Catching up!

Before we begin: No pairings as of yet and...



Akira Thoughts/Narration


Previously on "Soul Society's Female Shinigami"

Our Shinigami Akira aspires to obtain Bankai and she turns towards her Zanpakuto for help.

Mizuyuri: *Sigh* "Why do you want to learn Bankai all of a sudden at the rate you're going you are bound to get there in a few years."

She's in a rush and wants to obtain more power quickly.

Akira: "I don't have a few years! I need to help the Seireitei defeat Aizen and whatever allies he has, the Soul Society may be in danger!"

While that takes place Aizen is already starting his army in Hueco Mundo?

Aizen: "It's rather simple Gin, now with the Hogyoku In my hands, I will reign as king! But 1st I need allies to do that which is why I came here. Furthermore, I suspect the Seireitei will soon infiltrate this place shortly, luckily I already prepared beforehand and have good progress already. All I need now is to use this to break the boundary between Soul Reaper and Hollow."


Currently In Akira's mindscape...

Akira is meditating on a giant water lotus In a pond while Mizuyuri observes her.

"Obtaining Bankai means you have to thoroughly wield my power and communicate with your Zanpakuto in other words.. me. Now while you are meditating focus think on how water (Reishi) gradually builds up in your body then you pour it into your Zanpakuto. After you've done that repeat the process, almost like one of those fountains."

"Got it."

Akira takes a deep breath and builds up the reishi inside of her then pous it into her Zanpakuto on her lap. The Zanpakuto started glowing gaining more power as Akira repeated this process.

"This is rather easy, and soothing- ugh why did this suddenly get harder." she thought

"You probably guessed it by now dear Akira, the purpose of this technique is to constantly supply your Zanpakuto power and increase your reishi capacity by constantly emptying it. You will do this every day until I think you're fit to move on to the next step."

Akira stops meditating

"But Mizuyrui-"


Akira flinched. "Yes, I hear ya." Akira then leaves her Mindscape."

She wakes up from where she once sat. if you forgot it was a clear grassland with a tiny pond in view.

"So how'd the meditation go." Akira shot up from her spot then turns around to face a rather tiny captain. "Good Morning Captain Hitsugaya."

(It seemed I was slowly losing the 1st person touch with the narration so Ima keep and constant and only do narration when its something Akira couldn't explain)

I bow slightly while greeting him. "You've been out for a while it's the afternoon now." he said while sitting on a tree. "Wha! Already I have to get back to my division"

I quickly excused myself then ran back to the 6th division in a hurry. I swiftly opened the door and then immediately started apologizing.

"I'm sorry Captain Kuchiki it won't happen again I'll make sure to be on tim-"

I look around the office and couldn't see the captain or lieutenant anywhere insight

"Where could they have gone?" I said to myself

"They left, Byakuya and Renji are having some sort of battle exam where other captains are spectating."

(If you haven't guessed it this is the battle they had in the Zanpakuto arc, I decided to do this arc 1st to give Aizen some time you know also, this is the only filler I'm doing, and I'm not even going to go that deep into it either.)

"Oh, I see thank you for informing me uh- I'm sorry what's your name."

"Oh I forgot to introduce myself, I am 6th seat Rantaro Kobayashi"

"Thank you again, Kobayashi, now if you'll excuse me."

Rantaro steps out of the way and I flash step to the "exam" they are having before it starts. Luckily I got there on time.

It seems Renji went into Bankai mode. "Hihio Zabimaru" He then fires a huge red beam at Captain. He responds with dropped his sword into the ground "Scatter Senbonzakura Kageyoshi" He then controls his petals to intercept Renji's beam. Before it could go any further the battle was suspended.

"It was interesting but something caught my eye, it seems Captain Kuchiki's sleeve was cut and something that precise couldn't have been from Renji, so was it his own petal? No way that's impossible Zanpakuto's wouldn't hurt their masters. I dismiss the thought as quickly as it come."


Next time on "Soul Society's Female Shinigami": "Meditation, Determination, and Insubordination?"

Word Count 775
