|Filler Chapter|


"Fuck" I gripped her hips as I pounded into her from behind. She threw it back earning a slap. The sounds of our skins slapping together and her moans filled the room.

"Oh shit levi" she moaned as she tried to push me away. I grabbed her hand and continued to drill her. Her walls begin clenching around me making my bite my lip.

"What I told you about that" my strokes got sloppier as I felt myself ready to release. We continued being in-sync until we cammed together. I pulled out as I caught my breath.

"Yup that's gonna do it everytime" I chuckled as I went to discard the condom. I grabbed a wet rag out of my bathroom and handed it to honey.

"I would say another round but I think everyone is coming here per usual" she cleaned herself off as she nodded.

"I don't think I can handle another one, look at my legs" I looked over seeing them shake making me smirk.

"Don't let that boost your ego, sir" I tied the drawstrings of my joggers.

"Too late" I smack her ass and walked away before she could hit me back. Once she got dressed, we made our way into the living room. I leaned over and  started kissing her lips. She smiled on my lips as she kissed me back. I couldn't help myself, I was attracted to everything about her.

"Why are we keeping this a secret?" I asked rubbing my face. This happened out of the blue and honestly it's the best that has happened to me. I never would have guessed it. After our first encounter, I dropped all of my hoes for her.

"I don't want Kyrie to think I used her to get close to you"

"She's not gonna think that, I can tell her" She shook her head moving away from me.

"No I have too, please wait a little while longer" I rolled my eyes breaking our gaze. I can't hold water for the life of me but I have been trying my best not to tell anyone.

"Please baby" She mumbled getting my attention.

"I'm tryna show you off, don't take too long" She smiled as we heard the door being unlocked.

"It's literally fry, fry, burger, fry, burger, finish fries then finish burger" ky argued.

"No the fuck it's not, I eat one then the other, that's too much shit to be doing at the same time" she threw her hands up as they got closer to where we were.

"Levi tell him I'm correct" I scratched my head not trying to get involved.

"My name is Bennett and I'm not in it" she sucked her teeth as everyone came and sat down. I unpaused my game not realizing that Bj brought someone else along with him.

"Hi I'm Lexie" the girl stuck her hand out towards honey but looking directly in my eyes. I looked at it briefly. I raised an eyebrow tuning back into my game.

"Nice to meet you, I'm honey"

"Please tell me that's not your real name" I looked over to see honey had a mug on her face.

"What's that supposed to mean" I decided to mind my business. I just wanted to play my game in peace.

"Man lex chill" Bj mumbled as he kept his eyes on the tv.

"I was just having a friendly conversation" I looked up to see everyone was watching the commotion.

" is anyone else hungry?" Kyrie spoke up rubbing her stomach.

"Yo' ass always hungry" I said making her suck her teeth.

"Wings sound good" Myles added. From the corner of my eye I could see Lexi giving honey a mean ass glare.

"That has a lot of sodium and fat... plus someone is already on the bigger side" I heard her slick remark which made me lean back. This is about to be long ass night.

"You really bold talking all that shit in my face" everyone stopped what they were doing and started looking over at them.

"I'm confused" she said trying to be all innocent.

"Let me catch you up.. first you talking shit about my name and you pretty much just called me fat" she rolled her eyes as Bj was trying to get her to apologize.

"I was just stating facts... honey" I could tell she was about launch towards her, so I quickly grabbed as she continued to spit cus s words out. Kyrie stood up and rushed over towards us.

* * * * *

After we got Lexie to leave, we was now in the kitchen taking shots. On my request. It was a Friday night and nothing was popping off since it is raining. We was currently playing drunk uno and I was losing drastically.

"You can't stack that" Kyrie said.

"Why the fuck not, we literally said we were playing like this"

"No you established that, we stacking my numbers only, not that counting up and down shit you trying to do" I sucked my teeth.

"Ky we just said we was doing that before the game started.

"No you only saying this cause your ass got a stack of 23 in your hand" they all started laughing.

"I can't stand you" I said laughing. She stuck her tongue out as she threw down her last card.

"Uno out" she smirked making me roll my eyes.

"All of y'all gotta take shots of.... Crown" they groaned as she filled up all of our shot glasses.

"Man I need to tap out before I another repeat of last time" Myles said making me and Bj laugh.

"What was last time?" Honey questioned. We got quiet so I quickly tossed my shot back.

Sorry for any mistakes

Didn't expect Levi and Honey to be hooking up did y'all? 😏

Please leave some feedback

