twenty five; cynical

Olly Murs ft. Demi Lovato - Up

  I drew a broken heart
Right on your window pane
Waited for your reply.
Here in the pouring rain.  

Lilith watched as Kai's chains melted, his chanting becoming louder. She could hardly hear Damon and Alaric's worries, she was too engrossed with watching Kai. It was peculiar to watch, she felt tingles at the tips of her fingers once again, it felt like Kai was absorbing magic from her as well, which was impossible. He looked up at her, his gaze intense as he suddenly stopped chanting. He abruptly stood up, smirking at her as the rope around her became loose enough for her to tug on it and stumble after him.

Lilith frowned when Damon looked up at Kai before whirling around, it looked like he was searching for her. "You little magic sucker," said Damon. "You sucked up all that magic from the travelers spell."

Kai glanced at Lilith over his shoulders, smirking before looking at Alaric, lifting his hand, as he did this, Alaric began to rise in the air before he was slung into a tree, winding him.

Lilith stepped forward, her mouth wide open as she looked around in shock, she had never noticed how strong the wind had become, nor how strong Kai's magic is.

"A lot of magic," Kai agreed. Suddenly Damon blurred to him, shoving him against a tree making Lilith duck out of the way. She guessed Kai had turned her invisible because as Damon raised his fist, Kai disappeared from everyone's eyes before reappearing in just Lilith's. He held a smirk on his face as he ran over to her, grabbing her hand.

"Okay, plan two," said Kai as they slowed down, walking down the road into Mystic Falls. He still held onto her hand, not even realising, but of course, Lilith did, she noticed everything he did.

"Plan two?" She asked, frowning. "And what do you plan to do with plan two?" She knew it was going to be something bad.

"I'm going to hurt Damon, by taking Elena," said Kai, winking at her. "Who wouldn't want to take a beautiful, smart girl such as Ele-" He grinned when he felt her yank her hand away.

Lilith felt herself heat up, everywhere was burning, her fingertips, her face, her heart and especially the brand on her hip. She glared into Kai's eyes as they both came to a stop, Kai's grin dropping from his face. She saw his eyes widen, taking a step back from her. "Woah," he let out.

"What?" She snapped, clenching her fists.

Kai's eyes flickered to her fists before he raised his hands up calmly. "Okay, calm down alright, I didn't mean it, you're the most beautiful girl in the world, in the universe."

Lilith was confused as to why Kai was acting so on edge, his movements steady and slow, his tone forceful as he spoke to her. Why was he treating her like she was a ticking time bomb? However, she did feel herself become calmer, noticing how Kai became less tense. "What was that?" She asked quietly.

"My magic, it's like it's imprinted on you," he whispered. "This bond between us, it was built from me siphoning magic from you, it made us grow stronger, I can feel everything you feel, wherever you are, even when we were in two different worlds."

Kai and Lilith stared at each other as she processed what he was saying. "And what about the brand you placed on me?" She asked.

"That's what's secured this bond, you can't live without me, which means-"

"You can't live without me," she realised, shocked by the revelation. If one died, the other one would also die. "Why would you do that?" She asked.

"Qu'est-ce que je ferais sans toi?" Lilith frowned when he spoke in a foreign language.

"Since when did you speak French?" She asked. "And what does it mean?" Her nose scrunched up as he smiled, looking away from her.

"If I wanted you to know what it meant, I would've told you in English," he replied sarcastically. "And I've spoken it for a long time, I studied it in high school and believe it or not, there were times I would get very bored in the prison world before you came along."

Lilith blushed and glanced down. "Oh shut up," she mumbled and began to walk forwards but the shout of her name coming from Kai's lips stopped her. She turned around.

"Be more angry, you might need it," he said, his face blank as he stared at her before he walked up to her and straight passed her.

Lilith was confused by his statement but decided to shrug it off, marking it down as one of his crazy talks.

"If you chose one person to take to an island with you, who would you pick?" Asked Lilith as she and Kai laid on the grass in front of the Gemini Coven house, their hands laying on their stomachs as they stared up at the clear blue sky.

"Uh, I'd pick, uh, that's a really hard question," Kai hissed, his eyebrows furrowing. "No one really, I can survive on my own, I mean, it's obvious I'm fine by myself I meant I was here for 14 years by myself, so..." He shrugged. "What about you?"

I'd pick you, Lilith thought but instead she replied with the first thing that came to her mind. "Your mom."

"Where are we going Kai?" Asked Lilith, her feet were aching as were her legs and every other part of her body.

"Nearly there Lil'," he said, slowing down his pace slightly. He smiled at her when she walked by his side and threw an arm around her shoulder. "Who's a good girl?" He pretended to pet her head.

