Chapter 9

Later that evening I got a text off an unknown number informing me that they'd be dropping Melinda off in around an hour, and that they were stopping for pizza on the way; they asked if i wanted anything, and I texted back eagerly, asking for a small pepperoni and mushroom, then went to take a quick shower.

Slipping on some sweats and a tank top once I was dried, I padded barefoot into the lounge and set up Netflix.
Grabbing two Coke's from the fridge, and making some popcorn I placed it into a bowl, and carried it through to the lounge, too.

Hearing the doorbell I opened it smiling, only for the smile to drop off my face.

Alexander stood there looking angry, and I seriously considered about slamming the door into face.

"Yes?" I asked him trying to remain calm.

"Why are you hanging around with Xavier? He's our business rival, and I don't want you talking to him." He demands angrily.

"How dare you?! He isn't my rival anything Alexander, you fired me, remember, plus I thought you were friends? You had no problem drinking with him the other night!" I tell him scathingly. "Now what I do, or who I hang around with is none of your business. Please leave and don't come back, I have no reasons at all to talk to you anymore." I reply angrily.

Before I can react, he has me pinned against the door and his mouth smashed against mine. I struggle and try to get him off of me, but he just won't budge. Struggling more as he forces his tongue into my mouth, I gag and try desperately to push him off of me.
Thankfully he's quickly pulled away, and I hear him grunt in pain. Melinda rushes to me as I collapse sobbing.

"Jesus Aria, are you okay?" She asks hugging me.

I watch through my tears as Xavier and Alexander fight each other, and feel awful. They were friends; even if they were business rivals, and now look what's happening.

"I thought it was you at the door," I tell her between sobs. "He just grabbed me after I told him to go away. He wouldn't let me go, and wouldn't stop!"

Xavier gets up, as Alexander runs to his car bleeding. He watches him go looking pîssed, then quickly walks over to me once he's driven off.

"I'm sorry we weren't here sooner cara, did he hurt you?" He asks me seriously.

"No, he just kissed me against my will. I wasn't strong enough to get him off though, I'm so glad you came when you did." I tell him extremely grateful.

"I'm sorry I didn't do more damage to him, cara." He goes back to the car and returns carrying three pizza boxes, and a bottle of Coke under his arm.

"Am I okay joining you tonight? I was going to go home, but I'd prefer to stay here now?" He asks me gently.

"Sure, yeah, that's fine." I tell him and let them both in.

Melinda immediately flops onto the sofa, eating her pizza.

"Any preference on what we watch?" She calls as I head into the kitchen.

"No, anythings good.  Just nothing too scary cause I'm a whimp, and live alone." I reply deadly serious.

I hear her chuckle, and turn smiling to grab some plates.

"You want a plate, Xavier?" I ask him.

I know he's behind me, I can feel his eyes on me.

"Please, cara." He says quietly.

I hand him one, and start dishing mine out.

"Are you truly okay, cara?" He asks me gently, he's standing beside me now watching me carefully.

"Yeah, I guess. I'm just upset because he thought he could get away with it," I tell him really pîssed off. "Plus he stole my first kiss, too." I mumble, embarrassed.

Xavier's eyes widen, before he steps closer.

"May I kiss you, cara? To show you how it's really done, we can't have that as something to compare to?" He asks huskily.

Blushing, I nod slightly and he turns me to face him.

He leans down and presses his lips to mine, making me gasp. He takes advantage of it, and rubs his tongue against mine. Instead of feeling disgusting like it did with Alexander, this felt nice, and I responded eagerly.
We're interrupted from our make out by Melinda, asking what's taking us so long.
Breaking apart we're both panting, and my face is on fire.

"Wow," I hear him groan and watch as he adjust his trousers, making me flush brighter.

"Go on a date with me, cara?" He asks me.

"Okay." I reply shyly.

"Good, I only do exclusive relationships though, cara. You're mine now that you've agreed to date me. If you have any clingy ex's, then let me know now." He says sounding completely serious.

"I don't have any ex's, I've never dated anyone before." I reply feeling slightly ashamed.

"Wow, do you hide under a rock, maybe? How have you been left alone like this, you are so beautiful, cara." He mumbles, and kisses me again lightly.

"No one interested me before." I reply quietly.

"But I do?" He asks, sounding smug.

