
Jace was sitting in the conference room, he was called in to go over the details of the night of Ballard's attack then stuck around. He wanted to know the details of the investigation. He walked into the Squad Room and saw his father talking to Ziva, as he got closer he heard more about the details.

"It was a joint venture between NCIS and the DEA, the Administration was looking for smugglers transporting Middle Eastern opioid seeds into the US," informed the Mossad Officer. "When evidence pointed to military personnel NCIS began looking into SEALs deployed to areas of Afghanistan with opium fields."

Jethro noticed his son standing by Ziva's desk and dismissed Ziva to get more details. The two made their way to the elevator. When they were in between floors Jethro stopped the elevator.

"Before I transferred my platoon and another one from Team 7 burned poppy fields belonging to drug lords in bed with Al-Qaeda," said Jace, not wanting to waste any time. "Operations like that is what led to the concept of the Taskforce."

"Drugs from the Middle East are worth more than what anyone could produce domestically."

Jace only clammed up, this information could be vital to the case but it could also ruin the lives of other operators. Jethro didn't say anything else, he knew the position Jace was in, the Marine simply activated the elevator and they made their way back up.

. . .

Tony and McGee were in Little Creek, they had asked about the Lieutenant's social life. She was well-liked, Commanding Officer regarded her as one of his best and brightest. She transferred from the NAB Coronado, before that she was stationed in San Diego. Now they were going to talk to Chief Niels' C.O. and platoon leader. McGee spotted the latter, Lieutenant Colin Swarek talking to another SEAL. Swarek was 6'4" with blue eyes and dirty blonde hair, built like a pick-up truck.

"Lieutenant Swarek," said Tony, both men discreetly revealed their badges. "Agents DiNozzo and McGee, NCIS."

The LT stopped what he was doing. "How can I help you?"

"Is there a place we can talk in private?" asked McGee.

They went into a vacant storage room.

"What's this about?"

"Chief Petty Officer Niels was placed under arrest last night," said Tony.

"On what charges?"

"Sexually assaulting and murdering Lieutenant Junior Grade Jocelyn Ballard," responded McGee.

"Explains why my C.O. wouldn't explain his absence," said Swarek. "This has to be a mistake, Niels is a good man and a great SEAL."

"He has quite a few reprimands," said Tony. "Fighting, suspected drug use."

"Who doesn't have rough edges!"

"His superiors from Team 7 had quite a bit to say about him," said McGee. "So do his platoonmates."

The officer only clammed up.

"We're done here," said the lieutenant and stormed off.

. . .

Jace was standing by Ballard's body in Autopsy, he wanted to get one last glimpse of his friend's face. She was 5'2", Hispanic descent, her normally tidy her now carelessly loose. She was normally upbeat and lively, now she was stiff and cold.

"This isn't on you Jace,"

The operator turned around and saw LT. Holloway and PO1 Reese standing by one of the tables. Like Jace, they were in their NSUs, their composure was relaxed their eyes were sympathetic.

"She called and I didn't answer," responded Julian

"You want to make this right?" said Holloway "Then help get the jackass who did this."

"Even if it could be another SEAL, Sir?"

"They stopped being SEALs the moment they decided to do this."

. . .

Gibbs was in the Director's office with Sheperd and Commander Blackwell. The former came in requesting a private audience with them, he wanted to discuss Ballard's homicide.

"You think that this is part of some kind of organized hazing scandal?" asked Director Sheperd.

"I believe that it first originated about a year ago," said the Commander. "At first glance, it looked like inter-unit rivalries gone wrong, but then I contacted my counterparts on the west coast."

"They have similar issues?" questioned Gibbs.

"They do and I found some common faces, Lieutenant Swarek and Chief Petty Officer Niels both served on Team 7, but they were in separate platoons at the time."

Blackwell set some folders down and sat down.

"There were only reports of fights between team members, it looked like isolated events," continued Blackwell. "But when you compound them with the incidents involving non-SEALs, logistics specialists, Intelligence Officers, the likes."

"And the drug investigations?" said Gibbs.

"I don't have any evidence that supports a connection." said the Commander. "Normally, I would never even think of ruining the lives of other SEALs, but if they're endangering other sailors then something needs to be done."

"We appreciate your help, Commander," said Sheperd.

Just then Gibbs got a call from DiNozzo, not only was Niels' lawyer here but so was Lieutenant Swarek.

. . .

Commander Faith Coleman came in a little while after Niels' attorney did. Frederick Martin Esquire was of average height, stocky, and middle-aged. Thinning brown hair, brown eyes, and a large slightly upturned nose. They took their business into Interrogation.

"Two NCIS agents apprehended your client at the victim's house, " said Coleman, getting straight to business. "His DNA matched the rape kit. What defense could you possibly have?"

"A violation of Posse Comitatus, " responded Martin. "My client was physically assaulted by another sailor, a SEAL."

"Chief Petty Officer Gibbs prevented your client from evading arrest, he didn't place him under arrest."

Just then the older Gibbs walked in.

"Your client raped and murdered another sailor and resisted arrest, " said the agent, sitting down. "Violently."

"My client was invited into the deceased's home, it's a misunderstanding."

"If that's the case your client intended to fraternize with an officer." Said Coleman.

"He wasn't aware she was a Naval Officer and if so then Lieutenant Ballard should have recognized Niels as a fellow sailor."

"She tried to stop it, " said Gibbs. "Niels kept coming onto her."

. . .

Swarek was standing in the middle of the squad room when Jace and his teammates entered. Ziva, Tony, and McGee tried to stop the confrontation but they were overwhelmed. Holloway was the first to speak up.

"You've got a lot of nerve, Swarek!"

"I don't answer to you, Holloway." retorted Swarek.

"Another sailor is dead, " said Jace, there was nothing but venom in his voice. "Sir."

Jace addressed the officer with a dark undertone.

"She shouldn't have poked into my platoon's business."

"Because she was going to lock you up!" Said Reese. "We know about the hazing, you sent Niels on her because she was going to speak up!"

"Watch your tone!" Responded Swarek. "You all better show some respect or I'll—"

"You won't be doing anything!"

Everyone turned and saw Gibbs, Coleman, and Blackwell coming into the room.

"Until this investigation is done you and your platoon are confined to their quarters." said Gibbs "The only time you'll go out is for questioning right here."

"This is outrageous—"

"That's an order!" snapped Coleman. "Guards will be watching over all of you."

With that Swarek stormed out, nearly knocking over Agent Lee. She handed over the warrant for the necessary grounds and properties for search and seizure. Just then McGee got a call.

"Boss we've got a problem, Niels escaped from the hospital, " said the Computer expert. "He overpowered the agent watching him and took his weapon and car keys."
