| Christmas Eve |


I opened my eyes looking at an unfamiliar wall until I saw arms wrapped tightly around my naked body. I looked up to see Myles was still sleep. I smiled at the sight before looking back at him. I reached up and caressed his face. Luckily it was a Saturday so I wasn't too pressed on moving out of this position. I was hoping my dad didn't notice I was gone.

He pulled me closer before his eyes fluttered open. I gave him a smile. He put his gaze on me as I felt the nervousness creep up.

"Good morning love" he mumbled.

"Morning, did you sleep okay?" I asked as I started reminiscing yesterday events.

"Honestly the best sleep I've had in awhile" he unwrapped his arms around me and reached for his phone. I laid my head back on his chest as he looked through his notifications.

"Why you up so early?" he asked laughing.

"I'm not sure, my body just not tryna stay sleep" he continued reading his notifications as I traced circles on his stomach.

"Damn, I forgot I told them I was gonna slide to that Christmas party last night" I chuckled.

"Oh why didn't you go?" He side-eyed me making a laugh leave my mouth.

"Did you forget that my dick was deep in your pussy last night" I opened my mouth surprised as he laughed.

"Myles please" I spoke laughing.

"You over there acting clueless like you didn't initiate it" I rolled my eyes playfully as I reached over and grabbed my phone to see the various missed calls from my dad. I went to our message thread as I thought of what I could say. I went with the safe option.

Went last minute Christmas shopping, my phone was on silent

I doubt he would believe that but I didn't want to say what I was really doing. I went to my other messages and responded to people before putting my phone back down.

"C'mere" I looked back to see him already staring at me while licking his lip. I climbed on his lap as he hands went straight on my butt. He poked his lips out, so I leaned down and gave him a kiss.

"Wait I didn't get to brush my teeth" I said pulling away.

"Ion care, gimme another kiss" I smiled before leaning back down. The kiss was slow and passionate as I felt his hands grip my ass every so often. I forgot we were both still naked. A soft moan escaped my lips as we added tongue. Once again, the sexual tension felt stronger than ever. He sat up as he trailed his kisses down my neck.

It didn't take him long to be back inside of me. I wrapped my arms around his neck as I moaned as low as possible. I'm a very vocal person, so it's hard for me to be quiet. He grabbed my hips as he thrusted up.

"BUBBA" we heard as a knock followed. He groaned falling back on bed but I took that opportunity to keep going.

"Fu-yeah" he called out as he bit his lip. I moaned in his ear which only ignited him more

"Can we go ice skating, pretty please"

"Mmm- yeah yeah get dressed" he groaned. He flipped us over as my legs wrapped around his torso. I suppressed my loud moans by kissing him. I didn't want to traumatize his siblings ears. I use to hear my parents all the time when I was younger.

I try not to have sex with him when his sister is here or up and about. Same with Bennie. The last thing they need to hear is how I sound in bed with their big brother. He pulled out releasing on my stomach. I closed my eyes letting out a sigh.

"You okay" he asked. I nodded with a smile.

"Yeah, we have to clean the sheets once again" he let out a laugh as he got up. I propped up on my elbows as he came back with a wet rag to clean my stomach.

"Go take a shower, I'll wash the sheets"

* * * * *

After I showered, we was on the way to the indoor ice skating place. He rubbed my thigh as I stared out the window.

"Pop a nigga like a damn tag, shopping on they ass" he rapped along to the song playing. Bennie started rapping along to the song.

"Ooo not y'all playing Kodak" Sienna said. I shook my head laughing.

"I thought you only listen to Imagine dragons?" I asked.

"My music taste has gotten versatile" we all shared a laugh as the ride to the place was pretty short. I was honestly scared as hell. Last time I went ice skating, I fell real hard. I was convinced I broke my butt bone.

"Have y'all been before?" I asked.

"Once and it's completely different than roller skating" Myles said.

"I've been a couple times with Rosa" Sienna spoke. We all got out of the car and made the walk to the inside.

"Yeah I'm about to buss my ass, I see" Bennie said scoping the packed area. I held back my laugh. While Myles was paying for our entrance, my nerves crept back. We all got our skates and walked over to a bench to sit on.

"Can you skate with me?" Sienna asked.

"I can try but I will be a wall hugger" Myles started snickering. I glared his way as I tied up my last skate.

"Just bend your legs" she said with a shrug. If it was that easy I wouldn't be a wall hugger now would I.

