Chapter 15 - Confusion

Marco Hastington

"It's all getting out of place, should we just leave her?" Joan hissed.

"Lincon is safe and let her go to Brazil. She's commiting suicide by going there alone." Cailey said.

"Guys.. there's something wrong." Axel said and I got up walking towards him.

"Patt is meeting with Western's CEO. What is he planning?" Aiden said and I looked at their moves.

"Don't tell me that he's going to give the stock for free?" Axel said and our eyes stucked on the screen.

"He failed with Hikomoto.. but how come he can contact the CEO to meet up? They're in Brazil for godsakes!" Joel said.

"I don't think his motive was for stock only." I said and they all turned to me.

"What's that?" Joan pointed and I looked at it clearly. I took out my laptop and played a few clips from Hikomoto's CCTV footage.

"No way.." I mumbled.


"He's not up for the stocks but for the cure!" I said and the others looked at it in horror.

"Maybe he wants it so he can sell it in high price. He teamed up with the CEO." Joan said.

"He's bankrupt so how.."

"He got backup, remember?" I told Cailey.

"This is getting weird. I swear that Patt brought us everywhere and making us confuse. I don't freaking understand his motives are. So what's the point of Cassandra if he doesn't wants the stock?" Aiden asked.

"This is completely crazy." Axel said.

"I still don't get it." Joel said.

"Neither do I." Aiden said.

"This makes me crazy." I hissed as I ran my hands through my hair frustrated.

"Norths.." Aiden called.

"What?" Archer answered the call.

"Got anything."

"Not yet.." He sighed.

"This is quite difficult." Joel said.

"I never thought Patt will be this smart."

"We're too arrogant idiot." Joan smacked Axel's head.

"He's smart at making mindblowing plans."

"He kept going here and there but never stay in one place." Cailey said and that got me thinking.

"He always up for stocks but why is the Western CEO giving him the cure formula?" I asked.

"He must be up for that." Axel said

"But he left Hikomoto alone after that." I looked at Axel confuse.

"It's a part of mind blowing. He set that, so we can focus on other things" Cailey said and I swear this is a really mind blowing case.

"If he only wants the cure then we have nothing to do with him." Joan said and I shook my head.

"He might messing with our thoughts right now, we can't let our guards down first before we know the real motives are." I said

"How about Cassandra? So we'll just let her go?" I want that too but my heart can't let her go there alone. It was weird.

I felt something will go wrong, I hate her for betraying me but I felt somethings not right here. What the hell is Patt doing in Brazil? It has nothing to do with all the stocks and everything.

Did Patt threaten her?

Marco, you're so stupid. Of course, he must threatened her.

"What should we do now?" Cailey asked.

"I'm going to Brazil." I said and they all turned to me shock.

"For what? Rescue Cassandra bitch?" Joan hissed.

"I bet there's something off." I looked at the formula and tried to solve the problem.

"Something off or you want to save Cassandra? You were smittened by this girl." Axel hissed and I glared at him.

"Then you stay here." I said coldly and I walked out from the room. Suddenly my phone rang and it was an unknown number. I answered it and put it to my ear without saying anything.

"He got my formula!" It was Hikomoto

"I know, we're woking on it now."

"You need to take it fast!" He bursted.

"I will and you need to tell me all the things that you talked about when you're with Patt." I said.


"Yes now."

"He asked me for my stock, he asked if I sell it. He asked about the formula that I have but not in a weird way. It was so natural to see it. He asked a tour around my factory."

"That's where he found out about the formula's room and file." I hissed.

"I hid it in one place and only 1 person who can enter and-"


"My son, Hiroto." He said and my eyes widen.

"No.. no.. he's-"

"He's the insider." I stated and I knew Hikomoto can't believe that his son was the one who betrayed him.

"I can't believe this." He's so old and I bet he's too weak to think about this and just.. solving this will be so tiring for him.

"Don't worry, I'll find a way to get that formula back." I said

"Hiroto's still with you right?" He asked

"Eventually yes.. he's in New York with my other friends." I said

"Tell me about Patt and your meeting." I said again.

"He wanted to by all my stocks."

"And then.."

"He asked about my oil place." Oil place?

"You have one?" I asked disbelief.

"I have."

"He basicly wanted to buy everything that I have." Hikomoto sighed big time.

"Don't worry, I will get that formula back."

"Thankyou.. I'll send my man to your right now okay? I hope you have a great land-"

"I'm not on the plane" I said.

"What? You're not in Brazil?" He asked.

"It must be Cassandra." I sighed.

"Cassandra? You're not with her right now?"

"No.. I need to go.. Please keep send your man to Brazil, I'll meet them there."

"Roger that.."

"Goodluck and I hope you bring my formula back."
