The One Winged Angel - FFVII

Moments after they had placed Elena Gilbert in the tomb they stood there, all together but feeling incredibly alone. They had just lost their best friend, lovers, and friends. Some of them were going crazy in their own heads, thinking about what should have been done, what could have been done. Others tried to see the bigger picture, thinking how life could be much worse.

"This town's a mess," said the blonde of the group, Caroline Forbes, looking around at all of her friends. All muttered a term of agreement, nodding their heads along with what each other began saying.

"I don't know what's worse, cleaning up dead bodies or leaving the police to find them?" said another, Stefan Salvatore, the straight and narrow person. He looked towards his brother, Damon, who still stood in front of the coffin, a sad expression on his face.

"It'd be best to clear up the bodies, not only to steer clear of the police," began the witch of the group, Bonnie Bennett, "but also as a sign of respect," she finished, glancing at her friends. All muttered an agreement once again and exited the Salvatore Tomb.

None dared to speak of what happened, not in front of those who were hurt in ways others couldn't dare to imagine. What's it like to live without the love of your life?

They told Damon to go home, they told Alaric Saltzman to accompany him and knowing the two needed someone around, they asked for Matt Donovan to go with them.

The rest had headed to the damned site of destruction, their faces distraught as they saw how many people had died. Most were the Gemini coven whilst others were normal and innocent people.

"A lot of good people died," stated Caroline, staying close to Stefan as they looked around. Bonnie and Stefan hummed behind her as they began to spread out. "I don't even know where to begin, like where do we put them? Do we bury them or burn them?"

Bonnie wasn't listening, instead, she was panicking. She remembered this night, she always will and she remembered a girl who was with Kai. Lilith Black. Bonnie froze. Where was she? She saw Lilith die right here, she saw her take her last breath as Kai left her.

"Guys," Bonnie said forcefully, her eyes flashing over everybody. "She's not here," she stated. "She's not here!" She began to panic, fear rising inside her.

Caroline and Stefan flashed to her side within a second, both wearing expressions of worry. "What is it? Who's not here Bonnie?" Asked Caroline, she looked up to Stefan with worry only to find his face contorted into a look of concentration as he looked over the bodies.

"Lilith, her body isn't here," he answered instead of Bonnie, glancing back to the two. Realisation spread across all of their faces. "You don't think-"

Bonnie shook her head. "It could be possible, he turned into a vampire why would he leave her behind?" She asked.

"He wouldn't," Caroline whispered before sighing. "How did we not realise this?" She asked out loud.

"We were so caught up with Kai and everything else we completely forgot about this. We all thought he'd be tired of her," stated Stefan.

Bonnie scoffed and shook her head. "You didn't see them in the Prison World, they were in love, you could tell, ask Damon," she added whence seeing their expressions.

"Either someone's taken her body or she's alive and walking around without a care in the world!" Caroline stressed. She gasped and said, "we have to warn everyone, guard Elena and Bonnie, she'll look for revenge."

Stefan shook his head at her worries. "She's smart, she won't attack straight away Care," he said softly.

"They still need protection, Stefan. From her."
