Chapter 12

The next morning I wake up wrapped in Xavier's strong arms, and feel perfectly safe here.
He's still asleep and looks so peaceful, trying not to wake him, I try to wiggle my way out of his arms -I however, fail miserably when I end up on my butt beside the bed- landing with a bang that wakes Xavier up immediately.

"Cara? Why are you on the floor?" He asks, in a morning voice that's so sexy it should be illegal.

"I tried to get up without waking you, and fell. I'm fine though, just a bruise to my ego." I reply blushing brightly.

He chuckles at me, and helps me back onto the bed. He's still naked, and his not so little Xavier is stood to attention, capturing my gaze.

I hear him chuckle again, and he leans over and kisses me.

"You know, cara? Instead of staring, you could help me take care of it?" He asks grinning widely.

I raise my eyes, and look at his grinning face and smile at him. God I love this man! ..... wait what?!

Stunned at my own thoughts, my face must have displayed something worrying, because Xavier looks concerned.

"Cara, what's wrong?" He asks me gently.

Smiling up at him, I shake my head, I surprise him and kiss him softly.

"Nothing Xavier, I'm fine, just thinking. Now, what were you talking about before? I could help you, huh?" I ask him smirking.

He raises an eyebrow at me, but nods, and my smirk widens.
Crawling closer, I lean down and capture him in my mouth, making Xavier suck in a harsh breath.

"Mio dio!" He shouts loudly.

I continue my torture with my mouth; hoping I'm doing this right, as I'd never done it before. Judging from Xavier's reactions though, I think I'm doing okay.

"Cara!? God cara, stop, or I'll go in your mouth." He begs sounding desperate.

Ignoring him, I continue moving my tongue and lips around his length, and feel him stiffen, before he fills my mouth with his seed. Swallowing quickly, I try hard not to gag.
Releasing him, Xavier collapses back against the bed, panting loudly and staring at me in awe.

"Wow, you were amazing, tesoro. Jesus, your mouth!" He groans at me.

"Glad you enjoyed it baby, I'm going to get dressed, I'll meet you downstairs in a minute?" I ask him, before heading into my closet for some clothes, then rush into the bathroom to brush my teeth.

Looking out the windows, I notice it's nice out, and decide on a summer dress and sandals for today. It's rare here in New York, that we get nice sunny days, and I intend to make the most of it.

Once dressed, I walk downstairs to find Xavier cooking, shirtless in the kitchen and can't help but smile.

"Cooking, huh? I should wake you up like that more often," I respond cheekily, wrapping my arms around his waist.
He turns and pecks me on the cheek, before plating up the food he'd cooked.
Handing me a plate of bacon and eggs, we both go sit at the table. I feel a little nauseous, but take it anyway.

"Well you could always bribe me that way I suppose, but any morning I wake up with you is special tesoro, so wake me anyway you want to." He responds sweetly, making me flush in pleasure at his words.

Once we'd finished eating, I loaded up the dishwasher, Xavier leaves after kissing me goodbye, and I get ready to go meet Alexa, we'd agreed to meet up for some shopping, and I'd invited Mel along with us too.

Alexa hadn't seemed very happy about it, but I wanted Mel there, plus Mel needed friends and I really liked hanging with her too. She's quickly become an important part of my life; and not just because I'm dating her brother, either.

Forgetting about the nausea, and grabbing a bag to match my purple dress, I also put a pair of my gladiator sandals on. I text Mel to tell her I'm on my way, then set off to pick her up. Xavier had given me their address already, and I'd even been there once, when he brought me to see it.

Him and Mel both lived in a huge house - more of a mansion really- Six bedrooms, and five bathrooms; he'd informed me. They even had an indoor pool that we'd spent time in with Mel.

Driving up to their house, I saw Mel stood waiting eagerly near the front door. She was dressed in a cute denim skirt and a pink top, with matching jacket. She had on huge heels that I raised my eyebrows at, but shrugged it off. If she wanted to shop in heels, who am I to judge?