"Mhm, come on" she grabbed my hand as we waddled to the rink.

| Christmas Day |

Kyrie surprised her dad with a home cooked meal like she does every year. Christmas music was playing in the background as she danced around the kitchen getting the plates ready.

"Candles burnin' low, Lots of mistletoe" she sung along to Stevie Wonder song 'What Christmas Means to Me'.

"Cooking my favorite meal and playing my favorite song, I guess you an alright daughter" Mikey said causing her to suck her teeth.

"Keep playing and I'll eat your food" he started laughing as he went to the kitchen table and helped set it up. When Kyrie's mom left, her dad tried his hardest to make Christmas enjoyable for her. She would wake up to the smell of breakfast, her favorite song playing, and all the lights shining bright. Every year, their tradition was to eat breakfast together before opening gifts.

Once she got to the age of 14 and knew her way around the kitchen, she decided to take over the cooking. It's been like that ever since and they never planned on changing the tradition.

She walked over and filled the bowl for Oreo and for her newest fur baby, Kiwi. The two dogs got along surprisingly well.

"I wasn't sure when I should bring this up, but I do have something to tell you" she sat the plates down looking at her fidgeting dad with knitted eyebrows.

"Uh okay, what's up?"

"Well you know it's always been the two of us, but how would you feel about another person being added in our lives?" He asked. She picked around her French toast.

"Do you mean like a women figure?" He nodded slightly.

"I made sure beforehand that this is a women I want you to meet, she's someone I can see myself with for a long time" Ky raised an eyebrow.

"Well when do I meet her?"

"How's tomorrow? She wants to cook us dinner" she rubbed the back of her neck. Kyrie always wanted her father to be happy, so she was gonna thug it out regardless of the decision he choose.

"Okay that's fine" he squinted his eyebrows at her.

"Well what's her name?"

"Devyn" they continued to make small talk about his 'girlfriend'. It was weird for her to accept but she knew eventually the day would come. The day they both officially move on from her mother coming back in their lives. The rest of the morning was spent with them unpacking the gifts they bought for one another.

Meanwhile at Myles apartment, sienna was shaking her brother to get up.

"Come on, we gotta exchange gifts" he rubbed his eyes trying to adjust to what was happening.

"Girl, it's too damn early" he grumbled pulling the cover back over his body.

"Stop being a grinch and get out of bed" she started jumping up and down on his bed. He let a sigh rubbing his head.

"Damn okay, go get Bennie up"

"Oh he's up, we been waiting on you" Myles grabbed his phone seeing it just turned seven in the morning. He sent a couple texts to his friends before stretching his limbs. He slipped his feet into his crocs as he followed his overly excited sister out of his room. A yawn escaped his mouth as they walked into the living room that had bundles of presents underneath the tree.

Myles looked at the smile stretched on both of their faces. He went out this year as he wanted this Christmas to be memorable. He saved up over the year to provided them with the best gifts.

"I swear it wasn't this many when I went to sleep" Sienna mumbled looking at all of the gifts. He grabbed his controller and put on a Charlie Brown Christmas. He walked over to the tree and grabbed them each a gift as they did the same.

"Here you go Bubba" he smiled taking the gift from sienna. Myles started tearing the paper off until it revealed a vinyl record.

"I remember that you lost the other copy of your favorite Michael Jackson songs, I hope you like it" she spoke with a small smile. He pulled her into a hug kissing her forehead.

"Thanks mama, I appreciate it" her smile grew as he sat the record to the side. Both of his siblings opened up the gifts he got for them.

"A ps5" Bennie said in disbelief.

"It was time for a major upgrade" Bennie was still playing old games on his ps3.

"Damn thanks bro" they rapped each other up as Sienna finally revealed her gift. It was a 24 pack of watercolor brush pens.

"You got me new PENS" she spoke excitedly as she hugged them. They didn't ask for much this year but he knew how much Sienna loved to draw. Her other pens were cheap and didn't work as well. So with a little research, he got the best quality ones he could find.

"I expect to see a picture daily from you" he joked. She rolled her eyes with a laugh. The rest of the morning consisted of them unwrapping gifts from one another and cracking jokes. This was the first Christmas in a while that they actually enjoyed.

Everyone was doing their own thing in the apartment. Myles was laid out on the couch listening to the vinyl record Sienna bought for him. Bennie got him some accessories for his car. A knock was planted on his door making him raise off the couch.

"Merry Christmas" Ky beamed once the door was open. He smiled looking at all the gifts she held in her hand. He grabbed some and moved out the way for her to come in.

