Chapter eleven

 Having a major love for this song!>>>>>

I know this chapter is short and fast paced but I couldn't 'smooth it out' I was too excited to write properly xD


I woke up and my pillow was wet through. I looked at the space next to me, he wasn't back. I reluctantly got out of bed. What sort of person... vampire doesn't have the decency to tell the person that they kissed why they left? I walked to the shower and switched it on. I was done in about five minutes. It had to be the most depressing shower I had ever had!

I wandered downstairs and caught John by the arm, he looked at me sadly

"No he hasn't been in since last night. I'll keep an eye out." And he began to walk away.

"No actually I wasn't bothered about him-" John raised his eyebrows at the last part, "I just wondered where I could get something to eat?" I asked and he led me to the kitchen where a thin blonde lady was cooking.

"Rosalinda! Could you prepare something for Danielle?" He asked and left the room, she nodded and a stack of pancakes was infront of me, I smiled up at her in appreciation, she grabbed a chair and sat opposite me.

"May I say, Danielle. Master Joshua is very smitten with you. I have not seen him so head over heels for the last four hundred years. Don't give up on him, he'll come around," She said kindly, I nodded, trying not to be too freaked out about the four hundred years part.

"Thanks Rosalinda," I replied, and she laughed,

"Please call me Rosie!" I nodded. I tucked into the pancakes, wow these were good. Rosie bustled around the kitchen while I ate, on my last mouthful a voice behind me made me spit most of it out.

"Umm, Danielle?" I spun round to see Josh standing there. His hair looked a shade darker and so did his eyes, but I was so happy to see him.

"I'm sorry for yesterday, I guess I just needed a day to realise how much I love you," He said sheepishly and he looked down at the floor. That has to be the sweetest thing anyone has said to me. Tears started to form behind my eyes and I ran up to him and gave him a hug. He hugged me back but his body was stiff, he held my hand instead and pulled me outside of the kitchen. I glanced back at Rosie and she winked at me. I could feel all of my blood rush to my cheeks.

When we were outside he put one hand around my neck. It burned like crazy with his touch, I pulled his hand away,

"What's the matter?" He asked, looking seriously worried.

"Nothing, it's just my scar is burning!" I said and he spun me around, gently lifting my hair from my neck. He sighed in relief

"It looks fine, maybe it's just the after affects of the whip," He said quietly and he led me to the front doors. "Would you like to go on a journey with me, don't worry, it's nowhere dangerous-" He added looking at my expression, "-It's just so I can explain some things," He said, smiling. I nodded, my head was spinning too much to talk. His hand led me outside and the fresh air was amazing. I had been couped up in houses for over a few months now.  It was still Autumn, that's weird, it should be close to winter now. The leaves still flashed their rainbow of colours; gold, red and some even had hints of green still. The breeze was one that belonged to Autumn as well, it was cold, but not freezing, and it was pleasant around my hot scar.

Josh led me to his Porche and I got in the front passenger side, buzzing about where we were going. He got in and immediately started to drive, wow.. he drove fast! I looked at the dial and we were going one hundred miles an hour and it was slowly picking up.

"Josh, can we not go so fast, I'm feeling a bit sick..." I said, my eyes blurring like the surroundings. Josh didn't reply, his eyes were on the road ahead. He muttered something and I felt my eyes close unwillingly, and I drifted off to sleep.

Danielle's dream:

"Mama! Look what I found!" I screamed and held up my palm for her to see, it was a tiny field mouse. She came rushing out to see my discovery, her face was mixed with horror and amazement.

"Now sweety, but the little mouse back, otherwise it's family might miss it. And you know what your father thinks about these things. You don't want to get in trouble now do you?" She asked as my big, brown four year old eyes filled with tears. She put a hand on my shoulder and smiled, in the distance I could hear the door bell ringing, she got up and rushed to the door.

I gently put the mouse down on the bed of brown leaves and it scurried under the fence.

"Don't worry!" I whispered, "I'll come and give you food later," I got up and brushed off my winter dress.

"Danielle! You have a visitor!" Mum called from inside. I turned around and there was a man standing there, with piercing red eyes and dark brown hair. He crouched down to my level.

"Hello Danielle."

I woke up in a sweat, gasping for breath like I had just fallen off of a mountain. We were on a motorway somewhere. I glanced at the dial and we were going about eighty miles an hour now, well at least he brought it down twenty. I turned to Josh and fear struck through my body. He turned to me and smiled.

"Bad dream?" He asked, and I nodded.

"Yeah." I said, why can't I convince myself that it was a dream? I looked back at Josh, the man in my dream.