Pulling over, she opens the door and rushes in, dumping her bag in the back seat with mine.

"Morning Aria, how are you today?" She asks cheerfully.

"Good Mel, how are you?" I ask her, as I set off to the mall.

"I'm good. I noticed Xavier didn't come home again last night, you know he might as well just go ahead and move in with you. But promise me one thing? If you do move in together? Don't forget about little old me, please?" She asks sounding serious.

I stare at her shocked.

"Mel, how could we! You're Xavier's sister, and you're like a best friend to me already, I definitely won't forget about you. What's brought this on?" I ask her concerned.

She looks out of the windows, and seems lost in her thoughts.

She finally replies, looking upset.

"I'm lonely Aria, my family isn't around anymore, and Xavier's either working, or with you. Not that I have a problem with you at all Aria, I love how happy you make him, I just wish you were both around more." She mumbles sadly.

"Oh sweetie, I understand. I lost my parents too. My older brother Marcus is an arsê that never visits unless he has to, or wants money off me. If you really feel that lonely in that big house all by yourself then you could always come stay with me. I have a spare room, we could be roomies, if you'd like to?" I offer her.

She stares at me shocked, before a bright smile spreads across her face.

"Really?" She asks tentively.

"Sure Mel, I'd love you around." I reply honestly.

"Oh Aria, you're the best. Thank you." She responds happily.

As we reach the mall and find an empty spot, I just hope Xavier won't mind me stealing his baby sister.

We spend the rest of the day shopping, and after a tense start between Mel and Alexa, they finally start warming up to each other, and it's not long before we're all laughing and having fun.
After finally getting enough clothes to last me a while, we head down to the food court, splitting up to get different things. I'm absolutely starved, although I feel slightly nauseous again. Settling for a chicken salad wrap, and a bottle of still water, I join Mel and Alexa at the table. They both eye me cautiously, and I frown at them both.

"What?" I ask confused.

"Is that all your having? You normally eat more than that. What's up?" Alexa asks, with Mel nodding beside her.

I shrug and sit down, opening my food.

"I just feel a little nauseous, but honestly I'm fine. Maybe I'm coming down with something. Anyway what's been happening with you Alexa? I hardly see you while your working." I reply happily changing the subject, and munching my wrap.

Alexa rambles on about her job, and how there's new management there at the minute. She tells me all about her new boyfriend Mike, and I'm genuinely pleased for her. Usually she doesn't do steady relationships at all, so I know how important this 'Mike' guy is to her.
Once we're done we go our separate ways, promising to catch up with Alexa again in a few weeks. I drive Mel back to my place, where we planned on hanging out, she asks to stop at the pharmacy near my house and I wait as she runs inside quickly.
She comes out with a bag of tampons and something I can't see, and we set off back to mine.

As we pull up, I see Xavier's car and smile widely, I'd given him a key for times like this; even if it was early on in the relationship.
Grabbing our bags from the trunk, we enter my house to the mouthwatering smell of grilled steak and veggies. Following the smell out back, I see Xavier stood beside the grill, singing away to the radio.

"Hey baby!" I shout happily to him.

He turns, and grins at me happily.

"Hey cara, did you have fun today?" He asks pecking me on the forehead, and turning quickly back to the food.

"Yeah, I invited Mel too, and we had a blast. She's here aswel, I left her inside with the new clothes, she's probably trying them on as we speak." I say smiling at him.

"Aria, can you come in here a minute?" I hear Mel call, and head back inside.

Not finding her downstairs, I go up to my room to find her sat on my bed, looking unsure.

"What's up, Mel?"

"When you and Xavier sleep together, do you use protection?" She asks me, looking extremely uncomfortable.

I blush brightly, and gape at her.

Thinking it over, I can't actually remember if he does or not, and feel my face drain.

