Chapter 31 - I Don't Love You

Cassandra Lancio

"Oh come on, baby. Please don't be mad. I just need a little break that's all" I said and Marco turned to me

"So how's the cute guys?" He asked in sarcastic tone and I chuckled

"They were all hot"

"Really?" He asked sarcasticly

"How did you all discover this?"

"Apparently Daniel needed his USB and presentation book. He walked back to his house to get it and found his car gone. Automaticly he tracked his car and got this unbelievable news" He said and I rolled my eyes

"We just looked at the guys.. we don't even talk to them. We catch up a lot with each other." I said

"Oh really?" He asked and I glared at him. He raised his eyebrows at me.

"I love you" I gave him a peck on the lips and got out from the car. I ran towards the cafe and got inside. I saw the girls went to pick out the cakes and drinks first.

"What do you want? Matcha one looks good" Cailey asked me

"The crepes cake looks bomb" I said as I pointed it

"I want them all.. I can't choose.. I want it all" Olivia said

"Just order all and share it. Let's sit together." Kayla said evily and Kayla didn't joke around when she said.. order it all. We sat together and the boys looked at us disbelief. Thank God that they gave us space. They sat across us together.

"This is so good." Elena said as she pointed at the nutella cake

"I agree with you.. and this caramel one is really weird" Autumn said

"I hate blueberries" Joan commented as she looked at Crystal ate the blueberry one.

"Can you pass me the cheesecake one?" Taylor asked Lauren and she passed it to her. I opened my bag and tried to find my phone but found nothing. Where is it? I looked again. I got up from my chair and walked towards Marco

"Babe, can I borrow the car keys? I think I left my phone at the car." I said and Marco gave me the keys. I walked out from the cafe and walked towards Marco's car. I tried to find my phone.. where is it? I remembered that I used it here.

Aaa, I found it. I dropped it in a small gap beside my seat. I got off the car and walked back to the cafe. I walked toward..

"Where's Marco?" I asked the boys

"He's upstairs" Joel pointed at the stairs. I decided to go upstairs and gave him back his keys and to find out what is he doing upstairs? Don't tell me, he's going to flirt ou with some-

"Marco.. What's all of this?" I asked as I walked out to the balcony of the cafe at the 2nd floor. There's flower petals everywhere and a lot of pink and light blue balloons. He walked to me and held my hand. He pulled me and made me stand on an X logo. I gasped big time.. how can he..

On the top of every 7 Gold Lifes kids car there's a letter. A big one. They parked in order to make the sentence.

Starting with Marco's Range Rover car until Brandon's car. They filled the whole street with it. It says..


I turned to him and he already kneeled down on his knee. I put my hands covering my mouth completely shock. He took out a black velvet ringbox.

"Cassie.. I love you to death. The journey of our life together was pretty rough at first. We shot each other injections which is crazy" I chuckled hearing that sentence

"I remembered the day that I met you. I remembered the day that you left me for the first time in Japan. I remembered that you injected me. I remembered that you pushed me out from the house before the explosion. I remembered everything. Even hearing your death made me crazy and turned me into a zombie. You're my life, Cassandra and I don't want anything besides you. You're the best thing in my life and will always be one."

"So let's cut the long speech.." He opened the small box revealing beautiful rounded diamond ring

"Will you marry me, Cassandra?" He asked

"Of course I will." I hugged him and he stood up hugging me back. He held me so tightly and kissed the side of my head.

"Creative proposal, babe" I kissed his cheek and he chuckled. He put on the ring to my ring finger and then he put his lips to mine. I cupped his face and kissed him passionately as he tightly hugged me by my waist.

"I love you so much, Cassie" He looked at me and I smiled

"I love you too" He kissed my cheek and suddenly I heard a lot of squealed from the back and the girls ran to me attacking me with hugs. They're so happy for me.

"Congratulations.. future sister-in-law" Lauren said and I hugged her. She's one of the best girls in here too.

"Sister!!!!" Taylor got engaged too about 2 months ago and we're officially going to be sisters. We took a lot of pictures together since the venue was really pretty.

"Until when you're going to do that?" Marco asked and I chuckled. I ran to him and hugged him. Suddenly Marco's phone beeped a lot.

"What the hell?!?" He hissed and glared at the girls. They all uploaded at photo of me saying congratulations and I chuckled

"Everything in here is so pretty.. don't blame us.. it's so instagram worthy" Calla said and they all agreed

"Congratulations.. once again bro.. Now.. you can clean our car while we're having fun later on" Christian joked and Marco just nodded

"I'll help you babe" I kissed his cheek

"Gosh.. I love you so much!" He crashed his lips to mine again and cupped my face.

"I love you too, Marcyyyy"

"Don't call me that!" He hissed

"I love you Marcy!!!!"

"I don't love you if you call me that!!!"

The End
