Chapter 42.

Hey Guys!!!!

The 42nd chapter for the story.

I don't own Mahabharat.

Happy Reading!!


-- flashback –

Today the kids rushed to the place they were supposed to meet Lord Shiva. Due a little more work, they got a little late. They were hoping that Mahadev won't grow angry on them. But then he is a Tri- Kal- Darshi, he will know right?

But when they reached the place designated for them to meet Mahakal, nobody was there.

Both the kids exchanged worried looks, did Mahadev go angry on them? He had a legendry anger, least to say the two ten- year- old's were worried.

Before they could think much about it, there was a bright flash at the foot of the magnanimous Banyan tree.
When, it was gone the kids were surprised to see some scriptures kept there. Along with it was a note.

The kids ran up to it to read it, it said.

Dear Kids,

I am sorry, I won't be able to narrate the story to you today for a reason. I have sent the scriptures that account about Devi Kathyayini, the sixth form of Nav- Durga. Read it for today.

Your Grand- dad


The kids exchanged surprised looks but never the less picked the scriptures and started to read it alternatively, for both of them.

Devi Kathyayini is to be depicted with four, ten, or eighteen hands. This is the second name given for Goddess Adi Parashakti in Amarakosha, the Sanskrit lexicon (Goddess Parvati names- Uma, Kathyayini, Gauri, Kali, Haimavati and Ishwari, etc.).

In Shaktism, she is associated with the fierce forms of Shakti or Durga, a Her appearance is immensely majestic and divine. She is represented with four-arms. Her upper left hand holds sword and lower left hand represents lotus-flower. Her upper right hand is in Abhaya mudra, and lower right hand is in Barmudra.

Lion is her procession. Her appearance is imagined with pink Saree wearing white rosary on her neck. Goddess Kathyayini also represents divine power for demolishing tyranny and torments of demons and giants.

Devi Kathyayini is a warrior goddess, which also includes her forms of Bhadra Kali and Chandika, and traditionally she is associated with the colour red, as with Goddess Parvati, the primordial form of Shakti

In Hindu traditions like Yoga and Tantra, she is ascribed to the sixth Ajana Chakra or the Third eye chakra and her blessings are invoked by concentrating on this point.

It is said that she was created from the combined energies of the gods when their anger at the demon Mahishasura manifested itself in the form of energy rays. The rays crystallized in the hermitage of Kātyāyana Rishi, who gave it proper form therefore she is also called Katyayani or "daughter of Katyayana".

The story goes like this, "When the gods had sought Vishnu in their distress, he and at his command Shiva, Brahma and the other gods, emitted such flames from their eyes and countenances that a mountain of effulgence was formed, from which became manifest Katyayini, refulgent as a thousand suns, having three eyes, black hair and eighteen arms."

"Shiva gave her his trident, Vishnu a Sudarshan Chakra or discus, Varuna a shankha, a conch-shell, Agni a dart, Vayu a bow, Surya a quiver full of arrows, Indra a thunderbolt, Kuvera a mace, Brahma a rosary and water-pot, Kala a shield and sword, Visvakarma a battle-axe and other weapons. Thus, armed and adored by the gods, Katyayani proceeded to the Mysore hills."

There, the asuras saw her and captivated by her beauty they so described her to Mahishasura, their king, that he was anxious to obtain her. On asking for her hand, she told him she must be won in fight."

"She must be very intelligent and courageous." Karn says, "to trap someone like that, with so much confidence, must be hard."

"I so agree with you, right now." Ananya nodded, inspired by the lady warrior who happens to be a goddess.

"He took on the form of Mahisha, the bull and fought; at length Durga dismounted from her lion, and sprang upon the back of Mahisha, who was in the form of a bull and with her tender feet smote him on the head with such a terrible force that he fell to the ground senseless.

"Wow!" Karn whistled. "Just one move."

"Man! I want to learn to fight like her." Ananya pouted.

"Then she cut off his head with her sword and henceforth was called Mahishasuramardini, the Slayer of Mahishasura."

"There is a legend that has also found mention in Varaha Purana and the classical text of Shaktism, the Devi-Bhagavata Purana Skanda Purana have another Version, where Katyayani appear as 2 armed Goddess and later Expand Into 12 armed. Here Because of Kartikey 's splendor She got her name. Parvati Gifts her lion in this Version. It's unique version as Katayayani forgives Mahisha."

But that is not all. She was all the destroyer of Raktabeeja, an aide of Kolhasur, possessed a power (Siddhi) whereby every drop of his blood spilled on earth would give rise to a demon."

The two friends looked at each other before shrieking together, "Ma Durga!"

"Due to this power, Bhairava was finding it impossible to kill Raktabeej. Katyayani swallowed all of Raktabeej's blood without letting it fall on earth."

"She then created an Amrut Kunda (tank of nectar) to rejuvenate Bhairava's soldiers, thus playing a crucial role in the war. Her temple to the South of Kolhapur commemorates this."

"The second among the 'Shaktipeeths' is Tulja Bhavani (Parvati) of Tuljapur. It is the family deity of the Bhosale Royal family, the Yadavs and of countless numbers of families belonging to different castes. "

"According to Tantras, she revealed through the North face, which is one six faces of Shiva. This face is blue in colour and with three eyes and also revealed the Devi's, Dakshinakalika, Mahakali, Guhyakali, Smashanakalika, Bhadra Kali, Ekajata, Ugratara (fierce Tara), Taritni, Chhinnamasta, Nilasarasvati (Blue Saraswati), Durga, Jayadurga, Nava Durga, Vashuli, Dhumavati, Vishalakshi, Parvati, Bagalamukhi, Pratyangira, Matangi, Mahishasuramardini, their rites and Mantras."

She is worshiped as the Adi shakti swaroop who if you make vow of fasting, would give you the husband you have wished and prayed for. The fasting, called Kātyāyanī-vrata is made for a whole month, offering such things as sandal, flowers, incense, etc.:

"During the month of Mārgaśīrṣa, every day early in the morning the young daughters of the cowherds(gopis) would take one another's hands and singing of Krishna's transcendental qualities, go to the Yamuna (Jamuna) to bathe. Desiring to obtain Krishna as their husband, they would then worship the goddess Kātyāyanī with incense, flowers and other items".

"Who is Krishna?" Karn frowned.

"No idea, to be truthful." Ananya let's her eyebrows furrow too.

Why did she feel as if she had a connection with this 'Krishna' guy? Who was he and if he was so important, then why did they not know about him?

" देवी कात्यायन्यै नम: Oṃ Devī Kātyāyanyai Namaḥ" Karn concludes.

" देवी कात्यायन्यै नम: Oṃ Devī Kātyāyanyai Namaḥ" And Ananya repeats after him.

"This felt strange." Ananya comments.

"Yeah, I prefer Mahadev's voice." Karn agrees, nodding.

Ananya smirked. "Somebody likes his skills."

"What?!" Karn asked trying to deny the fact.

"Do not deny it, I know it." Ananya teases Karn. 


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A new style of story narration today. 

Why do you think, Lord Shiva was not there with the kids?

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Thanks for reading!

(1315 words.)

