Chapter eight

I woke up with that feeling you get on Monday mornings, only this time I wasn't going to school. I woke up and there was no Josh, but a note was left, neat and folded on his side of the bed.

Had to go into town, sort out some business. Please clean my room and see to Shadow, she seems to like you. I'm sorry for yesterday, it had to be done, if you check the back of your neck you will find a healed cut, your scar is just showing now. You can thank me later.

I rolled my eyes at the last part, yeah right, I'm not thanking him. There was something else added on the bottom.

P.S. If you try to run out of the house I WILL know about it. You're not the only one in this house.

I tutted and went over to the chair in the corner, there was some new clothes for me, some faded blue jeans and a white top. I yanked them both on and started to clean his room. Luckily he wasn't that messy, just a few clothes needed folding, the shower and toilet needed cleaning and I made the bed. I then ran down the stairs to see Shadow. Wait, thats a point. Where the heck is the dungeon?

"How's you're neck?" Someone asked me from behind. I spun round to see Louis standing there in jeans and a shirt. I just realised how beautiful he was. He had strawberry blonde hair and it was long and spiked.

"Oh.. umm.. hi!" I said, flustered. "Oh, it's better now thanks," I said, and we both looked at the floor. I hate awkward silence.

"Were you looking for something?" He asked.

"Oh, yeah. Where is the dungeon? I want to see Shadow, we're kind of like buddies now," I said, and he pointed to the cupord door.

"Down the stairs, on your left," He said and he gave me a dazzling smile. It completely caught me off guard. I stumbled down the stairs and found my way to the dungeon. Shadow was sleeping in the corner, her body was spread out to the width of her pen. I unlocked the door with the big key hanging on the side. Shadow heard me and she lifted her head.

"Hey girl!" I said and walked over to her, she dropped her head again and started to pant. It wasn't hot, maybe it was because she had all that fur. "Come on, wanna run around? I could throw something for you?" I said as though I was expecting her to talk back. She shook her head, could werewolves understand humans? She began to pant harder, making a whimpering noise as she did. I locked the gates and ran back upstairs. I grabbed a small plump lady passing by, she was carrying a tray of glasses which were filled with blood.

"Please, the werewolf, she's not well!" I said and she shook my hand off and proceeded into a dining hall. I saw a flash of orange hair in the distance and I ran towards it, I grabbed Louis' arm.

"Louis, please, Shadow she's not well. She wont get up!" I said to him, he looked at me with plain eyes,

"Don't worry about her," I didn't like the way he said 'her' at the end.

"Well I am, why shouldn't I be. She doesn't look well she needs a vet or something!" He chuckled,

"Danielle she's transitioning, the full moon is tonight and she will become human once again, werewolves aren't what you see in movies, they don't change into werewolves, they change back into humans once a month." He said and my mouth dropped open, this world is so strange! "I will go down their now to secure her, werewolves are very unpredictable when they are humans," He said while walking in the direction I had just come from. I didn't want to see her tied up again so I wandered back into Josh's room. I re-read his note, feeling butterflies in my stomach for no aparent reason. I put that thought to the back of my mind, I didn't want him reading it later.

Hours passed, I just lied on his bed, waiting for him to come back. When I sat up again it was dark and the full moon was high in the sky, as soon as I looked out to it I heard screaming, it was half way between a wolf and a human. I realised then that the blood in the dungeon had not come from me but from her. I grabbed a towel and made my way down the stairs into the dungeon.

"RAAAAAAAAOOOOWWW!" That was the noise I heard when I walked into the dungeon, Shadow was on the floor panting and howling, her body arching in all sorts of weird and painful looking positions. I chucked the towel through the bars, she could use it to mop herself up when she was human. I didn't dare go into the cage she was contained in, I remembered what Louis had said.

Shadow let out a human scream as her paws shot outwards, creating feet for a second or two then shooting back into paws. I felt a tear escape from my eye, I felt so sorry for Shadow going through all this pain.

"Shh, It's okay." I soothed her. Her jaws snapped at me and she lurched herself towards me, but the chains held her back. I was hurled out of the dungeon and Josh's serious face met mine.

"Are you completely mad?" He yelled in my face. "She will try to kill you if you go down there!" We stared at eachother for minutes and then a voice called from the dungeon. I had only realised that the screaming had stopped.

"Josh? Josh please help me!" It was a voice of a girl.

We both rushed down into the dungeon and the girl had sleek black hair, she was thin and she had the towel wrapped round her, she was covered in blood. She looked at me and then at Josh with pleading eyes.

"It hurts Josh, it hurts. Please help me!" She cried, reaching her hand through the bars. He looked at her with cold eyes.

"No," He said simply, I looked up at him, shocked. How could he be so heartless. "I wont help you Jenny, I know what you'll do as soon as I open the gates." Josh said, crossing his arms across his chest. What was he on about?

"Josh please!" She begged, tears spilling from her eyes. Josh grabbed my arm and pulled me up the stairs just as she yelled, "Josh, I love you!" He didn't even hesitate.

When we were in his room I ran up to him and slapped him round the face, it made my hand ache but it was a good slap.

"How could you? She's only human!" I yelled at him, he looked shocked, he was still holding his cheek.

"She is not human! She is a werewolf and she would kill you the first chance she got!" He exploded, knocking mirrors and expensive looking vases to the floor. He ran his hands through his perfect hair. He started to pace up and down.

"Why are you so angry?" I asked, half yelling to get my voice overheard over the crashes and curses. He stopped and looked at me, he was suddenly at my side, making me jump back and hit my back against the door. He pressed his right hand above my head.

"Because I can't hide it," He whispered, closing his eyes. When he opened them I was immediately scared. His crimson eyes had darkened and they looked menacing.

"What can't you hide?" I asked, knowing I shouldn't have.

"Danielle.. I." He stuttered then he looked me in the eyes.

"Danielle I love you," He said and pressed his lips against mine.

Ta da ;) Been planning this chapter all day between sleeping and eating. :L Thanks for the rising views seriously? 79 views jumped to 192 in a under a day?!?! Thanks :')  I love writing this book for some reason :L I have a huge writers block for bloodlines so I cba to think about it anymore anyway... I made a cover for this book finally ;) x
