
The team had been tearing through North Africa looking for Saleem's camp. Once the NCIS agents arrived they finally managed to locate the facility. It was guarded by at least thirty armed men, equipped with anti-aircraft and anti-tank weaponry. They had been instructed to wait until they had confirmed that Saleem was there. Jace and Reese were surveying the compound from the north hill, the others were doing the same from the south, east, and west. The agents were at the FOB working with the intelligence team.

Jace watched as trucks went in and out carrying cargo. He focused his scope on the main building, and he exhaled. It took him all of his willpower not to end it right there.

"Echo-Three to Echo-Actual, I have eyes on the HVT. There's a hostage adult female, brunette tied to a chair."

He paused, he couldn't believe his eyes. He was relieved and eager to act.

"The hostage is Ziva David."

. . .

Once they got the approval for the assault they went over the strategy for tonight. They'd approach from the air in Blackhawks and approach from the rear, once they were inside they'd make their way to the center where Ziva was being held. They'd split into two squads, the first team would focus on Ziva while the other would render the vehicles and any other artillery weapons useless.

"Snipers and support gunners," said Jace, he knew he had the skills but he wanted to be there for Ziva personally. "Who and where?"

"We do what we did when we got Azza," said Hall. "Overwatch on the helos and once we've cleared the outside of the compound they'll join us."

"Jay, I know you've got a personal stake in this, so you want to be on the ground but you're the best shot we have," said Bennet.

Jace thought this over, he wanted to have his boots on the ground but he had to do what was best for the mission. He had to ensure the safety of his team, thus ensuring Ziva's safety.

"Whatever's for the best of the team and the mission."

They disbursed to prep for the op. Jace had been preparing his rifle when the NCIS team approached him, he knew what was on their minds.

"If you guys want in on the op I'm the wrong guy to talk to," said Jace, not even looking up.

"Your C.O. said only one of us could go," said DiNozzo, not happy about it.

"Only so many people can fit into a Blackhawk," responded Jace, setting his weapon down. "Listen I feel for you guys, but we only have the two helos and we need as many shooters as possible."

"I'll go," said Gibbs, his answer was final and no one was willing to argue.

Everyone left it at that.

. . .

Jace and Gibbs watched as the others rappelled from the aircraft. Jace took his position, his team took position outside the gate.

"Echo-Three to ground units, you are clear to breach, over."

The ground team used a small charge to breach the gate, once inside the squads split up. Jace took watch over the hostage rescue force while Reese took the demo team. Jace engaged two armed hostiles that stumbled upon the team before they could react. The team engaged four more hostiles with few issues. The demo team eliminated several other hostiles as they planted the charges on the vehicles.

"Echo-One to Three, switch from overwatch and regroup with the HRF, over."

"WILCO, One. Over."

Jace handed the rifle to his father, swapping it out for an MP7. He rappelled down and joined the rescue team while Reese did the same with the demo team. The rescue team breached the main building, engaging three more enemy combatants. They made their way through the corridors until they reached their target. ISR showed that only Ziva was in the room, they checked the door for explosives. Once they cleared it the team breached, once they cleared the room Jace made his way to Ziva. He removed the sack from her head, she was dazed as she woke up but once she got her bearings she recognized him immediately.

"Jace?" She was bruised and beaten bloodily, but she was otherwise okay.

He checked her binds, no wires or traps attached to her or the chairs. He began cutting through the binds, once he was done he began treating her injuries. She was ambulatory and had no life-threatening injuries.

"Echo-One to Echo-Actual, hostage secured, over."

Jace and Reese took her sides and lifted her, ready to move. Everyone made their way to the extraction point, they were almost out of the building when they came under sniper fire.

Gibbs searched the area through the scope of Jace's weapon, once he found his target he eliminated the threat. Once the way was clear the SEALs made their way to the landing Blackhawk. Once they were in the air the second helicopter did the same with the demolition team. The second both aircraft were in the air they left for the FOB.

Once there Jace and Gibbs escorted Ziva to the med bay, where she was more thoroughly examined. The entire NCIS team gathered around her, and Jace met with Amato.

"Thanks for helping to greenlight the op."

The Marine only smiled. "After sitting at her desk for a couple of months it'd be wrong not to do something."

Ziva asked for a moment with Jace alone.

"Thanks for everything, especially after I abandoned you."

"Don't villainize yourself, Zee. After what happened you had the right to some space."

"That is no excuse."

Jace put a hand on her shoulder, between them it spoke a great variety of words. Jace left to let her get some sleep, he ran into his dad on the way out.

"Great shooting out there," said the younger Gibbs.

"Likewise," responded Jethro.

"What happens to her afterward?" asked Jace. "Can't just send her back to the Mossad, they left her to the dogs."

Gibbs never got to answer, the roar of gunfire erupted through the night. Both warfighters unholstered their sidearms, and Gibbs stayed with Ziva while Jace went to check on his team. Once he was fully jocked up he got the team on comms, everyone took a defensive. Jace went up the communications towers and began conducting overwatch.

"Echo-Three to all stations, I have eyes on three armored technicals approaching from the south of our pos, over."

Jace kept the foot soldiers pinned while everyone got set up. Once to support gunners were ready they unleashed all hell.

Elsewhere Amato linked up with Gibbs to guard Ziva, the latter tried to get up but they insisted that she lay low.

"At least give me a weapon, I refuse to be a sitting goose."

Amato smiled, knowing what she meant, and handed over her Sig. She prepped her CQBR MK18, she also kept a Glock 26 at her ankle, keeping another pistol on her person was something she learned from her father who had served in the LAPD SIS after his stint in the Corps. Everyone prepared for a firefight.
