Aizen's Betrayal

'I see." Yamamoto said pensively. "However, you have no definite evidence, and currently going against the laws of the Seireitei. As head captain and mentor I have to stop you." As Yamamoto was stating his claim he unsheathed his Zanpakuto, at the same time Shunsui and Ukitake released their Shikai.

"Flower Wind Rage and Flower God Roar, Heavenly Wind Rage and Heavenly Demon Sneer, Katen Kyokotsu!" As Shunsui was releasing his Zanpakuto his blade became 2 long black blades in the shape of a machete with short red strings at the end.

"All Ye Waves, Become My Shield. All Ye Thunder, Become My Blade, Sogyo no Kotowari!" While Ukitake was saying his unnecessarily long Shikai command his Zanpakuto slowly divided into 2 swords connected by a long red rope with 5 silver charms on them, there's also an extended blade connected to the Zanpakuto which is a bit smaller.

(I think I completely forgot how this battle went so I went back and rewatched that episode)

Yamamoto slashes the air swiftly, strong enough for the 2 captains to be pushed back.

"I will not forgive anyone who defies justice. Now let's fight!"

"Reduce All Creation to Ash, Ryujin Jakka!" As he said this he released his Zanpakuto. The area was surrounded by extremely hot flames that even the 2 Captains had to take another step back.

"Going somewhere?" Yamamoto turns his sword in an upward fashion coming back around which increases the flame on his sword, the burst of flames flies towards the other 2 captains. Suddenly, the flames split apart and surrounded the captains with nowhere to go they were trapped. The 3 flash stepped towards each other and clashed making a huge impact.

(I'm sure you guys wanna see our lovely Akira so let's go back to her)

"Is she ok?" I said distressed. Momo's injury was severe it was a direct stab to the chest and only a few centimeters from her lungs. Captain Unohana said she would be fine and needed rest. As worried as I was I know Momo needed to sleep to get better so I left her in Unohana's hands. I wonder if Toshiro won the fight against Aizen?

As I was walking out I could feel high levels of spiritual pressure over at the Sokyoku, it seemed like someone was about to fight so I dropped my previous thought and headed there promptly. As I got near the Sokyoku I saw people fighting, it was a battle between Ichigo and Byakuya while Rukia is watching from the corner. I didn't think Captain Kuchiki would like it if I interfered so I flash stepped away intending to find a place where I could help. I found Head Captain Yamamoto fighting the other Captains from the 8th and 13th Division, NO way was I going to get into that but the information I had was important.

"Head Captain Yamamoto! Aizen is alive and it seems he turned traitor!"

All the captains looked back at me

" Do you have any evidence for your claim 3rd seat Nozomi?" As he said that he emitted high amounts of spiritual pressure, I could hardly breathe.

"Yes Head Captain, Aizen, and Captain Hitsugaya were fighting in the C46 building, it seems that all the members of C46 are dead. We can only assume the information up to now was falsified and given Aizen's power, I think he's the one who did it. Furthermore, he likely has allies in the squad divisions and that means..."

Shunsui finished my sentence "That the order to exterminate Rukia has been from someone else which means that the C46 orders are no longer viable. So technically the extermination of Rukia is suspended."

"Send a Hell Butterfly to all the squads, stating that Aizen has turned traitor." Shunsui and Ukitake nodded and flash stepped away. The silence was unsettling since it was just me and the Head Captain.. alone. "Nozomi, get your Captain and tell him to end his fight with that Ryuka." I was appalled. He was able to sense the fighting between my Captain and the Intruder from here. "Yes, Head Captain Yamamoto!" Without any hesitation, I flash stepped away back to the fight scene.

"Getsuga Tensho!" Ichigo yelled while a large black slash came hurdling towards Byakuya.

"Hado #73 Soren Sokatsui!" Ichigo heard an unacquainted voice from the distance and a bright blue flame came fast intercepting the Black Reishi exploding on contact.

'Who are you?!" The orange-haired shinigami spoke

"Pleasure to meet you. Ichigo. Allow me to introduce myself, I am the 3rd Seat of the 6th Division Akira Nozomi." I said heedlessly.

"3rd Seat Nozomi, I'd appreciate it if you don't meddle in this fight."

"I am fully aware Captain Kuchiki but new orders from Head Captain have been sent and I came to notify you, we were ordered to stop all attacks against the intruders and put all our attention on capturing Aizen who turned traitor and yes, he's alive."