"I thought so. I'm guessing you aren't on birth control either, huh?" She asks gently.

I shake my head slowly, and feel nauseous again.
She gets up, and hands me a small box, and I blanche at her.

"Go take it Aria, you need to know." She replies firmly, and pushes me towards the bathroom.

I shut the door behind me and try not panic. How could we have been so careless? Sure I was pretty certain I was already in love with Xavier, but are we ready for something as big as this?

Getting done with my business, and following the instructions, I wait a nerve wracking two minutes, then collapse slowly to the floor, shocked at the results.

Two pink lines!? Two lines, that means positive, right? Oh god, I'm pregnant!

I hear a small knock on the door, and Mel's voice asking to come in.

"Yeah, come on in." I respond feeling numb.

She comes in, and immediately wraps me up in a tight hug.

"You are, aren't you?" She asks me gently.

"Yeah, it's positive." I mumble, stunned.

"Wow! I'm going go be an Aunt, oh, I'm so excited! Oh, wait sorry, you don't need to hear this yet. Do you think you can face Xavier, he just shouted up saying the foods done?" She asks me.

Standing up slowly, I place the test into the bin and wash my hands. Taking a deep breath, I follow Mel as she heads back downstairs.
How am I going to tell Xavier? Would he be mad? Happy? Oh god, this is bad.

Xavier had set up the wooden table and chairs that I have outside on the decking, and he's sat waiting for us. The food he's done look amazing and my stomach growls loudly, making Xavier chuckle lightly.

"Come on you two, it's ready." He says smiling at us both happily.

We sit down, me beside Xavier, and Mel across from us, and we begin eating. It's so good, and I finish everything quickly.

"Wow tesoro, you must have been hungry. Didn't you eat while you were out?" He asks teasing me.

"Yeah I did, but this was amazing, thanks baby." I reply, trying to sound cheerful.

"Xavier? Aria asked me a question earlier, and I hope you won't be mad?" Mel mumbles quietly.

He stares at her with a raised eyebrow to continue.

"Shesaidicanmoveinherewithherandireallywantto." She rushes out so fast I can hardly understand her, and I'm certain Xavier doesn't either.

Xavier looks completely confused, making me giggle.

"She said I offered her to move in here with me, because she's lonely up in that big house all by herself. She agreed, but doesn't want to upset you, or make you mad." I reply slowly.

He looks at both of us with a weird look, before nodding slowly.

"Okay Mel, if it will make you happy, then sure. Are you sure you don't mind, cara?" He asks me serious.

"Yeah, I'd love to have her around. So you aren't mad?"

He shakes his head, smiling widely.

"No, I'm pleased, I actually was thinking of asking you to move into our place instead. I really love waking up to you in the morning, and I'd love to do it forever. But if your happy here we could move in here together instead, that's if your ready for the next step with me?" He asks me, hopefully.

I nod with tears in my eyes, and feel overwhelmed.

"I'd love that Xavier, but I need to talk to you about something I found out earlier, first. I hope you won't be mad at me either." I ask him, crying openly now.

I feel Mel hug me for support, and I'm thankful she's here.
He stares at me shocked, and obviously confused.

"What is it, are you okay?" He asks sounding alarmed.

"I'm pregnant." I reply sobbing now.

He freezes and just stares at me shocked for a few agonising minutes, before a wide smile spreads across his face.

"Really Arianna, I'm going to be a Dad?" He asks, sounding choked up.

I gape at him stupidly, and just nod. I expected him to be mad, not happy.

"Oh tesoro, you've made me so happy. How could you think I'd be mad at you? Oh God, a baby! Our baby!" He replies excited, making me smile through my tears.

He suddenly swoops down and grabs me, spinning me around, whooping loudly.
I  feel so much better knowing he's happy about this, and join him and Mel with celebrating.
We spend the rest of the night talking about the future, and making plans.

I couldn't be happier, and couldn't wait to start our new future together.