"You'n see that right there" she looked up seeing he was dangling a mistletoe.

"Please you're so cliché" she said causing them both to laugh. He leaned up capturing his lips onto hers.

"These are for Sienna and Bennie" she said pushing some of the gifts out of the way.

"Aye y'all come out here, Kyrie got y'all something" not even a second later, they both rushed out the room.

"Sissy" Sienna threw her hands up as Ky hugged her back.

"Hi my love, hi Bennie" she said pulling him into a hug.

"Here I got y'all some gifts, I couldn't come here empty handed.

"Thank you" They both smiled taking the gifts and rushing to the living room.

"Speaking of gifts, I got you something" Myles said motioning her to his room. She grabbed the few she had for him and followed suit. Once they made it to his room, he went into his closet and pulled out the gift bags. He hated physically wrapping gifts, so it always did gift bags if he could.

"Here open mine first" she sat his gifts down and grabbed the awaiting bags from his hand. They both sat on his bed as she pulled the tissue paper out.

"Myles you didn't" she said pulling out the all black Telfar bag she has been eyeing for months. He was lucky to even get one as they were selling out like crazy.

"You like it?" She put the bag on her shoulder as started posing with it making him chuckle.

"I love it baby, thank you" she grabbed the next bag and took the tissue paper out revealing some gym-shark leggings and a pair of running shoes. Her smile grew wider.  She got up and pulled him into a hug. He took a deep breath feeling the nerves creep to him. She kissed his cheek grabbing the tiny bag that was left for her to open.

Kyrie digged in the bag pulling out a small jewelry box. She stared at it momentarily before opening it to reveal a ring similar to the one his mom use to wear. Her eyes started to tear up.

"Like I told you before, you remind me alot of my mother. Your ring is similar to the one I wear on my chain but I engraved our names on the inside." He motioned taking it out to show her. She wiped her tears staring at it.

"One day I want to replace this with an engagement ring but for now it's my promise that I will never leave your side, I will be with you through any forecast thrown our way. I love you with everything in me. Without out you I don't think I would be this truly happy with life itself. So for that I promise I will continue to make you happy for the rest of our lives" she jumped into my arms, wrapping her legs around my waist. She cried into my shirt as I rubbed her back.

"I love you more" she mumbled into my shirt. She pulled away looking at the ring that occupied her finger.

"Wow I'm not even sure my gift will top this" he let out a laugh.

"Try me" she got down walking over to the gifts she brought along. She passed him the one she wanted to open.

"Open this one and you can open the rest later" he grabbed the long wrapped box from her hand. She played with her ring anxiously as the long jewelry box was exposed.

"Guess we both had the same idea with jewelry" they both a shared a laugh as he opened it. He stared at it in shock not sure what to say.

"Well uh do y-" she was cut when a kiss was planted on her lips multiple times.

"Wher— how did you get this?" He pulled the chain from the box that had a picture of him and his mom hugging each other. She smiled big seeing his waterline starting to fill.

"I thought this picture got destroyed" he mumbled rubbing his finger over the pendant. It was the only picture he had with his mom and his father destroyed it in his face out of hatred.

"Well Bennie found another copy tucked away in the house before they officially moved in with you. I figured this time you can always wear it with you" Gwen had a genuine smile in the picture. It was the one picture they had before the disease took over. The last picture that showed her love for her kids and who they were to one another. He clasped it around his neck. It was the perfect size as it wasn't overly huge or extremely tiny.

"Damn Ky, what did I do to deserve you?" He wondered out loud.

"By being you, I believe it was fate playing on our side" she spoke caressing his hand. He smiled.

"We've known each other our whole lives and fate waits till my last year of college to push us together" he mugged causing her to laugh.

"It works in mysterious ways but I'm glad it provided me with such a loving partner" she responded. He looked over at her biting his lip.

"Don't look at me like that" she covered her face that was blushed red.

"Take this off, I'm about to show you how much I love you" he tugged on her shorts.

"Myles your siblings"

"Ky I'm sure they heard you already, you louder than a siren" she mugged him as he started laughing.

"That's so fucking embarrassing" she said shaking her head. They spent the rest of the day making love to each other.

One of the Best Christmas Day in a long time for the both of them....

This was more of a filler chapter. I hope you guys are enjoying this story. I'm sorry to say that it will be coming to an end soon 🥲

Please leave feedback, Sorry for any mistakes