Ichigo was astonished while Kuchiki kept his calm demeanor. "There's a lot of grey area there, I'll need further details." As I was about to explain a Hell Butterfly came to him, it seems my explanation was no longer necessary as he seemed to have gotten the specifics from the butterfly confirming what I said. Captain Kuchiki sealed his Bankai and turned away, back facing Ichigo.

"HEY BYAKUYA, WE DIDN'T FINISH OUR FIGHT." He had such power but was so loud and sorta obnoxious, Captain of course paid him no mind and continued walking away. Not getting any response he turned to me. "HEY BLONDIE WHAT'S GOING ON." That struck a chord with me, I was mildly infuriated." I have a name and it's Akira Nozomi!" I sigh "And we got orders from Head Captain to cease all attacks on the intruders and focus on the traitor in the Seireitei."

Ichigo seemed to have settled down. "Wait so Rukia isn't in danger anymore, That's great then right Rukia?" Rukia nodded "But more importantly who is the traitor for the Captains to get involved." expecting this question I replied, "Evidently Aizen is alive and has turned traitor, we suspect other captains are with him as well, we think he has something to do with Rukia execution too."

Ichigo and Rukia looked at each other and nodded "We will help too since this Aizen was the one who tried to get Rukia killed. I can't wait to get my hands on him." He said followed by a devilish smile. "Oh, and by the way, my name is Ichigo, Ichigo Kurosaki." Kurosaki huh anyways now is not the time for pleasantries I give him a quick nodded telling him I understand and follow behind Captain Kuchiki which was already pretty far away. "Anyways, we need to go the last time he was seen was at the C46 building." Ichigo carried Rukia and we all flash-stepped to our destination but was stopped by the group of lieutenants. Almost all of them were there except Momo, Rangiku, Kira, and Renji. We were wondering what they were saying so we landed near them in an attempt to hear the conversation. "Lieutenants what happening, why are you all here didn't you get the order."

The Lieutenants turned towards me. "Yea, but here's the deal." Shuhei started explaining what he heard from Rangiku who was now pursuing Kira. "When Captain Hitsugaya was attacking Aizen, the Squad 2 Captain Gin Ichimaru appeared suddenly gravely wounding him, It seems Gin is with Aizen. We decided to inform the Captains but we didn't know who was on our side so we sent Renji to Byakuya to tell him the news, not to mention Captain Hitsugaya was severely injured."

"Your seemingly justice Soul Society's sure has a lot of traitors huh, how ironic." Ichigo spat. I hit him up the head and continued our conversation. "Ok that explains that but why is Rangiku chasing Kira?" I asked "Well when Rangiku was about to give chase and find Aizen and Gin she was distracted by Kira so she and Kira are currently fighting. We think that Gin is using his lieutenant against us by giving him unclear orders."

Hearing their explanation I could tell things are only getting more and more complicated. After they told us their story. Ichigo and I went off to find the captain traitors while the lieutenants split up and search.

For about an hour nothing seemed to be happening which was rather peculiar, Ichigo decided to split up with me 20 minutes in and went his own way. As I was preparing to head back to squad 6 to check-in I felt an enormous amount of spiritual pressure.

I flash stepped to the vicinity and I could see Aizen with Gin? Ok, How much did I miss? Not only that Aizen's gentle and sincere nature was overshadowed by a more dark one. Not gonna lie he's more handsome without glasses and with slick back hair. Ah... I'm getting sidetracked I rushed to the scene. Some captains were and there was also Rukia, I didn't see Ichigo anywhere.

everyone had their sword out so I also started to unsheath my Zanpakuto.

"You 3 dare betray the soul society. I hope you know your means of punishment will be far worse than death." Yamamoto said.

As I looked around I didn't feel Captain Soi fon or Kenpachi Spiritual Pressure anywhere I assume they were fighting to far away and shrugged off the thought.

"Old man, I'm just trying to accomplish my ideals, and to do that, I need something very important." before I could blink Aizen was in front of Rukia. I sprang into action straight away blocking the incoming attack.

"Oh, what brave young women but I don't have time to deal with you. Gin!."

"Shoot to Kill, Shinso!" A blade came rushing towards me, it only continues to grow in length. I flash stepped out of the way with Rukia. She was currently powerless to defend herself so I was the one to protect her.

"Burst into Bloom, Mizuyuri!" I said while trying to protect Rukia.


End of Chapter 5 yay, Omg this whole Rukia execution arc is almost over can't believe it took 6 chapters but oh well. Cya next time.