Lilith frowned as they walked. "I am not a dog," she scolded him, pointing her finger in his face, she noticed him open his mouth and quickly cut him off. "And don't you dare make any comment about me being your bitch."

"Pointing is rude," he muttered, placing his hand on her raised finger and gently pushed it back to her side, tightening his grip around her shoulders. He pressed her closer to him. "I want you to meet me at the grill later on okay? I need to get someone."

Lilith frowned. "It'll be closed by the time I get there?" She told him. "That's if I even know the way," she mumbled.

"Are you really making me play hide and seek? It's just us two here!" Exclaimed Lilith, throwing her hands up in the air in frustration.

Kai smiled at her from down the hallway. "Yes, yes we are playing hide and seek, it's good to get to know each other," he tried, shrugging his shoulders.

"How?" She asked, laughter in her tone.

"I'll let you know when I've figured it out, now go count to 30!" He ordered, shooing her into the direction of the bathroom, making sure the door is closed fully. "No cheating!" He shouted through the door.

Lilith scoffed and rolled her eyes at the door, looking around the bathroom awkwardly as she mentally counted to 30. She knew he'd b timing her too, 'to make sure she didn't cheat'.

"Ready or not here I come!" She shouted, opening the door.

Lilith gulped as she stood outside of the grill. She had asked around for directions once she had split off from Kai, who still refused to tell her where he was going. She knew he was going to get Elena, but how could he possibly know where she is. Jealousy began to grow in the pit of her stomach as she remembered Kai describing her. He may have been joking, he may have not and that is what put Lilith on edge. But then there was one other thing that put her on edge that night.

As she stood in the cold, rubbing her bare hands together her eyes wandered the nearly deserted streets, dismissing the people who were walking home from work or a party, or even a club. But there was one person, who kept standing and staring at her.


Lilith felt her heart begin to pound and she looked away awkwardly. What could she do to get away from him? She knew she had to face him one day, but not yet, she wasn't ready, but it seemed like luck wasn't on her side as she saw him make his way over to her from the corner of her eye.

"Lilly," breathed Gabriel once reaching her. He licked at his lips nervously, clenching his fists, he could feel himself becoming clammy as he saw her porcelain face, the same face from four years ago. "There's only one person who gets to be sickened by me, and that's you," he whispered, tears in his eyes. He stepped closer to her, raising his hand to her face slowly. He grasped her chin his hand and turned her head to him. "I'm so sorry," he said.

Lilith couldn't hold back the tears from within and let them out, she cried for herself, for Gabriel, for Lucifer, for their broken family. She fell onto her big brother, wrapping her arms around him. He crushed her body against his, running his hand through her hair comfortingly. "You left us," she cried out into his shoulder.

"I know," said Gabriel, feeling tears trickle down his cheeks.

"Our brother died and you left, you left me alone with those monsters," she carried on, remembering what she went through from her parents. People misread it for grief, but they were incapable of those feelings.

"And I'm sorry for that," he said as he pulled away. "I know sorry doesn't cut it, I've been trying to find you for two years Lilly, where have you been?" He asked, bending his head down to look at her clearly but she kept dodging his looks. He grew worried. "Lily-"

"Oh, you've met Lils?" Came a familiar voice, one Lilith was grateful for. "Even gave her a nickname didn't you David," said Kai, slapping him on the back.

Lilith snorted as Gabriel turned to glare at Kai. "It's Gabriel, how could you even mix that up with David?" He asked.

Kai stared across at Gabriel for a few seconds before shrugging. "I don't know," he replied before smiling over at Lilith. He noticed the streaks running down her face and frowned. "What happened?" He asked.

"This is Gabriel, Kai," she said forcefully. It took Kai several seconds for it to click. He let out a sound of shock, his mouth popping open. "Oh, this is the 'brother' who left you to suffer because he was a wimp?" He asked sarcastically.

Gabriel opened his mouth to defend himself but Kai quickly turned back to Lilith. "I need your help carrying Elena," he told her before grabbing her wirst. "Bye Daniel!" He shouted over his shoulder.

"Tigerlilly, Waterlily, Lily, Lils, Lily-pad," Kai listed off. He was wondering what to call Lilith, not really liking the fact that no one really ever gave her a nickname apart from Gabriel and Lucifer.

"I like Lils," he suddenly said, turning towards her. "It's settled, you are now known as Lils," he grinned.

Lilith shook her head, smiling as they walked through the opening of the forest.

Lilith looked over her shoulder at Gabriel, who lifted a hand and waved, smiling slightly. She let a small smile grace her face and turned around, following after Kai.