I nod and grab my pizza, escaping into the lounge, hearing him chuckle at me.
Melinda has chosen a really scary movie called 'paranormal activity', and I glare at her playfully as she starts it up.
Xavier comes in carrying his plate, and sits beside me closely. I tense at the close contact, but try my best to relax.
Once we'd finished the movie - leaving me slightly traumatised, she thankfully selects a comedy and we all laugh our asses off at it.

Around 11,  Melinda falls to sleep on the sofa, and I get Xavier to carry her up to a spare room instead of waking her. When he returns he grabs me gently, and pulls me towards him, kissing me again thoroughly.

Things get heated quickly, when he pulls away reluctantly.

"Cara. Are you a virgin?" He asks me gently as he rests his forehead against mine.

"Yes." I reply shyly.

He nods at me, and seems pleased.

"Good. Have you ever gone further than just kissing before?" He asks.

"Uhm, no." Obviously.

"Would you like me to show you? I won't go all the way, because you aren't ready yet, but will you let me make you feel good?" He asks.

Nodding my head unsure but definitely willing, he stands and I take his hand as he leads me up to my bedroom.

Once inside we lay down on the bed, and he kisses me again making me want to squirm for no reason.
As he kisses me, he removes my top leaving me in my bra, he asks if he's okay to undo my bra, and I nod shyly.
He removes it quickly, leaving my top half completely bare to the world.

I motion to his shirt, and he smirks at me as he removes it.

I stare at his amazing chest and abs, and run my hands shyly down him.

He shudders and captures my hand in his, he lays me flat on my back and leans down capturing one of my nîpples in his mouth gently, causing me to cry out, shocked.

He grabs the other, and starts rolling it between his fingers, making me groan more. He reaches down to my sweats, and removes them leaving me in my panties.

"I'm going to touch you with my fingers, okay baby? I won't hurt you though, I promise."

"Okay." I mumble flustered.

He puts his hand under my panties, and I squirm at the feelings he's causing.

He runs his fingers over my fôlds, and I gasp in shock at how very good it feels.
I  start bucking my hips wildly when he circles one spot over, and over quickly, and can feel something starting to build. Just as I'm about to mention it, I tense and shudder violently, at the intenese pleasure that's now coursing through me.

"Oh god. Xavier!" I shout loudly, and continue bucking violently as he continues his torture.

I orgâsm again quickly after, and am left seeing stars it was that good. I feel satisfied but want more, I feel like I want him to fill me up and grab him cautiously through his trousers.
He's so hard and big, and he groans loudly when I touch him.

"Please cara, have a care, I'm close to exploding here." He replies panting.

"Xavier, please? I want you." I tell him shyly.

He stares at me shocked.

"Are you sure, tesoro? I can wait, we don't have to rush anything." He tells me looking completely seriously.

"Please Xavier, I really need you." I beg desperately.

He growls, and stands up suddenly stripping his jeans and boxers and is standing there totally naked.

He crawls back onto the bed and removes my panties, leaning down he starts kissing along my thighs, making me cry out. He reaches my sêx, and I buck wildly as he teases me some more.

"Please! Please Xavier?" I beg him, desperate.

He leans over me, and captures my lips in a gentle kiss. I can feel him line himself up against me.

"This will hurt cara. I'll try my best to be gentle," He replies, before shoving into me and filling me up.

I tense, and shout out at the pain I felt, trying my best to relax. Having him inside me so deep feels weird; but it's a very good weird.

"I'm so sorry tesoro, are you okay?" He asks me sounding strained.

In response I lift my hips and start moving against him, making us both groan. He starts moving again, causing me to moan louder. We find a rythm that has us both moaning and he brings me to orgâsm over and over, leaving me feeling shattered.

We both finish together, and lay there trying my best to relearn how to breathe again.
I can't believe I just did that, but I am so glad I did, Xavier was absolutely amazing!
He rolls to the side, sliding out of me, and causing me to wince.

"Did I hurt you, tesoro?" He asks me sounding concerned.

"No, I'm okay, just a little sore." I reply, blushing at him.

"You're amazing, cara. I know this is probably all the wrong timing, but cara, will you be my girlfriend?" He asks me hopefully. 

I smile, and lean over to kiss him gently.

"Of course Xavier, I'm all yours."

He grins and grabs me around the waist, pulling me against him. I snuggle up to him feeling content.

We both fall asleep quickly, unaware of Melinda grinning from ear to ear happily in the next room.

Thank you so much for the votes. ☺ Hope you're enjoying my story? Becki xx
