." I whispered, kissing the top of his head. I could feel him shaking a little, crying happy tears. His mom reached over to take the microphone but stayed quiet until Connor and I separated and sat back down. He stayed holding my hand, though, with our fingers laced together under the table.

"Connor, Jacob, on behalf of me, my husband, Mark and Jenny we just want to say how proud of you both we are. You've followed your hearts and your dreams to end up here. We all wish you the very best in your lives from now." Connor's mom spoke directly to us and we both smiled gratefully at her. "I'd like to propose a toast. To Connor and Jacob, may you forever be everything you need to be for each other." Around us, everyone raised their glasses in a show of support towards us. We'd only been married for a few hours but it already felt like a lifetime.
It was nearly midnight before Connor and I were able to slip away from the party for a few moments of peace. Out near the edge of the woods that surrounded the lodge, we found a fallen tree to sit on and I pulled him into my side.

"How do you feel, baby?" I asked him.

"Like I could burst with love and happiness. If I'd known today would be like this, I would have begged you to get down on one knee earlier."

"Mm. If I had to describe today with one word, it'd be: magical."

"Really?" He tilted his head to look at me.

"Yeah. What would you say?"

"Today can't be covered with just one word. I'd need a whole dictionary to describe today."

"And it's only going to get better from here." I reminded him with a gentle nudge. He giggled and nodded.

"Yep. How much longer do you think we have to hang around before we can go?"

"I think we're about to find out." I murmured, nodding towards where Amy was wobbling across the lawn towards us. From a distance, I couldn't tell if she was wobbling because of her shoes sinking or if she was drunk but when she got closer, I could see that she'd had a few drinks.

"There you two are. Everyone's been looking for you." Her words were slurred but understandable as Connor and I stood up to greet her.

"We've only been here for a couple minutes. Were we really missed?" I asked with a laugh.

"You two are the stars of the day, of course you were. We were just getting ready to send you off when we realised you'd disappeared."

"Alright, well, we'll come back now, okay?" She nodded and we followed her back towards the bright lights of the party where people were starting to make a path towards the driveway for us. My mom rushed over to us the second she saw us, shoving a microphone into my hands.

"Say your goodbyes, we know you want to get out of here."

"Thanks, mom." Connor and I both hugged her before turning to the waiting crowd. "Today and tonight have been amazing. We're so lucky to have had all of you to celebrate with but, now we're off to celebrate on our own so, again, thanks for everything, we love you all. And goodnight." With that, I passed the microphone to someone standing nearby and wrapped an arm around Connor's shoulders, holding him close as we walked through the pathway made for us amidst the sparklers and confetti, laughing as we slid into the backseat of the waiting limo.

"Let's go have our own party." Connor whispered to me once the door was shut and we were moving.

"Hell yeah. I'm so ready. It's been two long weeks, baby. Are you ready for this?"

"I'm so ready. Just one more thing..." He reached above him to push open the sunroof and then stood up, waving to our guests. I squeezed up beside him, waving for a moment too before pulling him in for a kiss that left everyone cheering madly.
We somehow manages to make it all the way up to our hotel room and onto the bed before we couldn't keep our hands off each other any longer. Carefully but quickly, we rid ourselves of our clothes before climbing under the covers and getting close. He kissed me deeply for only a few seconds becore trailing his lips lower and lower, leaving a trail of tingles all the way down my torso.

"Jacob, I love you."

"I love you, Connor." I replied.

Hours later, I lay on my back, staring at the ceiling as Connor curled into my side, fast asleep and looking as adorable as ever. I was still breathing heavily and silently thanked him for making me wait two weeks for this. It really had made everything so much better
